Master of Science (M.S.)

Biomedical Engineering Admissions Requirements

The minimum requirements for admission to the Master of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering program are described below. Note that admission to the Master in Biomedical Engineering program is competitive and satisfying these requirements does not guarantee admission.

Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or better in the last 60 semester credit hours of coursework with a major in a recognized science or engineering discipline. All students should have had sufficient background in engineering, chemistry, biology and physics prior to being admitted to the program. It is expected that these students will have B.S. degrees with an emphasis in either engineering, physical science or biological science disciplines. All students are required to have completed at least one year of engineering physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics (up to Differential Equations I or Applied Engineering Analysis I). Students with deficiencies in the above courses will be required to satisfactorily complete selected courses as a condition of acceptance.

Three letters of recommendation attesting to the applicant’s readiness for graduate study are also required.

complete application includes the application form, official transcripts, letters of recommendation, a résumé and a statement of the applicant’s research experience, interests and goals. Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores are optional. 

The applicant’s performance on a standardized test will be considered in addition to other criteria for admission or competitive scholarship awards and will not be used as the sole criterion for consideration of an applicant.

Students whose native language is not English must achieve a minimum score of:

  • 79 on the Internet-based version of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam, 
  • 550 on the paper-based version of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam, or 
  • 6.5 on the IELTS exam

Those who do not meet the minimum English proficiency scores may be considered for the graduate pathway.

Minimum scores are based on UTSA's minimum required scores for international applicants. English language proficiency requirements can be viewed on UTSA graduate admissions site or UTSA international admissions site.   

International applicants who have completed or will complete their degree prior to matriculation at an accredited U.S. institution may be exempted from the TOEFL/IELTS requirement. 

Biomedical Engineering Degree Requirements

Thesis Option

A minimum of 32.0 semester credit hours beyond the bachelor’s degree and a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 is required for the M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering thesis option. Undergraduate courses, general education courses, and prerequisites for graduate courses cannot be counted toward this total. For transferring students, course credit allowed for transfer will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Biomedical Engineering Committee on Graduate Studies (COGS). If recommended by COGS, the request will then be submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School for approval. Regardless of their area of specialization, all students are required to take a total of 17.0 semester credit hours of required core courses.  In addition, all students must register for three semesters of research seminar, a minimum of 6 semester credit hours of approved elective courses, and a minimum of 6 semester credit hours of biomedical engineering master’s thesis research.  The courses taken by students are intended to focus and support the individual’s mastery of his or her particular area of specialization.  The student must successfully present their thesis and be recommended by their program COGS for approval of their degree to the Dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

Non-thesis Option

A non-thesis option is available upon approval from the program director and the Graduate Advisor of Record. Typically, a master's degree (non-thesis option) plan of study will consist of at least 36.0 semester credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree. Undergraduate courses, general education courses and prerequisites for graduate courses cannot be counted toward this total. For transferring students, course credit allowed for transfer will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Biomedical Engineering Committee on Graduate Studies (COGS). If recommended by COGS, the request will then be submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School for approval. Regardless of their area of specialization, all students are required to take a total of 18.0 semester credit hours of required core courses. In addition, all students must register for three semesters of research seminar and a minimum of 15 semester credit hours of approved elective courses.

Biomedical Engineering Plans of Study

For the thesis option, a minimum of 32.0 semester credit hours is needed to obtain a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering.

For the non-thesis option, a minimum of 36.0 semester credit hours is needed to obtain a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering.

* Please note that courses with the prefix BME are taken at The University of Texas at San Antonio.

Thesis Option

UT Health San Antonio Course Offerings

BIME 6006Human Physiology for Bioengineers3
BIME 6004Biology For Bioengineers3
BIME 6098Thesis1-12
BIME 6090Seminar1
TSCI 5070Responsible Conduct of Research2

UTSA Course Offerings

BME 6033- BME Engineering Analysis

BME 6703-Biomedical Imaging

BME 6803 Experimental Biomechanics

BME 6903- Biomaterials

BME 6981, 6982, 6983, 6986- BME Research

BME 6001 BME Seminar

Non-thesis Option

UT Health San Antonio

BIME 6004Biology For Bioengineers3
BIME 6006Human Physiology for Bioengineers3
BIME 6090Seminar1
TSCI 5070Responsible Conduct of Research2

UTSA Course Offerings

BME 6033- BME Engineering Analysis

BME 6703-Biomedical Imaging

BME 6803- Experimental Biomechanics

BME 6903- Biomaterials

BME 6001- BME Seminar

Biomedical Engineering Objectives/Program Outcomes

  1. BME students will demonstrate their understanding of fundamental biology concepts for biomedical applications. Fundamental knowledge of biology is evaluated.
  2. BME students will be able to design and carry out research experiments. Fundamental research skills are evaluated.
  3. BME students will be able to communicate research findings to diverse audience.
  4. BME students will demonstrate their understanding of biomaterials concepts. Fundamental biomaterials knowledge and the students' abilities to apply the knowledge of biomaterials are evaluated.
  5. BME students will demonstrate their understanding of biomechanics concepts. Fundamental knowledge of biomechanics is evaluated.
  6. BME students will conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner in all biomedical engineering research.
  7. BME students will critically evaluate scientific literature.

BIME 5091. Independent Study. 0.5-3 Credit Hours.

This course will be arranged through BME faculty. Topic and mode of study are agreed upon by student and instructor. Semester hours are variable and credit hours will be determined by topic. The course is offered during all terms. The course may be repeated for credit when topics vary. Prerequisites: Graduate student standing and consent of instructor.

BIME 6004. Biology For Bioengineers. 3 Credit Hours.

This course provides a broad background in biological concepts with specific attention given to biological processes important in bioengineering. Topics will include biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, cell biology and physiology. Applications will enhance understanding cellular processes important in bioengineering, such as gene therapy and tissue repair and regeneration. Prerequisites: permission of the instructor Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.

BIME 6006. Human Physiology for Bioengineers. 3 Credit Hours.

The objective of this course is to introduce students to human physiology with emphasis on physical principles, guiding rules and quantitative approaches. The course will focus on cellular function and physiological processes as applied to human systems including cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, nervous, digestive, renal, reproductive and endocrine. An undergraduate biology course or an equivalent to it is required prior to registering for this course. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.

BIME 6071. Supervised Teaching. 1 Credit Hour.

Supervised teaching of undergraduate, graduate, medical/dental students, or clinical residents will be required for at least one semester. For example, students may be required to lecture at undergraduate courses at UTSA or lecture to orthopedic/dental residents about implants and materials at the HSC. The exact nature of the teaching will be determined based on each student's program of study. Prerequisites for this course include admission to candidacy and consent of the supervising professor, program director, and Committee of Graduate Studies chair.

BIME 6090. Seminar. 1 Credit Hour.

Students will have the opportunity to hear presentations from outside speakers, BME faculty and peers. As a prerequisite, Graduate (Ph.D.) students are required to enroll in this course during fall and spring semesters during doctoral studies.

BIME 6097. Research. 1-12 Credit Hours.

This course consists of independent, original research under the direction of a faculty advisor.

BIME 6098. Thesis. 1-12 Credit Hours.

Registration for at least one term is required of M.S. candidates. Prerequisite: admission to candidacy for Master of Science degree.

BIME 7099. Dissertation. 1-12 Credit Hours.

Registration for at least two semesters (12 SCH) after a student has been admitted to candidacy for the doctoral degree. This course is required for Ph.D. candidates. Prerequisites include admission to candidacy for Doctor of Philosophy degree in Biomedical Engineering and consent of supervising professor, program director and Committee of Graduate Studies chair.

CSAT 5022. Clinically-Oriented Human Anatomy. 5.5 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of whole-body human anatomy as it applies to clinical practice. This course teaches foundational anatomical relationships and common variations following a regional approach, with select topics receiving regional systemic emphasis. This includes correlating anatomy with clinical pathologies, procedures, and imaging through didactic lectures, gross anatomy prosection laboratory, and active learning sessions. Clinical cases will be incorporated in lecture and in laboratory to foster critical thinking skills necessary for students to use their anatomical knowledge to solve clinical problems. Humanism and professionalism, including compassion and empathy, are integrated into the course to help students form a healthy professional identity in the medical field. Course fees: Cadaver Fee $843, Lab Fee $30, Technology Fee $50.

CSAT 5095. Experimental Design And Data Analysis. 3 Credit Hours.

The purpose of the course is to provide an introduction to experimental design and statistical analysis. The emphasis of the course will be on the selection and application of proper tests of statistical significance. Practical experience will be provided in the use of both parametric and nonparametric methods of statistical evaluation. Among the topics to be covered are: data reduction, types of distributions, hypothesis testing, scales of measurement, chi square analysis, the special case of the comparison of two groups; analysis of variance; a posteriori multiple comparisons tests, tests of the assumptions of parametric analyses, advanced forms of the analysis of variance, linear regression, and correlation analysis. This course involves the use of statistical software; therefore, access to a laptop or a computer with web access for classes and examinations is required.

INTD 5007. Advanced Cellular And Molecular Biology. 4 Credit Hours.

This course provides an in-depth learning experience that instructs students on the fundamentals of molecular biology and cell biology as well as prepares the student to evaluate and design new research in the cutting-edge areas of modern molecular biology and cell biology. The course combines a didactic program of lectures along with a small group discussion format in which students interact closely with a group of faculty who have active research programs. The course focuses on active areas of research in molecular biology: Chromatin structure, DNA Transcription, DNA Replication and Repair, Recombination, RNA processing and regulation, Protein processing, targeting and degradation and in cell biology: Cell Signaling and Communication, Cell Growth, and Cell Death. Each week, the faculty provide students with didactic lectures on a current research area. Students and faculty will then jointly discuss key publications that serve to bridge the gap between the fundamental underpinnings of the field and the state of the art in that area.

INTD 5040. Fundamentals Of Neuroscience1: Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Neuroscience. 2 Credit Hours.

This course is intended to introduce students to a broad survey of the basics of molecular, cellular and developmental neuroscience. The course is organized into a series of three modules: biochemical and cellular properties of nervous system cells, development of neuronal systems, and neutrotransmission and neuromodulation, which covers the fundamentals of these three areas. Current topics and concepts are discussed in discussion sessions that include student participation. Two components; Neuroscience students register for both PHYL 5041 and INTD 5040.

INTD 7074. Topics In Translational Medical Product Development. 1 Credit Hour.

It is crucial to understand the intricate process of translating basic research into market driven products, navigate the complex pathways of intellectual property management and the regulatory affairs of agencies such as the FDA. This course will offer students in biomedical sciences the opportunity to integrate industry-relevant training and experience with their basic science education. The course will explore the marketing and regulatory process by which a biomedical product is developed and brought to commercialization.

MICR 5051. Intro To Immunology. 2 Credit Hours.

This course is a study of immune responses with emphasis on experimental strategies for elucidating cellular and molecular mechanisms. Three phases of study: (1) immunochemistry and molecular biology of antibodies, lymphocyte receptors, and products of the major histocompatibility complex; (2) cellular interactions and immuno-regulation; and (3) immunopathologies (hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, transplantation rejection, and tumor immunology). Prerequisites: consent of instructor, courses in General Biology and Genetics recommended.

PHAR 5013. Principles Of Pharmacology & Physiology 1. 3 Credit Hours.

Topics include principles of drug action; receptor classification and quantitation; dose response relationships; cellular mechanisms of drug action; fundamental concepts of drug receptor interactions; voltage gated and ion channels; drug actions mediate by transduction and non-transduction enzymes; time course of drug action; absorption, distribution, biotransformation and elimination of drugs; pharmacokinetics; and experimental approaches to drug action.

RADI 5015. Physics Of Diagnostic Imaging 1. 3 Credit Hours.

This course introduces the student to the basic principles and radiological practice using noninvasive imaging systems. Topics include production of x-rays, interaction of radiation with matter, and the physics of imaging using computed tomography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance. Prerequisites: consent of instructor.

RADI 6016. Physics of Diagnostic Imaging 2. 3 Credit Hours.

This course includes theory and applications of various forms of electronic imaging systems; advanced diagnostic imaging principles involving mathematical image analysis, digital image processing, digital image display, and concepts of electronic imaging. Prerequisites: consent of instructor.

RADI 6051. Statistical Parametric Mapping. 3 Credit Hours.

Course content includes principles of NMR Spectroscopy as applied to the resolution of molecular structural problems in chemistry, biology, and medicine; and principles and methods for designing BOLD contrast MRI experiments and evaluating fMRI data.

TSCI 5070. Responsible Conduct of Research. 2 Credit Hours.

This foundational course introduces students to core ethical content necessary for responsible research conduct. Through interactive seminars, students will learn about (1) scientists as responsible members of society (contemporary ethical issues in biomedical research and environmental/social impacts of research), (2) policies for research with human subjects and vertebrate animals, (3) collaborative research, (4) conflicts of interest (personal, professional, financial), (5) data acquisition and laboratory tools (management, sharing, ownership), (6) responsible authorship and publication, (7) mentor/trainee responsibilities and relationships, (8) peer review (9) research misconduct (forms of misconduct and management policies) (10) informed consent, privacy regulations, good clinical practice, and special populations in clinical investigations.

Other courses may be chosen from prescribed electives. Additional courses are only offered at UTSA. Please refer to plan of study and BME joint website for more details.