Deaf Educ & Hearing Science (DEHS)
DEHS 5001. Foundations of Ed for the Deaf. 2.5 Credit Hours.
History of the education of the hearing impaired including Deaf Culture and American Sign Language (ASL). Impact of hearing loss on academic access, vocational choice, and personal development. Current trends in academic programming, parent-infant through college, and provisions for multicultural populations.
DEHS 5003. Speech Mech-Anatomy/Physiology/Acoustics. 2.5 Credit Hours.
This course is a study of the component parts of the speech mechanisms and their coordination to permit functional speech, physiology and acoustics of speech, impact of hearing loss on development and maintenance of functional speech skills, and individual assessment procedures. Practicum included.
DEHS 5005. Factors In Child Language Acquisition. 2.5 Credit Hours.
Course content includes the normal progression of language, cognition and social development, and how hearing loss impacts on development; an overview of acquisition of language by children who may have more than one handicapping condition; the nature of bilingual and ESL language learning in relation to hearing loss, including the impact of visual language learning through speech reading and signing systems; and the nature of language development as related to learning theories, communicative functions, and culture. Practicum included.
DEHS 5007. Introduction to Audiology. 3 Credit Hours.
Nature of sound, anatomy, and physiology of hearing; types of testing for hearing loss; analysis of audiograms; fitting of ear molds; operation and design of hearing aids; use and maintenance of FM units; and Cochlear implants and assistive technology. Practicum included.
DEHS 5011. Language Development. 3 Credit Hours.
Course content includes the assessment of present language and listening levels in hearing impaired children and methods of aural habilitation and language instruction/therapy. Practicum included.
DEHS 5021. Teaching/Management Apprenticeship 1. 4 Credit Hours.
Students spend time in the education and management/coordination of services for the hearing impaired. Students spend time teaching both hearing and hearing-impaired students and in managing and coordinating social, education, and health services for the hearing impaired.
Course fees: Practicum $10.
DEHS 5090. Independent Study. 0.5-4 Credit Hours.
This course will be arranged through DEHS faculty. Topic and mode of study are agreed upon by student and instructor. Semester hours are variable and credit hours will be determined per topic. The course is offered any term. The course may be repeated for credit when topics vary.
DEHS 6002. Counseling Families of Children with Hearing Loss. 1.5 Credit Hour.
The impact of a hearing loss upon the child, the family, and the community; reactions and adjustments identified and evaluated; delivery of services from birth through adulthood; and newborn screening are included. Crisis periods are identified and coping mechanisms evaluated. Also included are the role of classroom teacher and health professional in providing support to the family, and a multi-professional team approach to long-term management for the hearing impaired.
DEHS 6004. Curriculum Mod-Child W/Hear Loss. 2.5 Credit Hours.
Course content includes the development and adaptation of curricular materials and instructional procedures for the child with hearing impairment; selection and writing of objectives for speech, language, and listening within the content of early childhood education best practices; impact of current research in the effective teaching of reading and the language arts for children with hearing loss, including the identification of techniques and materials useful in meeting the individual needs of each student. Students will have the opportunity to learn adaptive strategies to address the needs of students with multiple handicaps. Practicum included.
DEHS 6006. Best Practices in Early Intervention. 2.5 Credit Hours.
Provision of services to infants, toddlers and preschoolers and their families through public and private agencies. Use of the Auditory-Verbal Therapy approach emphasizing the development of optimum listening skills in children with hearing impairment and the recognition of caregivers as the primary models of spoken language. Includes parent guidance, counseling, education and support. Practicum is included.
DEHS 6008. Speech for Hearing Impaired Student. 2.5 Credit Hours.
This course addresses: specific development and remedial techniques for articulation therapy; assessment of phonetic and phonologic level skills; strategies for elicitation, development; transfer and maintenance of all English phonemes and suprasegmentals; and choosing techniques appropriate to auditory/visual/tactile modalities available to the child with hearing loss. Practicum included.
DEHS 6009. Aural (Re) Habilitation. 2.5 Credit Hours.
This course is designed to study methods of pediatrics aural rehabilitation available for children with hearing loss and the impact of new technologies on therapy and teaching.
DEHS 6022. Teaching/Management Apprenticeship 2. 4 Credit Hours.
Continuation of Teaching/Management Apprenticeship I. Students will be required to develop a comprehensive portfolio of their experiences and abilities. Outcomes of their knowledge and skills gained in the program are emphasized.
Course fees: Practicum $10.