Anesthesiology (ANES)
ANES 4000. Special Topic. 4 Credit Hours.
This is a self-designed course created by both the student and the department to cover a specific topic. A Course Approval Form must be completed along with documentation of the designed course description.
ANES 4001. Clinical Anesthesiology. 4 Credit Hours.
Students are required to participate in Anesthesiology at one of the general hospitals affiliated with The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio with supervised, graded responsibility for anesthetic management during all phases of the peri-operative period. Objectives are to develop skills for physical assessment, choice of anesthetic management, administration of anesthesia, airway maintenance, and basic life support of the anesthetized patient.
ANES 4002. Critical Care. 4 Credit Hours.
Students are required to participate in the adult surgical intensive care unit at Audie Murphy VA Hospital. Emphasis will be placed on the diagnosis and treatment of all aspects of acute respiratory failure, especially that occurring in the postoperative state, including post-cardiac surgery. The principles of pulmonary, renal, cardiac, and nutritional support will be discussed. The ethics of life support are also discussed.
ANES 4004. Obstetrical/Analgesia Mgmt. 4 Credit Hours.
Students will participate in the Obstetric Anesthesiology department at University Hospital. Teaching will emphasize practical care with the student taking an active part in the monitoring of and assisting in the anesthetic care of healthy or complicated women in labor, as well as those undergoing cesarean section. Students will have the opportunity to perform intubations, epidurals, and spinals. Management of GYN outpatient anesthesia will also be included. Emergency resuscitation for hypotension, convulsions, aspiration, and respiratory cardiac arrest may be reviewed as well as prophylactic measures for the prevention of these conditions.
ANES 4005. Pain Management. 4 Credit Hours.
Students participate in the University Center for Pain Medicine at University Hospital managing chronic pain patients using a multi-disciplinary approach. Students will be exposed to areas of pain management that include operative vs. non-operative options for chronic pain patients and physical therapy and mobilization techniques. Student's responsibilities include evaluating new patient with a focused and detailed physical exam, seeing follow up patients for medication management, and managing patient pre, during, and post procedures. The student is required to become proficient in accurately evaluating back pain, neuropathies, radiculopathies, and pain diseases including regional complex pain syndromes. This rotation is designed for any student, especially those interested in primary care, anesthesiology, orthopedics, neurology, neurosurgery, or chronic pain management.
ANES 4008. Cardiothoracic Anesthesia. 4 Credit Hours.
Students will be involved in care of the cardiothoracic patients at University Hospital. Emphasis will be on anesthesia for patients with cardiovascular and thoracic disease, cardiopulmonary physiology and pharmacology, and invasive hemodynamic monitoring. Students will work directly with one of the cardiothoracic faculty in the Anesthesiology Department.
ANES 4009. Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain. 4 Credit Hours.
Students will be involved in the care of patients on the acute pain service and of regional anesthesia patients at University Hospital with direct supervision by the acute pain and regional anesthesia faculty. Emphasis will be on orthopedic procedures requiring regional blocks, surgeries, epidural or spinal placements, and management of an acute pain service, including medication management. Students will also have an option for one week exposure to chronic pain at the UT Medicine Pain Clinic with three weeks on the acute pain service. The student would need a basic understanding of the sedation used for blocks, along with medications used for pain during and after surgery. Eligible students have an understanding of anesthetic requirements for surgery, context on when blocks may be indicated, and experience seeing blocks used successfully in the ORs. As a prerequisite, this course is recommended for students who have a strong career interest in Anesthesiology and have completed at least one MS3 or MS4 rotation in Clinical Anesthesiology.
ANES 4010. 9th Floor ICU. 4 Credit Hours.
Students are required to participate in caring for post-transplant (liver, kidney, and lung) and post-cardiac patients as well as those needing extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) on the 9th Floor ICU at University Hospital. Students will learn about relevant neurologic, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, hematologic, endocrine, and renal pathophysiology and treatment in these postoperative conditions. Emphasis will be placed on the diagnosis and treatment of all aspects of acute respiratory failure, especially that occurring in the postoperative state, including post-cardiac surgery. The ethics of life support are also discussed.
ANES 4103. Critical Appraisal of the Medical Literature. 4 Credit Hours.
Students will initially be introduced to the principles of evidence-based medicine through online lectures. They will participate in online activities and discussions to further facilitate learning. Throughout the course, students will prepare for a final small group presentation at Journal Club, which will take place at the end of the course. At Journal Club, students will present their article and participate in discussion of their peers' articles.
ANES 6081. Anesthesia Rotation. 1.5 Credit Hour.
Students rotate through the operating room and peri-operative patient areas of the hospital to evaluate patients undergoing general anesthesia and deep conscious sedation. The primary purposes of this clinical rotation are to allow the student to become comfortable with airway management and patient monitoring.
ANES 7000. Off Campus. 4 Credit Hours.
All off-campus rotations must be approved by the designated faculty member prior to the beginning of the rotation (at least one week before the course begins). Credit will not be given for any rotation that has not been approved in advance. Required paperwork includes: the Course Approval form, a written letter or email for acceptance form the physician preceptor with the start and end dates of the course/rotation, and a course description of your learning objectives and responsibilities during the rotation. Forms must include a complete address and telephone number for the off-campus location or residence address for the student while at the off-campus site. Forms will not be approved after the rotation has already begun. Contact the department for assistance with enrolling in this course.