Nursing (NURS)
NURS 3110. Health Assessment: Clinical Application. 1 Credit Hour.
This course provides an opportunity for the application of health assessment theory and skills in a simulated practice setting with emphasis on the adult and geriatric patient. The learner will demonstrate clinical reasoning and judgment during the performance of physical assessments, interpretating subjective and objective assessment data, analyzing trends, and identifying risk factors while considering the clients health history in a simulated practice setting. Prerequisites include admission to the Traditional B.S.N. Track is required. Corequisite: NURS 3204.
NURS 3204. Health Assessment: Theoretical Foundations. 2 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on the theory and practice of health assessment of individuals and families across the lifespan, emphasizing the adult and geriatric population. The learner will demonstrate the appropriate physical assessment techniques while considering the clients health history to provide comprehensive and holistic care. In addition, learners will demonstrate clinical reasoning and judgment by interpreting subjective & objective assessment data, analyzing trends, and identifying risk factors. Prerequisites include admission to the Traditional B.S.N. track. Corequisites: NURS 3110.
NURS 3205. Psychiatric and Mental Health: Theoretical Foundations. 2 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of mental health across the lifespan with an emphasis on professional relationships, therapeutic communication, and the understanding of psychopathology. Success completion of semester 5 is required. Clock hours: 2 semester hours (2 hours theory)
Corequisites: NURS 3206.
NURS 3206. Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: Clinical Application. 2 Credit Hours.
This course provides the opportunity for clinical experience for nursing intervention development for promoting, maintaining, and restoring mental health across the lifespan integrating principles of professional relationships, therapeutic communication, and concepts of psychopathology. Clock hours: 2 semester hours (2 hours clinical).
Corequisites: NURS 3205.
NURS 3207. Care Of Childbearing Families: Theoretical Foundations. 2 Credit Hours.
This course addresses the holistic care of women and their families from pre-conception through the childbearing and neonatal period with emphasis on health promotion and risk reduction. Learners will apply clinical reasoning and judgment to interpret assessment data, identify risk factors, analyze trends, and provide appropriate nursing care to pregnant, laboring, postpartum, and neonatal clients. Successful completion of 5th semester is required.
Corequisites: NURS 3208.
NURS 3208. Care Of Childbearing Families: Clinical Application. 2 Credit Hours.
This course provides students the opportunity to apply theory in clinical through holistic and family-centered care of childbearing families, including women from pre-conception through the childbearing period and neonatal stage, with emphasis on health promotion and risk reduction. Learners will apply clinical reasoning and judgment to interpret assessment data, identify risk factors, analyze trends, and demonstrate appropriate nursing care to childbearing families, pregnant, laboring, postpartum, and neonatal clients.
Corequisites: NURS 3207.
NURS 3270. Professional Socialization 2. 2 Credit Hours.
This course addresses professional values, ethical and legal foundations, principles of social justice, history of nursing, and the roles of the 21st Century nurse with an emphasis on safety and quality. Credit Hour Allocation: 2 semester hours (2 hours theory). Prerequisite: Admission to the Accelerated B.S.N. track is required.
NURS 3272. Health Assessment and Promotion: Theoretical Foundations. 2 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on the theory and practice of health assessment of individuals and families across the lifespan. Admission to the Accelerated Undergraduate Program is required. Credit Hour Allocation: 2 semester hours (2 hours theory).
Corequisites: NURS 3273. Prerequisites: Admission to the Accelerated B.S.N. track is required.
NURS 3273. Health Assessment and Promotion: Clinical Application. 2 Credit Hours.
This course provides an opportunity for the application of health assessment theory and skills in a simulated practice setting with emphasis on the adult and geriatric patient. The learner will demonstrate clinical reasoning and judgment during the performance of physical assessments, interpretating subjective and objective assessment data, analyzing trends, and identifying risk factors while considering the clients health history in a simulated practice setting. Admission to the Accelerated B.S.N. Track is required. Corequisite: NURS 3272.
NURS 3274. Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: Theoretical Foundations. 2 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of mental health across the lifespan with an emphasis on professional relationships, therapeutic communication, and the understanding of psychopathology. Credit Hour Allocation: 2 semester hours (2 hours theory). Successful completion of Semester 5 is required.
NURS 3275. Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: Clinical Application. 2 Credit Hours.
This course provides clinical experience for nursing intervention development for promoting, maintaining, and restoring mental health across the lifespan integrating principles of professional relationships, therapeutic communication, and concepts of psychopathology. Credit Hour Allocation: 2 semester hours (2 hours theory).
Corequisites: NURS 3274.
NURS 3303. Concepts of Professional Nursing. 3 Credit Hours.
This course addresses professional nursing role development by integrating concepts of multidimensional care and skills of inquiry. Learners will analyze informed clinical decision-making, professional judgment, lifelong learning, and self-care management strategies. Admission to either the Accelerated or Traditional B.S.N. Track is required.
NURS 3304. Pharmacotherapeutics. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides the pharmacology science on how drugs act on human biological systems, how to use drugs safely and effectively, and how to accurately administer drugs that manage chronic disease, restorative care, supportive care, and promote health across the lifespan. Learners will describe pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug principles, differentiate between drug mechanism of actions, classes, indications, contraindications, precautions, side effects, adverse effects, interactions, route, dosages, and ethically apply nursing clinical judgment for safe patient medication administration. Successful completion of 5th semester is required.
NURS 3305. Foundations of Clinical Nursing Practice: Clinical Application. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides practice experience for clinical decision making and interventions with individuals, including a special focus on the older adult, in diverse settings using a patient centered, holistic, caring framework. The practice experience is conceptualized broadly to include virtual, simulated, or direct patient care experiences. Corequisites: NURS 3330. Prerequisite: Admission to the Traditional B.S.N. track is required.
NURS 3309. Pathophysiology. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on concepts of pathophysiology essential to understanding the diseases and disabling conditions that can affect the body systems across the lifespan. Learners will develop clinical reasoning and judgement in the interpretation of assessment data, analysis of trends, and identification of risk factors of both acute and chronic illness or injury in patients across the entire lifespan. Admission to the Traditional B.S.N. Track is required.
NURS 3321. Transitions In Professional Nursing (Alternate Entry). 3 Credit Hours.
This course addresses continuing professional role development for Registered Nurses who are returning to school to prepare for advanced generalist roles as Clinical Nurse Leaders or Administrative Managers at the graduate level. The focus is on integrating multidimensional care, skills of inquiry and analysis, and a broadened focus on individuals, families, and populations to inform clinical reasoning in changing health care environments. Admission to the Graduate Nursing Alternate Entry MSN Program is required to enroll in this course.
NURS 3322. Care of the Adult I: Theoretical Foundations. 3 Credit Hours.
This course addresses the holistic approach to chronic disease management emphasizing the integration of theoretical principles and practical applications across diverse healthcare settings. Learners will apply nursing process to the management of clients experiencing chronic health conditions with a focus on prevention of complications and promotion of optimal health. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of clinical reasoning and judgment, patient education, lifestyle modifications, and the use of evidence-based interventions to enhance quality of life for individuals living with chronic illnesses. Learners will explore the ethical considerations, communication techniques, and interprofessional collaboration necessary to provide compassionate and respectful care to clients. Successful completion of 5th semester is required Corequisites: NURS 3323.
NURS 3323. Care of the Adult I: Clinical Application. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides students clinical experience to deliver holistic care to patients with chronic disease management across diverse healthcare settings. Learners will examine the etiology and clinical manifestations of chronic conditions and participate in assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating patient care while promoting optimal health. Emphasis will be placed on communication skills and patient care technologies to support safe, quality nursing practices. Learners will engage in interprofessional collaboration, patient education, evidence-based practices, and a commitment to professional nursing, resulting in compassionate and respectful care for adult clients experiencing chronic illness. Corequisites: NURS 3322.
NURS 3330. Foundations of Clinical Nursing Practice -Theoretical Foundations. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides a scientific foundation for clinical practice with individuals in diverse settings using a concept-based, patient-centered, holistic framework. Prerequisite: Admission to the Traditional or Accelerated B.S.N. track is required.
NURS 3365. Pharmacology. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides the pharmacology science on how drugs act on human biological systems, how to use drugs safely and effectively, and how to accurately administer drugs that manage chronic disease, restorative care, supportive care, and promote health across the lifespan. Learners will describe pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug principles, differentiate between drug mechanism of actions, classes, indications, contraindications, precautions, side effects, adverse effects, interactions, route, dosages, and ethically apply nursing clinical judgment for safe patient medication administration. Successful completion of 5th semester is required.
NURS 3370. Pathophysiology. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on concepts of pathophysiology essential to understanding the diseases and disabling conditions that can affect the body systems across the lifespan. Learners will develop clinical reasoning and judgement in the interpretation of assessment data, analysis of trends, and identification of risk factors of both acute and chronic illness or injury in patients across the entire lifespan. Admission to the Accelerated B.S.N. Track is required.
NURS 3371. Foundations of Nursing Care: Clinical Applications. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course, the student will have the opportunity to develop foundational clinical competencies through virtual, simulated, or direct patient care experiences. Credit Hour Allocation: 3 semester hours (3 hours clinical). Corequisites: NURS 3330. Prerequisite: Admission to the Accelerated B.S.N. track is required.
NURS 3372. Family Nursing Care: Theoretical Foundations. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on the care of families across the lifespan with emphasis on childbearing and childrearing families and their roles, functions, and dynamics with regard to health promotion and risk reduction. Successful completion of Semester 5.
NURS 3373. Family Nursing Care: Clinical Applications. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides the opportunity for clinical application of nursing care for families across the lifespan with emphasis on childbearing and childrearing families and their roles, functions, and dynamics with regard to health promotion and risk reduction. Credit Hour Allocation: 3 semester hours (3 hours clinical).
Prerequisites: Successful completion of semester 5.
Corequisites: NURS 3372.
NURS 3374. Research and Evidence-Based Practice. 3 Credit Hours.
This course addresses the systematic approach to understanding and applying research in professional nursing practice. Learners will examine research designs, data analysis and interpretation, and implementation of evidence-based interventions to improve patient outcomes while advocating for the ethical protection of participants. Learners will employ skills to critically analyze and interpret research findings, evaluate the efficacy of evidence-based practices, and translate research into clinical practice. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to integrate evidence into their clinical practice to ensure the delivery of ethical, high-quality, patient-centered care.
NURS 3375. Research And Evidence Based Practice. 3 Credit Hours.
This course addresses the systematic approach to understanding and applying research in professional nursing practice. Learners will examine research designs, data analysis and interpretation, and implementation of evidence-based interventions to improve patient outcomes while advocating for the ethical protection of participants. Learners will employ skills to critically analyze and interpret research findings, evaluate the efficacy of evidence-based practices, and translate research into clinical practice. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to integrate evidence into their clinical practice to ensure the delivery of ethical, high-quality, patient-centered care.
NURS 4206. Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: Clinical Application. 2 Credit Hours.
This course provides students the opportunity for clinical experience in nursing intervention development to promote, maintain, and restore mental health across the lifespan by integrating principles of professional relationships, therapeutic communication, and concepts of psychopathology. The learner will apply key concepts, principles, and frameworks related to mental health issues. The learner will perform assessments, develop and implement plans of care employing best practices, and evaluate outcomes. The learner will apply safety, legal, and ethical principles combined with a person-centered approach for individuals and families across various healthcare settings. The learner will demonstrate effective integration of therapeutic use of self, self-awareness, and adaptive functioning when providing nursing care. Corequisites: NURS 4274.
NURS 4210. Child and Family Health: Theoretical Foundations. 2 Credit Hours.
This course addresses holistic care of children and families with emphasis on health promotion, disease management, and injury prevention through therapeutic nursing assessment and intervention across environments. Credit Hour Allocation: 2 semester hours (2 hours theory). Successful completion of semester 6 is required.
NURS 4211. Child and Family Health: Clinical Application. 2 Credit Hours.
This course provides students clinical experience to deliver holistic care of children and their families from birth through young adulthood, emphasizing health promotion, disease management, and injury prevention in a clinical setting. Learners will apply learned theory and clinical judgment to interpret assessment data, identify risk factors, analyze trends, and provide care using best practices and appropriate nursing care to the pediatric population across environments. Corequisites: NURS 4210.
NURS 4217. Population Focused Health: Clinical Application. 2 Credit Hours.
This course aims to provide opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills to improve health outcomes through community collaborations on a community-wide scale. Learners will identify health risks, implement evidence-based preventative measures, and promote wellness focusing on social determinants of health, health disparities, and available community resources.
Corequisites: NURS 4317.
NURS 4227. Population Focused Health: Clinical Applications. 2 Credit Hours.
This course aims to provide opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills to improve health outcomes through community collaborations on a community-wide scale. Learners will identify health risks, implement evidence-based preventative measures, and promote wellness focusing on social determinants of health, health disparities, and available community resources.
Corequisites: NURS 4327.
NURS 4230. Leadership and Management: Clinical Application. 2 Credit Hours.
This course provides opportunity for clinical application of nursing leadership and management in diverse settings to promote quality patient outcomes. Credit Hour Allocation: 2 semester hours (2 hours clinical)
Corequisites: NURS 4329.
NURS 4274. Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: Theoretical Foundations. 2 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on the care of patients experiencing complex mental health issues and the role of nurses in health promotion, illness management, and rehabilitation for children, adolescents, adults, and families dealing with psychiatric and mental health challenges. The learner will explore key concepts, principles, and frameworks related to mental health issues. The learner will apply nursing process, the scientific foundations of growth and development, psychology, physiology, pathophysiology, psychobiology, psychopathology, psychopharmacology, and interpersonal theories. The learner will evaluate care outcomes for patients experiencing mental health issues with a safe, legal, ethical, and person-centered approach for individuals and families across various healthcare settings. The learner will explore the integration of therapeutic use of self, self-awareness, and adaptive functioning when delivering nursing care. Successful completion of 6th semester is required. Corequisites: NURS 4206.
NURS 4311. Care Of The Adult 1: Theoretical Foundations. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on theoretical principles regarding holistic care of the adult experiencing chronic health problems within diverse settings. Credit Hour Allocation: 3 semester hours (3 hours theory). Prerequisites: Completion of Semester 6. Corequisite: NURS 4314.
NURS 4314. Care of The Adult 1: Clinical Application. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides opportunity for clinical application regarding holistic care of the adult experiencing chronic health alterations. Successful Completion of Semester 6. Credit Hour Allocation: 3 semester hours (3 hours clinical). Prerequisites: Successful completion of semester 6. Corequisites: NURS 4311.
NURS 4315. Care of The Adult 2: Theoretical Foundations. 3 Credit Hours.
This course addresses holistic care of the acutely and critically ill adult experiencing complex health alterations while in acute care settings. Credit Hour Allocation: 3 semester hours (3 hours theory).
Prerequisites: NURS 4311 and NURS 4314.
NURS 4316. Care of The Adult 2: Clinical Application. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides students clinical experience to deliver holistic patient-centered care of the acutely and critically ill adult experiencing complex health alterations within acute care settings. Learners will enhance their clinical skills in health assessment, engage clinical reasoning to respond to evolving patient conditions, and utilize evidence-based practices to optimize outcomes. By analyzing patient data and utilizing collaborative strategies, learners will gain the skills required to deliver safe, compassionate, and quality care to adults facing acute health challenges.
Corequisites: NURS 4315.
NURS 4317. Population Focused Health: Theoretical Foundations. 3 Credit Hours.
This course equips nursing students with the knowledge and skills to improve health outcomes on a community-wide scale. Learners will be able to apply nursing science with public health science to identify population risk factors, design, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve community health outcomes, reduce health disparities, and support sustainable health improvements on a population level. Successful completion of 7th semester is required. Corequisites: NURS 4217.
NURS 4319. Leadership and Management: Theoretical Foundations. 3 Credit Hours.
This course addresses the theoretical principles of nursing leadership and management in diverse settings to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and quality person-centered outcomes. Learners will examine the theories, models, frameworks, and principles of nursing leadership and management. Additionally, learners will draw on prior coursework to apply the nurses professional responsibilities to a variety of healthcare delivery situations with emphasis on quality management, patient and employee safety, legal, ethics, communication, informatics, assignments and delegation, teambuilding, prioritization, staffing, nursing care delivery, fiscal planning, power, politics, collective action, and role transition. Successful completion of 7th semester is required. Corequisites: NURS 4320.
NURS 4320. Leadership and Management: Clinical Application. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides opportunity for clinical application of nursing leadership and management in diverse settings to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and quality person-centered outcomes. Learners will apply leadership and management theories, models, and frameworks in the provision of person-centered care. Learners will focus on evidence-based practice, intra- and interprofessional collaboration, safety initiatives, clinical judgment, legal and ethical principles, system politics and advocacy.
Corequisites: NURS 4319.
NURS 4327. Population Focused Health: Theoretical Foundations. 3 Credit Hours.
This course equips nursing students with the knowledge and skills to improve health outcomes on a community-wide scale. Learners will be able to apply nursing science with public health science to identify population risk factors, design, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve community health outcomes, reduce health disparities, and support sustainable health improvements on a population level. Successful completion of 7th semester is required. Corequisites: NURS 4227.
NURS 4329. Leadership and Management: Theoretical Foundations. 3 Credit Hours.
This course presents theoretical principles of nursing leadership and management in diverse settings to promote quality patient outcomes. Credit Hour Allocation: 3 semester hours (3 hours theory). Successful completion of Semester 7 is required.
NURS 4333. Nursing Leadership: Theoretical Foundations. 3 Credit Hours.
This course presents theoretical principles of nursing leadership and management in diverse settings to promote quality patient outcomes. Clock Hours: 3 semester hours (3 hours theory).
Prerequisites: NURS 3272 and NURS 3273.
NURS 4420. Transition To Professional Nursing Practice: Clinical Immersion. 4 Credit Hours.
This course provides a clinical immersion experience focused on comprehensive learning opportunities that promote integration of baccalaureate learning outcomes to prepare the graduate for professional nursing practice. The learner will execute the baccalaureate program outcomes in an assigned clinical setting. The learner will engage with registered nurses and other health care professionals to support their role integration while functioning as an effective member of the interprofessional team. Successful completion of 7th semester is required. Prerequisites: NURS 4317, NURS 4217, NURS 4319, and NURS 4320.
NURS 4423. Clinical Immersion. 4 Credit Hours.
This course provides a clinical immersion experience focused on comprehensive learning opportunities that promote integration of baccalaureate learning outcomes to prepare the graduate for professional nursing practice. The learner will execute the baccalaureate program outcomes in an assigned clinical setting. The learner will engage with registered nurses and other health care professionals to support their role integration while functioning as an effective member of the interprofessional team. Successful completion 7th semesters is required. . Prerequisites: NURS 4327, NURS 4227, NURS 4329, and NURS 4230.
NURS 4501. Disease Management 1: Theoretical Foundations. 5 Credit Hours.
This course emphasizes nursing care and decision making regarding patients across the lifespan experiencing alterations in metabolism, circulation, oxygenation, elimination, immunology/inflammation, and sexuality. Successful completion of 6th semester ABSN is required. Corequisites: NURS 4533.
NURS 4502. Disease Management 2: Theoretical Foundations. 5 Credit Hours.
This course emphasizes nursing care and decision making regarding patients across the lifespan experiencing alterations in coordination and control, cellular differentiation, cognitive/sensory, fluid and electrolytes, sepsis, and trauma. (5 hrs Theory)
Prerequisites: NURS 4501 Corequisites: NURS 4533.
NURS 4533. Disease Management III-Clinical Application. 5 Credit Hours.
This course is the clinical component for Disease Management I: Theoretical Foundations and Disease Management II: Theoretical Foundations that focuses on the nursing care and decision making related to multiple disease concepts across the lifespan. Concurrent or successful completion of-NURS 4501 Disease Management I: Theoretical Foundations and NURS 4502 Disease Management II: Theoretical Foundations. Corequisites: NURS 4501, NURS 4502.
NURS 5219. Maximizing System and Human Resources to Improve Health. 2 Credit Hours.
This is one of a series of graduate level courses that provides the nursing management and leadership foundation necessary to create safe, healthy, professional environments that empower interdisciplinary health care teams to engage patients and deliver optimal patient and system outcomes. Integration of internal and external forces impacting complex adaptive healthcare systems sets the context for a focus on human resource management at a clinical unit, clinic, department and service level as well as building capacity for event response. Big data analysis, trending, and benchmarking complement best practices in human resourcing and employment law to manage current human and relational resources. Additional focus includes the role of strategic staff development in anticipation of market dynamics, quality and service demands, technology, artificial intelligence and advances in science; including genomics and epigenetics. Students emerge with the capacity to leverage complex internal and external system dynamics, evidence, and information in order to establish healthy work environments and to manage and lead healthcare teams that deliver safe quality outcomes.
NURS 5306. Advanced Theory for the Practice of Nursing. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides an in-depth exploration of nursing theories and their relevance to clinical practice, research, and the evolution of nursing as a science. This master's-level course examines the historical and philosophical underpinnings of nursing science, the intricate relationship between theory, research, and practice, and the various patterns of knowing that inform nursing care. Students will compare different theoretical approaches that explain human behavior and the environment, develop skills to analyze and apply nursing theories in diverse contexts, and engage in the integration of concepts to advance theory development.
NURS 5307. Translational Research for Advanced Nursing Practice. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course students learn the application of research in nursing and healthcare. Emphasis is placed on interpreting, evaluating and translating research to improve practice and healthcare outcomes. Graduate standing is required to register for this course.
NURS 5338. Advanced Pathophysiology. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course, students focus on advanced pathophysiological processes across the lifespan, incorporating use of clinical reasoning skills to distinguish alterations across multiple physiological systems. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 5339. Leadership and Health Policy for Quality and Safety. 3 Credit Hours.
Leadership principles and theories germane to an increasingly complex, rapidly changing global healthcare landscape will be explored. Primary focus will be the development of change capacity and policy making within microsystems, mesosystems and microsystems to transform health. Global health impact, interprofessional collaboration, and advocacy initiatives will be explored. Course content will include complexity theory and continuous quality improvement models, processes and tools to realize measurable health outcomes. Analysis will include political, demographic and economic forces that influence health policy and professional practice. Nuanced ethical and legal dimensions of practice will be explored. Reflective analysis of individual student leadership development will frame learning application. Graduate standing is required to register for this course. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 5356. Financial and Economic Evidence In Health Care. 3 Credit Hours.
The student is introduced to the economic and financial factors affecting practice in a complex healthcare environment. Principles of healthcare economics, third party reimbursement, developing budgets, variance and economic evaluation methods, are considered.
NURS 6071. Supervised Teaching. 1-6 Credit Hours.
Directed teaching in the major area under close supervision of one or more faculty members is required of each doctoral student. Up to six semester credit hours toward a degree may be granted to the student who satisfactorily completes the graduate courses in Supervised Teaching in her/his area of study. (Optional).
NURS 6104. Integration and Transition Seminar. 1 Credit Hour.
This course provides students the opportunity to share their individual micro-meso-macro systems analyses, experiences and insights and to extend their learning through collective dialogue. Practicum project successes and lessons learned will form the basis of student discussions focused on strategic and operational decision making and problem solving, human and resource management, interprofessional relationships and the related roles and responsibilities of nurse leaders / nurse executives across the continuum of care. Discoveries, challenges and developmental plans related to the leader within will be explored. Constructive reflection and peer coaching will be used to lay the foundation for student success.
Prerequisites: NURS 5219, NURS 6405, NURS 6314. Corequisites: NURS 6313, NURS 6331, NURS 6330.
NURS 6108. Nursing Administration Practicum 1. 1 Credit Hour.
This introductory nursing administration practicum provides an opportunity for the student to utilize specialization specific tools and competencies to explore the leader within themselves and to identify personal challenges and opportunities for professional success. Students will assess leadership roles in their desired area of focus and establish a personal plan for professional development to assume desired roles. While locally focused, students will also explore the interconnection of local health and nursing leadership to global health. Identification and establishment of a program sustaining preceptorship with an experienced nurse executive in a selected institutional or community-based health care setting to accomplish the student's professional development plan is the defining accomplishment of this course.
Prerequisite: NURS 5339.
NURS 6110. Advanced Health Assessment: Clinical Application. 1 Credit Hour.
In this course, students will demonstrate obtaining a comprehensive person-centered health history and perform both comprehensive and focused physical and mental health examinations of patients across the lifespan. Students will develop clinical reasoning skills to formulate differential diagnoses based on analysis of history and physical examination data. Prerequisites: NURS 6338 Corequisites: NURS 6210.
NURS 6111. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Diagnosis and Management: Clinical Seminar 1. 1 Credit Hour.
The focus of this course is integration and reflection of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) student's core knowledge in health promotion, diagnosis and management in the care of patients and families with psychiatric disorders across the healthcare delivery system. The seminar course is designed to promote analysis and synthesis of the clinical experience through faculty mentoring, documentation of patient encounters, discussions, and scholarly clinical presentations. Prerequisites: NURS 6410, NURS 6411. Corequisites: NURS 6419, NURS 6219.
NURS 6119. Psychiatric Mental Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Diagnosis and Management Clinical Seminar 2. 1 Credit Hour.
The focus of this course is integration and reflection of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (FNP) student's core knowledge in health promotion, diagnosis and management in the care of patients and families with psychiatric disorders across the healthcare continuum. The seminar course is designed to promote analysis and synthesis of the clinical experience through faculty mentoring, documentation of patient encounters, discussions, and scholarly clinical presentations. Prerequisites: NURS 6410, NURS 6411, NURS 6219, NURS 6419, NURS 6111. Corequisites: NURS 6420.
NURS 6120. Clinical Nurse Leader Role 2: Seminar. 1 Credit Hour.
This seminar is designed to provide students enrolled in the CNO capstone clinical course the opportunity to discuss and analyze leadership challenges in the development and implementation of the CNL role in various health care microsystems. Clock hours: 1 semester class hour (15 clock hours class).
Prerequisite: NURS 6230 and NURS 6233
Corequisites: NURS 6822.
NURS 6121. Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Reasoning: Clinical Application. 1 Credit Hour.
In this course, students will demonstrate obtaining a comprehensive person-centered health history and perform both comprehensive and focused physical and mental health examinations of patients across the lifespan. Students will develop clinical reasoning skills to formulate differential diagnoses based on analysis of history and physical examination data. Prerequisites: NURS 6430 Corequisites: NURS 6321.
NURS 6124. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Diagnosis and Management: Clinical Seminar 1. 1 Credit Hour.
The focus of this course is integration and reflection of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) student's core knowledge in health promotion, health protection, diagnosis and management in the care of children families in the primary healthcare setting. The seminar course is designed to promote analysis and synthesis of the clinical experience through faculty mentoring, documentation of patient encounters, discussions, and scholarly clinical presentations. Prerequisites: NURS 6421, NURS 6422. Corequisites: NURS 6424, NURS 6224.
NURS 6125. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care (PNP-PC) Diagnosis and Management Clinical Seminar 2. 1 Credit Hour.
The focus of this course is integration and reflection of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) student's core knowledge in health promotion, health protection, diagnosis and management in the care of children families in the primary healthcare setting. The seminar course is designed to promote analysis and synthesis of the clinical experience through faculty mentoring, documentation of patient encounters, discussions, and scholarly clinical presentations. Corequisites: NURS 6425. Prerequisites: NURS 6421, NURS 6422, NURS 6224, NURS 6424, NURS 6124.
NURS 6130. Nurse Practitioner Conceptual Basis For Advanced Practice Nursing. 1 Credit Hour.
The purpose of this course is to provide a conceptual basis for advance practice nursing. Students examine nurse practitioner competencies with emphasis on acquiring knowledge and skills to assume leadership roles in health care delivery, health policy, and complex health care systems. Research and quality improvement mechanisms to implement change are explored. Prerequisites: NURS 6119, NURS 6125, NURS 6137, NURS 6154, NURS 6420, NURS 6425, NURS 6438, NURS 6458, NURS 7302, NURS 7322.
NURS 6132. Population State of the Science. 1 Credit Hour.
This course provides a foundation for understanding of evidence-based clinical prevention and population care and services to individuals, families and aggregates/identified populations through the identification of key competencies and relevant and predictable learning opportunities in their practice settings.
NURS 6134. Clinical Application 1: Facilitation of Learning. 1 Credit Hour.
This practicum course provides students the opportunity to explore the scope and responsibilities in curriculum design and implementation. Students will begin direct engagement in curriculum design in alignment with program outcomes in academic or practice-based settings.
Prerequisites: NURS 6261
Corequisites: NURS 6262, NURS 6261.
NURS 6135. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) Diagnosis and Management Clinical Seminar 1. 1 Credit Hour.
The focus of this course is integration and reflection of the Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) student's core knowledge in health promotion, diagnosis and management in the care of patients and families in the acute healthcare setting. The seminar course is designed to promote analysis and synthesis of the clinical experience through faculty mentoring, documentation of patient encounters, discussions, and scholarly clinical presentations. Prerequisites: NURS 6435, NURS 6436. Corequisites: NURS 6437, NURS 6235.
NURS 6136. Clinical Application 2: Facilitation of Learning. 1 Credit Hour.
This practicum course provides students the opportunity to expand direct engagement in teaching students in their area of practice or population foci in classroom, online, lab, simulation and/or clinical settings. Focus is on assuming a beginning leadership role in designing and implementing teaching strategies that reflect best practices. Students will consider responsibilities of educators in didactic courses (in-person, hybrid, online) and clinical settings (practice settings, laboratory, and simulation).
Prerequisites: NURS 6262, NURS 6134, and NURS 6261
Corequisites: NURS 6264.
NURS 6137. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) Diagnosis and Management Clinical Seminar 2. 1 Credit Hour.
The focus of this course is integration and reflection of the Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) student's core knowledge in health promotion, diagnosis and management in the care of patients and families in the acute healthcare setting. The seminar course is designed to promote analysis and synthesis of the clinical experience through faculty mentoring, documentation of patient encounters, discussions, and scholarly clinical presentations. Prerequisites: NURS 6435, NURS 6436, NURS 6235, NURS 6437, NURS 6135. Corequisites: NURS 6438.
NURS 6138. Clinical Application 3: Facilitation of Learning. 1 Credit Hour.
This practicum course provides students the opportunity to explore the scope and responsibilities of educators in assessing and evaluating learning outcomes in academic and practice-based settings. Students will consider the responsibilities of educators in providing feedback and sharing evaluation data.
Prerequisites: NURS 6262, NURS 6134, NURS 6264, NURS 6136, and NURS 6261
Corequisites: NURS 6266.
NURS 6140. Special Population Pharmacology: Applied Psychopharmacology (PMHNP). 1 Credit Hour.
This course is designed to build upon the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner student's prior knowledge of advanced pharmacology to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for practical application of psychopharmacologic medications in the treatment of mental illness across the lifespan. The focus is on the neurobiological and psychopharmacological principles for the clinical management of psychotropic medications in the treatment of mental illnesses; integrating neuroanatomy, pharmacogenomics, neurophysiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and behavioral science. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 6141. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care (PNP-PC) Clinical Skills and Laboratory Science. 1 Credit Hour.
In this course students examine the relationships between abnormal physiology and diagnostic testing and how to analyze, select, and interpret laboratory studies in the context of clinical decision making as a nurse practitioner. Students will apply their knowledge of physiology, pathophysiology, microbiology, and evidence-based processes to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed by nurse practitioners specific to their scope of practice. Prerequisites: NURS 6338 and NURS 6302. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 6143. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Clinical Skills and Laboratory Science. 1 Credit Hour.
In this course, students examine the relationships between abnormal physiology and diagnostic testing and how to analyze, select, and interpret laboratory studies in the context of clinical decision making as a nurse practitioner. Students will apply their knowledge of physiology, pathophysiology, microbiology, and evidence-based processes to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed by nurse practitioners specific to their scope of practice. Prerequisites: NURS 6338 and NURS 6302. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 6144. Special Population Pharmacology: Applied Pediatric Pharmacology (FNP and PNP). 1 Credit Hour.
This course is designed to build upon the family and pediatric nurse practitioner student's knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics to develop comprehensive prescription plans for acute, chronic, and mental health conditions commonly found in the pediatric primary care population. Prerequisites: NURS 6338 and NURS 6302. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 6145. Special Population Pharmacology: Applied Critical Care Pharmacology (AGACNP). 1 Credit Hour.
This course is designed to build upon the adult gerontology acute care nurse practitioner student's knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics to develop comprehensive prescription plans for acute, chronic, complex and critically ill older adolescent and adult patients. Prerequisites: NURS 6338 and NURS 6302. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 6147. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) Clinical Skills and Laboratory Science. 1 Credit Hour.
In this course students examine the relationships between abnormal physiology and diagnostic testing and how to analyze, select, and interpret laboratory studies in the context of clinical decision making as a nurse practitioner. Students will apply their knowledge of physiology, pathophysiology, microbiology, and evidence-based processes to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed by nurse practitioners specific to their scope of practice. Prerequisites: NURS 6338 and NURS 6302. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 6149. Psychotherapy for the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP). 1 Credit Hour.
This course introduces the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner student to the theory and practice of psychotherapy. Students examine theories and techniques which provide clinically therapeutic interventions with adults and children. Students explore models of psychotherapy consistent with current professional research and practice. The primary focus is on Person-Centered therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and Supportive Psychotherapy. Prerequisites: NURS 6338 and NURS 6302. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 6153. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis and Management: Clinical Seminar 1. 1 Credit Hour.
The focus of this course is integration and reflection of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) student's core knowledge in health promotion, health protection, diagnosis and management in the care of patients and families in the primary healthcare setting. The seminar course is designed to promote analysis and synthesis of the clinical experience through faculty mentoring, documentation of patient encounters, discussions, and scholarly clinical presentations. Prerequisites: NURS 6453, NURS 6454. Corequisites: NURS 6457, NURS 6254.
NURS 6154. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis and Management Clinical Seminar 2. 1 Credit Hour.
The focus of this course is integration and reflection of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) student's core knowledge in health promotion, health protection, diagnosis and management in the care of patients and families in the primary healthcare setting. The seminar course is designed to promote analysis and synthesis of the clinical experience through faculty mentoring, documentation of patient encounters, discussions, and scholarly clinical presentations. Prerequisites: NURS 6453, NURS 6454, NURS 6254, NURS 6457, NURS 6153. Corequisites: NURS 6458.
NURS 6202. Nursing Administration Practicum 2. 2 Credit Hours.
This course continues the program's sustaining preceptorship and builds on the Practicum 1 foundation in three ongoing areas of leadership development: the leader within each student, a complexity based system analysis, and the application of theory through a clinical practicum project. Students will have the opportunity to engage in the system actively in order to begin a micro-meso-macro systems analysis and to establish project specific relationships. A systematic evaluation of opportunities for improvement will provide the basis for practicum project selection. The semester will culminate with the involved stakeholder's commitment to a general plan and timeline for practicum project implementation and evaluation. Students will reflect on their development across the semester and identify areas for ongoing growth as they plan for their next practicum. Portfolio development will continue. Prerequisites: NURS 5339, NURS 5306, NURS 6315, NURS 6108. Corequisites: NURS 5356, NURS 5219, NURS 5307.
NURS 6210. Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Reasoning. 2 Credit Hours.
This course will build upon health assessment skills developed in the professional nurse's basic educational program. The theoretical and clinical basis for health assessment by the advanced clinician will be developed. The process whereby the advanced clinician utilizes comprehensive history, physical, psychosocial, and cultural assessment across the lifespan to gather specific data relevant to common health problems is demonstrated. Students will develop clinical reasoning skills to begin to formulate differential diagnoses. Corequisites: NURS 6110. Prerequisites: NURS 6338.
NURS 6219. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Diagnosis and Management: Concepts & Theory 3. 2 Credit Hours.
This course provides the remaining theoretical basis for the competencies of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in health promotion, diagnosis, and management of patients with actual and potential psychiatric disorders listed in the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders across the lifespan. Emphasis is on integrating psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, complementary and alternative approaches to the treatment of patients across the continuum of care. Problem-based and self-directed learning strategies are used to review acute and chronic psychiatric disorders, analysis of data, formulation of differential diagnoses and development of patient-centered treatment plans in collaboration with families and interprofessional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110, NURS 6410, NURS 6411. Corequisites: NURS 6111, NURS 6419.
NURS 6224. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner-Primary Care (PNP-PC) Diagnosis and Management: Concepts & Theory 3. 2 Credit Hours.
This course builds on the two prior PNP didactic courses and will further provide the BSN prepared nurse the competencies essential to practice nursing at the advanced practice level in the role of the primary care pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP). This is a hybrid course which means content is provided using a combination of face to face and on-line instruction. Case-based and self-directed learning strategies are used to promote student competency in health promotion, health protection, health assessment, and diagnosis and management of illness in the pediatric primary care setting. Additionally, this course emphasizes collaborative partnerships among patients, families, and other members of the health care team to ensure best outcomes for children, their families, and the community. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110, NURS 6421, NURS 6422. Corequisites: NURS 6124, NURS 6424.
NURS 6227. Advanced Practice Nurse Role and Transition to Practice. 2 Credit Hours.
In this course, students examine core professional values and standards critical to transitioning to an advanced practice nurse role. Prerequisites: NURS 6119, NURS 6125, NURS 6137, NURS 6154, NURS 6420, NURS 6425, NURS 6438 and NURS 6458.
NURS 6229. Foundations of Scholarly Communication. 2 Credit Hours.
In this course, students will refine their ability to effectively disseminate scholarly work. The course emphasizes the development of skills necessary for presenting quality improvement findings, writing for academic and professional audiences, and engaging with stakeholders. Students will explore scholarly writing, public speaking and digital communications.
NURS 6230. Clinical Nurse Leader 1: Role of The Adv. Generalist in Healthcare Microsystems. 2 Credit Hours.
The focus of this course is on assessment of clinical microsystems in healthcare settings to identify needed changes in clinical trajectory for patients within the system. Development of the role of the CNL as a patient care coordinator and educator for an interprofessional team is the aim of this course. Improving patient safety, quality outcomes, and planning for implementation of innovations in care based on evidence-based practice will be discussed. Clock hours: 30.
Prerequisites: NURS 5339, NURS 5338, NURS 6210, NURS 6302, NURS 5306, NURS 5307, NURS 5356, NURS 6315, and NURS 6380.
NURS 6233. Clinical Nurse Leader 1: Role Of The Adv Generalist In Healthcare Microsystems - Clin Applications. 2 Credit Hours.
This course is a practicum course designed to assist the CNL is assessing a particular clinical microsystem of healthcare and designing educational programs for patients, families, and the interprofessional team. The focus of the assessment is on improving patient safety and selected quality outcomes based on evidence-based practice. Clock hours: 90 clinical clock hours, 30 hours clinical conference.
Prerequisites: NURS 5339, NURS 5338, NURS 6210, NURS 6302, NURS 5306, NURS 5307, NURS 5356, NURS 6315, and NURS 6380.
Corequisites: NURS 6230.
NURS 6235. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) Diagnosis & Management: Concepts & Theory 3. 2 Credit Hours.
This course fosters the progression of the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner student's role transition in the areas of health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and management in high acuity practice settings for the young adult, adult and older adult with complex acute, critical and chronic health conditions. Emphasis is placed on using evidence-based practice to formulate individualized plans of care and developing collaborative partnerships with patients, their families and inter-professional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110, NURS 6435, NURS 6436. Corequisites: NURS 6135, NURS 6437.
NURS 6250. Advanced Health Promotion and Population Health. 2 Credit Hours.
In this course, students analyze health promotion theories, epidemiological and biostatistical data sources to design interdisciplinary strategies to reduce disease risk and improve health and wellness for individuals, families, and communities. Students explore population and global health with a focus on health equity, social determinants of health and effective disaster response.
NURS 6254. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis and Management: Concepts & Theory 3. 2 Credit Hours.
This course provides the theoretical foundations for the competencies of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) in health promotion, diagnosis and management in the primary healthcare setting for the pediatric patient and family. Problem-based and self-directed learning strategies are used to formulate differential diagnoses and develop evidence-based treatment plans for chronic and acute conditions affecting pediatric patients from birth to adolescence. Collaboration with interprofessional teams is examined as well as legal and ethical principles informing quality family-centered healthcare. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110, NURS 6453, NURS 6454. Corequisites: NURS 6153, NURS 6457.
NURS 6260. Intro: Nursing Education Theories & Trends. 2 Credit Hours.
This course will introduce the nursing education theories and trends that influence the development of nursing education programs in academic and service settings.
NURS 6262. Curriculum Design and Evaluation. 2 Credit Hours.
This course will introduce the student to the process of curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. The course incorporates an exploration of factors that influence curriculum development in academic and practice-based institutions. Students will explore nursing theories, course maintenance, regulatory processes and faculty governance as the influence curriculum development and quality improvement. The course will introduce curriculum evaluation strategies grounded in best practice for teaching and learning.
Prerequisites: NURS 6261
Corequisites: NURS 6134, NURS 6261.
NURS 6264. Teaching and Learning Strategies Across Settings. 2 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on theory and evidence-based strategies utilized to develop learner critical thinking, clinical judgment, and competence. Students will consider various factors influencing the development and implementation of teaching strategies from the learner, classroom, institution and system levels. Additional focus includes technology and informatics applications that support learning in classroom, online/distance, skills laboratory, simulation, clinical education, and health care systems practice sites.
Prerequisites: NURS 6262, NURS 6134, and NURS 6361
Corequisites: NURS 6136.
NURS 6266. Assessment and Evaluation in Education. 2 Credit Hours.
This course will explore processes of assessment and evaluation of curricula and student learning outcomes. Students will be introduced to methods of evaluation across diverse academic and practice-based settings. The course will encourage students to appraise extant literature related to evidence-based assessment and evaluation practices of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains. Students will examine methods for conveying constructive feedback and evaluation information to promote learner development and quality improvement.
Prerequisites: NURS 6262, NURS 6134, NURS 6264, NURS 6136, and NURS 6261
Corequisites: NURS 6138.
NURS 6302. Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course, students develop knowledge and skills for the therapeutic use of pharmacologic agents to address patients health problems in a safe, evidence-based, cost-effective manner. Students demonstrate clinical judgement of drug selection based on principles of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacogenomics. They focus on prescriptive practice and monitoring therapeutic response for patients across the lifespan. The prerequisite does not apply to CRNA track students. Prerequisites: NURS 6338 Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 6312. Advanced Mental Health Concepts. 3 Credit Hours.
The focus of this course is developing the theoretical basis for advanced practice nursing in mental health using a holistic perspective to examine the etiology, meaning and consequences of human behavior. Graduate Standing is a prerequisite for this course.
NURS 6313. Program Planning and Evaluation for Transitions, Transformation and Integration. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides the opportunity to explore management problems in health care settings with an emphasis on program planning and evaluation. Using analytical and problem-solving skills, processes, strategies, and evidenced-based practice, students will be given the opportunity to develop theory-based interventions and evaluation strategies.
Prerequisites: NURS 5356, NURS 5306 and NURS 5307.
Corequisites: NURS 6331, NURS 6104.
NURS 6314. Nursing Administration Practicum 3. 3 Credit Hours.
This course continues the program sustaining preceptorship and the three ongoing areas of leadership development: the leader within each student, a complexity based system analysis, and the application of theory through a clinical practicum project. Students will be expected to actively engage in the system to further analyze system dynamics and to advance their project. A theory and evidenced based logic model demonstrating best practices for decision making, financial analysis, and evaluation will be developed to support and track full project implementation. Culmination of the semester will reflect the practicum project's full implementation and substantive progress toward completion. Students will again reflect on their development across the semester and to identify areas for ongoing growth as they plan for their final practicum. Portfolio development will continue.
Prerequisites: NURS 5356, NURS 5306 and NURS 5307.
Corequisites: NURS 6405.
NURS 6315. Informatics & Health Care Technologies. 3 Credit Hours.
This course equips students with advanced clinical leadership skills to appraise and optimize information systems and patient care technology. Students will learn to generate knowledge through information and communication technology (ICT) and design system improvement strategies based on quality metrics and performance indicators, ensuring safe and effective care for diverse populations across various settings. The course emphasizes the usability of ICT for accurate and efficient documentation of care, optimal stakeholder engagement, continuous monitoring of outcomes, and seamless communication among healthcare providers, patients, and system levels. Key focus areas include the application of ethical, legal, professional, IT, regulatory, engagement, and usability standards, as well as national and workplace policies. National strategic roadmaps for digital health ecosystems and their influence on shaping the national digital health landscape will also be explored and evaluated. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 6318. Grantsmanship. 3 Credit Hours.
This course consists of seminar and practicum on the topic of gaining financial support for research and/or demonstration projects in nursing and health care related areas. Students analyze the funding criteria of various agencies and techniques of strategic communication. Students project budget development and packaging of ideas as information basic to creating successful proposals. Using a research or demonstration project with which he/she is familiar, the student creates a funding proposal and participates in critiques of colleagues' proposals. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.
NURS 6319. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Diagnosis and Management Clinical Application 3. 3 Credit Hours.
The focus of this clinical course is on the sustained integration of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner essential knowledge in health promotion, diagnosis and management of patients and families with actual and potential psychiatric disorders across the lifespan and across the healthcare continuum. Emphasis is placed on care of patients and families with acute and chronic psychiatric disorders in collaboration with interprofessional teams using evidence-based and patient centered strategies. Prerequisites: NURS 6410, NURS 6411, NURS 6219, NURS 6419, NURS 6111, NURS 6420, NURS 6119.
NURS 6320. Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course students explore and consider theories from nursing and related disciplines. Emphasis is placed on the role of theory to guide practice and care improvement. This course is a foundation for the advanced practice nurse to choose and use theories. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.
NURS 6321. Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Reasoning: Didactic. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course, students will develop advanced knowledge and skills in obtaining a comprehensive person-centered health history and physical examination for patients across the lifespan. They will use clinical and diagnostic reasoning to select applicable physical and mental health examination techniques. They synthesize patient data to formulate differential diagnoses. Prerequisites: NURS 6338 and NURS 6430. Corequisites: NURS 6110.
NURS 6324. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care (PNP-PC) Diagnosis and Management: Clinical Application 3. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will allow the student PNP to integrate prior theoretical knowledge and build on the previous clinical experience in a variety of pediatric clinical environments relevant to pediatric primary care. There will be a focus on health promotion, health protection, and the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic illnesses from birth through adolescence. Additionally, this course emphasizes collaborative partnerships among patients, families, and other members of the health care team to ensure best outcomes for children, their families, and the community. Prerequisites: NURS 6421, NURS 6422, NURS 6224, NURS 6424, NURS 6124, NURS 6425, NURS 6125.
NURS 6330. Nursing Administration Practicum 4. 3 Credit Hours.
This final practicum course in the program completes the sustaining preceptorship and the three ongoing areas of leadership development: the leader within each student, a complexity based system analysis, and the application of theory through a clinical practicum project. A summative complex systems analysis will be performed. Students will assume aspects of the nurse leader / nurse executive role as they finalize practicum project activities. Presentations of outcomes as well as plans for sustainment, and opportunities for continued improvement complete the student's project responsibilities. As the nursing administration practicum series ends the students will use the AONE Nurse Leader Competencies, as well as, their preferred professional future, to reflect on their development across the program. They will have the opportunity to build a personal professional action plan that supports their transition into the marketplace and is supported by their finalized academic portfolio. Prerequisites: NURS 6405, NURS 6314. Corequisites: NURS 6313, NURS 6331, NURS 6104.
NURS 6331. Economics and Advanced Financial Management. 3 Credit Hours.
This course covers advanced financial management concepts relevant to managing the business of healthcare. Key concepts covered include principles of advanced financial management, interpretation of financial statements, regulatory requirements imposed by payers and accreditors, advanced budgeting and variance analysis, forecasting, and productivity management. The role of the Administrative Nurse Manager in interprofessional financial planning for quality, safety, and financial stability will be addressed. Prerequisites: NURS 5356. Corequisites: NURS 6313, NURS 6104.
NURS 6335. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) Diagnosis and Management: Clinical App 3. 3 Credit Hours.
This course develops clinical competency and emphasizes the integration of theory, assessment and advanced therapeutics for the safe and patient-centered care of adults in a high acuity healthcare setting. Emphasis is placed on the management of acute, complex, and chronic health problems in the young adult, older adult, and elder adults as well as adults with critical illness under the direction of clinical preceptors. In addition, this course emphasizes collaborative partnership development between patients, their families, and inter-professional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 6435, NURS 6436, NURS 6235, NURS 6437, NURS 6135, NURS 6438, NURS 6137.
NURS 6338. Advanced Pathophysiology. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course, students focus on advanced pathophysiological processes across the lifespan, incorporating use of clinical reasoning skills to distinguish alterations across multiple physiological systems. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 6354. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis and Management: Clinical Application 3. 3 Credit Hours.
The focus of this clinical course is sustained integration of the Family Nurse Practitioner's (FNP) essential knowledge in health promotion, diagnosis and management of patients and families in the primary healthcare setting across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on care of patients and families with acute and chronic health problems in collaboration with interprofessional teams using evidence-based and patient-centered strategies. Prerequisites: NURS 6453, NURS 6454, NURS 6254, NURS 6457, NURS 6153, NURS 6458, NURS 6154.
NURS 6361. Foundational Topics in Nursing Education. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will introduce the trends and challenges that influence the development of nursing education programs in academic and practice-based settings. The course will explore key functions of the nurse educator as an agent for change, leadership, professional growth and development, and influencer of high-quality learning environments. Diverse influences in academic and clinical education from the learner to organizational/systems level will be discussed. Students will explore intraprofessional and interpersonal education in developing future nurses and healthcare professionals. Corequisites: NURS 6262, NURS 6134.
NURS 6363. Nursing Education Capstone. 3 Credit Hours.
The capstone course is a summative experience that showcases end of program student learning outcomes and professional educator competencies that were introduced and reinforced in previous coursework. The course is project-based and must be completed with an approved mentor. The capstone project is an opportunity for students to apply the content they learned and these competencies to the education of nursing students, interprofessional teams, or health care staff. The student will disseminate the capstone project outcomes, recommendations, and lessons learned through scholarly writing and presentations. Prerequisites: NURS 6361, NURS 6262, NURS 6134, NURS 6264, and NURS 6136. Corequisites: NURS 6266, NURS 6138.
NURS 6380. Epidemiology & Statistical Methods in Population Health. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course, students learn and apply statistical and epidemiological methods to health-related data. They assess quantitative data, interpret public health statistics, and use these insights to inform clinical practice and enhance population health outcomes. Students explore key topics including surveillance principles, statistical inference, study design, data collection techniques, and the practical application of statistical methods to address real-world health issues. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 6405. Transforming Complex Healthcare Systems for Quality and Safety. 4 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on student comprehension of organizational systems from traditional theories and structures through complexity theory. The dynamic influences of external and internal environmental changes and contemporary influences at microsystem, mesosystem and macrosystem levels are explored. Students will analyze current and emerging problems related to multiple aspects of quality and safety within healthcare systems. The unique role of nursing in quality improvement, including conceptualization and redesign of effective care delivery models, and care environments that address gaps in science and delivery of patient care services will be explored.
Prerequisites: NURS 5339 or NURS 6222.
NURS 6410. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Diagnosis and Management: Concepts & Theory 1. 4 Credit Hours.
This course provides the theoretical foundations for the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Students will use a holistic perspective to examine the etiologies, meaning and consequences of human behavior. Problem-based and self-directed learning strategies are used to learn methods for gathering data in conducting a psychiatric assessment, formulating differential diagnoses and developing evidence-based treatment recommendations with individuals and families across the lifespan. Collaboration with interprofessional teams is examined as well as legal and ethical principles informing psychiatric care. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110.
NURS 6411. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Diagnosis and Management: Concepts & Theory 2. 4 Credit Hours.
This course builds on theoretical foundations for the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner developed in the first Diagnosis and Management Course. Competencies are developed in health promotion, diagnosis, and management of patients and families with potential and actual psychiatric disorders across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on integrating psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, complementary and alternative approaches to the treatment of patients across the continuum of care. Problem-based and self-directed learning strategies are used to review acute and chronic psychiatric disorders, analysis of data, formulation of differential diagnoses and development of patient-centered treatment plans in collaboration with families and interprofessional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110, NURS 6410.
NURS 6412. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Diagnosis and Mgmt: Concepts and Theory 1. 4 Credit Hours.
This course provides the theoretical basis for the competencies of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP). This course lays the scientific foundation for independent practice as the RN transitions to the role of the Nurse Practitioner in health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and management of illness in psychiatric patients across the lifespan. Using self-directed learning strategies, disorders of approximately one half of the physiologic/psychological systems are examined. Psychotherapies and theories of half of psychopathology are surveyed. Additionally, this course emphasizes collaborative, partnership development among patients, families, and interprofessional teams.
Prerequisites: NURS 5339, NURS 5306, NURS 5307, NURS 5356, NURS 6315, NURS 6250, NURS 5338, NURS 6302, NURS 6110, NURS 6210, NURS 6312.
NURS 6413. Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology I. 4 Credit Hours.
This course will provide an in-depth analysis of the advanced principles related to the physiological and pathophysiological processes of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and central nervous system for anesthetic management. Evident-based practice resulting from relevant research of pathophysiological disease states will be incorporate to develop interventions and a plan of care for patients with health status alterations throughout the lifespan and special populations. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.
NURS 6416. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Diagnosis And Mgmt: Concepts & Theory 2. 4 Credit Hours.
The focus of this course is refinement of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) role in health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and management in psychiatric practice with diverse populations across the lifespan. Using problem-based and self-directed learning strategies, disorders of the remaining physiologic systems and psychiatric disorders are examined. Emphasis is placed on differentiating signs and symptoms to formulate possible diagnoses and determining the effect of the illness on the family. In addition, the nurse practitioner's role as a collaborative member of the interprofessional team will be evaluated.
Prerequisites: NURS 5339, NURS 5306, NURS 5307, NURS 5356, NURS 6315, NURS 6250, NURS 5338, NURS 6302, NURS 6110, NURS 6210, NURS 6312 and NURS 6412.
NURS 6419. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Diagnosis and Management Clinical Application 1. 4 Credit Hours.
The focus of this clinical course is the integration of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner essential knowledge in health promotion, diagnosis and management of patients and families with actual and potential psychiatric disorders across the lifespan and across the healthcare continuum. Emphasis is placed on care of patients and families with acute and chronic psychiatric disorders in collaboration with interprofessional teams using evidence-based and patient centered strategies. Prerequisites: NURS 6410, NURS 6411. Corequisites: NURS 6219, NURS 6111.
NURS 6420. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Diagnosis and Management Clinical Application 2. 4 Credit Hours.
The focus of this clinical course is on the continued integration of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner essential knowledge in health promotion, diagnosis and management of patients and families with actual and potential psychiatric disorders across the lifespan and across the healthcare continuum. Emphasis is placed on care of patients and families with acute and chronic psychiatric disorders in collaboration with interprofessional teams using evidence-based and patient centered strategies. Prerequisites: NURS 6410, NURS 6411, NURS 6219, NURS 6419, NURS 6111. Corequisites: NURS 6119.
NURS 6421. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner-Primary Care (PNP-PC) Diagnosis and Management: Concepts & Theory 1. 4 Credit Hours.
This course provides the theoretical content for the BSN prepared nurse to acquire the competencies essential to practice nursing at the advanced practice level in the role of the primary care pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP). Case-based and self-directed learning strategies are used to promote student competency in health promotion, health protection, health assessment, and diagnosis and management of illness in the pediatric primary care setting. Additionally, this course emphasizes collaborative partnerships among patients, families, and other members of the health care team to ensure best outcomes for children, their families, and the community. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110.
NURS 6422. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner-Primary Care (PNP-PC) Diagnosis and Management: Concepts & Theory 2. 4 Credit Hours.
This course builds on the prior PNP didactic course and will further provide the BSN prepared nurse the competencies essential to practice nursing at the advanced practice level in the role of the primary care pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP). This is a hybrid course which means content is provided using a combination of face to face and on-line instruction. Case-based and self-directed learning strategies are used to promote student competency in health promotion, health protection, health assessment, and diagnosis and management of illness in the pediatric primary care setting. Additionally, this course emphasizes collaborative partnerships among patients, families, and other members of the health care team to ensure best outcomes for children, their families, and the community. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110, NURS 6421.
NURS 6423. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) Primary Care Diagnosis And Management: Concepts And Theory 1. 4 Credit Hours.
This course provides the theoretical basis for the competencies of the Nurse Practitioners (NP). This course lays the scientific foundation for independent practice as the RN transitions to the role of the Nurse Practitioner in health promotions, disease prevention diagnosis and management of illness in primary healthcare practice in diverse infant, child and adolescent population. Using self-directed learning strategies, disorders approximately one half of the physiologic systems are examined. Additionally, this course emphasizes and collaborative partnership development among patients families and interprofessional teams. Clock Hours: 60 clock hours didactic
Prerequisites: NURS 5306, NURS 5307, NURS 5356, NURS 5339, NURS 6210, NURS 6312, NURS 5338, NURS 6315, NURS 6250, NURS 6302, and NURS 6110.
NURS 6424. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner-Primary Care (PNP-PC) Diagnosis and Management: Clinical Application 1. 4 Credit Hours.
This course will allow the student PNP to integrate theoretical knowledge into a variety of pediatric clinical experiences relevant to pediatric primary care. There will be a focus on health promotion, health protection, and the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic illnesses from birth through adolescence. Additionally, this course emphasizes collaborative partnerships among patients, families, and other members of the health care team to ensure best outcomes for children, their families, and the community. Prerequisites: NURS 6421, NURS 6422. Corequisites: NURS 6224, NURS 6124.
NURS 6425. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care (PNP-PC) Diagnosis and Management: Clinical Application 2. 4 Credit Hours.
This course will allow the student PNP to integrate prior theoretical knowledge and build on the previous clinical experience in a variety of pediatric clinical environments relevant to pediatric primary care. There will be a focus on health promotion, health protection, and the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic illnesses from birth through adolescence. Additionally, this course emphasizes collaborative partnerships among patients, families, and other members of the health care team to ensure best outcomes for children, their families, and the community. Prerequisites: NURS 6421, NURS 6422, NURS 6224, NURS 6424, NURS 6124. Corequisites: NURS 6125.
NURS 6428. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) Primary Care Diagnosis And Management: Concepts And Theory 2. 4 Credit Hours.
The focus of this course is refinement of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioners role in health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and management in primary health care practice with diverse population from birth through adolescent. Using problem-based and self-direct learning strategies, disorders of the remaining physiologic system are examined. Emphasis is placed on differentiating signs and symptoms to formulate possible diagnosis and determining the effect of the illness on the family. In addition, practitioner role as a collaborative member of the interprofessional team will be evaluated. Clock hours: 60 hours. Prerequisites: NURS 5339, NURS 5306, NURS 5307, NURS 5356, NURS 6315, NURS 6250, NURS 5338, NURS 6302, NURS 6110, NURS 6210, NURS 6312 and NURS 6423.
NURS 6430. Advanced Pathophysiology. 4 Credit Hours.
In this course, students focus on understanding the concepts in human physiology and advanced pathophysiology, including cell biology, tumor biology, immunology, genetics, and pathology. Students incorporate the use of clinical reasoning skills of the advanced practice nursing role to distinguish alterations in multiple physiological and pathophysiological systems across the lifespan.
NURS 6431. Advanced Pharmacology for Nurse Anesthesia. 4 Credit Hours.
This course applies the principles of pharmacology to anesthesia practice for an in-depth understanding. The course progresses to detailed exploration of the uptake, distribution, biotransformation, and elimination of currently used clinical anesthesia pharmacotherapeutics. Specific properties of anesthetic agents and commonly used adjunctive drugs are discussed and evaluated for appropriate application in clinical situations. Pharmacogenetic disorders with specific anesthesia implications are examined. Prerequisites: NURS 6210, NURS 6110, NURS 6302 and NURS 6413.
NURS 6432. Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology II. 4 Credit Hours.
This course will provide an in-depth analysis of the advanced principles related to the physiological and pathophysiological processes of the endocrine, renal, hepatic, gastrointestinal, peripheral vascular, immune, and related organs for anesthetic management. Evident-based practice resulting from relevant research of pathophysiological disease states will be incorporate to develop interventions and a plan of care for patients with health status alterations throughout the lifespan and special populations. Prerequisites: NURS 6413, CSAT 5502, NURS 6210, NURS 6110.
NURS 6435. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) Diagnosis & Management: Concepts & Theory 1. 4 Credit Hours.
This course introduces the student to the principles of diagnostic and treatment strategies utilized in acute/critical care settings by the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP). The use of evidence-based practice is encouraged to develop a strong scientific foundation for independent and collaborative practice as the registered nurse transitions to the role of the AGACNP. The focus is in health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and management of common illnesses seen in the acute care setting affecting the young adult, adult and older adult populations. In addition, this course emphasizes collaborative partnership development between patients, their families and inter-professional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110.
NURS 6436. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) Diagnosis & Management: Concepts & Theory 2. 4 Credit Hours.
This course fosters the progression of the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner student's role transition in the areas of health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and management in high acuity practice settings for the young adult, adult and older adult with complex acute, critical and chronic health conditions. Emphasis is placed on using evidence-based practice to formulate individualized plans of care and developing collaborative partnerships with patients, their families and inter-professional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110, NURS 6435.
NURS 6437. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) Diagnosis and Management: Clinical App 1. 4 Credit Hours.
This course develops clinical competency and emphasizes the integration of theory, assessment and advanced therapeutics for the safe and patient-centered care of adults in a high acuity healthcare setting. Emphasis is placed on the management of acute, complex, and chronic health problems in the young adult, older adult, and elder adults as well as adults with critical illness under the direction of clinical preceptors. In addition, this course emphasizes collaborative partnership development between patients, their families, and inter-professional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 6435, NURS 6436. Corequisites: NURS 6235, NURS 6135.
NURS 6438. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) Diagnosis and Management: Clinical App 2. 4 Credit Hours.
This course develops clinical competency and emphasizes the integration of theory, assessment and advanced therapeutics for the safe and patient-centered care of adults in a high acuity healthcare setting. Emphasis is placed on the management of acute, complex, and chronic health problems in the young adult, older adult, and elder adults as well as adults with critical illness under the direction of clinical preceptors. In addition, this course emphasizes collaborative partnership development between patients, their families, and inter-professional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 6435, NURS 6436, NURS 6235, NURS 6437, NURS 6135. Corequisites: NURS 6137.
NURS 6451. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis Management of Young Families: Concepts & Theory. 4 Credit Hours.
This course provides the theoretical basis for the competencies of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) in the care of young families. This course lays the scientific foundation for independent practice in health promotion, disease prevention, and the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic illness for patients across the reproductive continuum and the health and illness from birth to adolescents in the primary healthcare setting. Additionally, this course emphasizes collaborative partnership development among patients, families, and interprofessional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 5306, NURS 5307, NURS 5339, NURS 5356, NURS 6315, NURS 6250, NURS 5338, NURS 6302, NURS 6110, NURS 6210, NURS 6312.
NURS 6452. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis Management of Aging Families: Concepts & Theory. 4 Credit Hours.
This course provides the theoretical basis for the competencies of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) in health promotion, diagnosis and management in the primary healthcare setting for the mature and aging patient and family. Problem-based and self-directed learning strategies are used to review acute and chronic disorders of the aging patient and family. Emphasis is placed on differentiating signs and symptoms to formulate possible diagnoses and determining the effect of illness on this diverse population. Additionally, this course emphasizes the FNP as a collaborative member of the interprofessional team.
Prerequisites: NURS 5306, NURS 5339, NURS 5307, NURS 5356, NURS 6315, NURS 6250, NURS 5338, NURS 6302, NURS 6110, NURS 6210, NURS 6312.
NURS 6453. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis and Management: Concepts & Theory 1. 4 Credit Hours.
This course provides the theoretical foundations for the competencies of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), including health promotion, palliative care, diagnosis and management for the adult and geriatric patient in the primary healthcare setting. Problem-based and self-directed learning strategies are used to formulate differential diagnoses and develop evidence-based treatment plans for chronic and acute conditions affecting the geriatric patient and family. Collaboration with interprofessional teams is examined as well as legal and ethical principles informing quality family-centered healthcare. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110.
NURS 6454. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis and Management: Concepts & Theory 2. 4 Credit Hours.
This course provides the theoretical foundations for the competencies of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) in health promotion, diagnosis and management in the primary healthcare setting for adults, including women across the reproductive continuum. Problem-based and self-directed learning strategies are used to formulate differential diagnoses and develop evidence-based treatment plans for chronic and acute conditions affecting the adult patient and women across the reproductive continuum. Collaboration with interprofessional teams is examined as well as legal and ethical principles informing quality family-centered healthcare. Prerequisites: NURS 6338, NURS 6302, NURS 6210, NURS 6110, NURS 6453.
NURS 6455. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Diagnosis and Management: Concepts And Theory 1. 4 Credit Hours.
This course introduces the student to the principles of diagnostic and treatment strategies utilized in acute/critical care settings by the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. The use of evidence based practice is encouraged to develop a strong scientific foundation for independent and collaborative practice as the registered nurse transitions to the role of the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. The focus is in health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and management of common illnesses seen in the acute care settings affecting the young adult, adult and older adult populations. In addition, this course emphasizes collaborative partnership development between patients, their families and inter-professional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 6210, NURS 6302, NURS 6312, NURS 6315, NURS 5338.
NURS 6456. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Diagnosis and Management: Concepts And Theory 2. 4 Credit Hours.
This course fosters the progression of the Adult-Gerontology Acute Nurse Practitioner student's role transition in the areas of health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and management in high acuity practice settings for the young adult, adult and older adult with complex acute, critical and chronic health conditions. Using problem-based and self-directed learning strategies, disorders of the physiologic systems are presented and build on the information presented in Diagnosis and Management: Concepts and Theory 1. Emphasis is placed on using evidence-based practice to formulate individualized plans for care and developing collaborative partnerships with patients, their families and inter-professional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 6455. Corequisites: NURS 6656.
NURS 6457. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis and Management: Clinical Application 1. 4 Credit Hours.
The focus of this clinical course is integration of the Family Nurse Practitioner's (FNP) essential knowledge in health promotion, diagnosis and management of patients and families in the primary healthcare setting across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on care of patients and families with acute and chronic health problems in collaboration with interprofessional teams using evidence-based and patient-centered strategies. Prerequisites: NURS 6453, NURS 6454. Corequisites: NURS 6354, NURS 6153.
NURS 6458. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis and Management: Clinical Application 2. 4 Credit Hours.
The focus of this clinical course is continued integration of the Family Nurse Practitioner's (FNP) essential knowledge in health promotion, diagnosis and management of patients and families in the primary healthcare setting across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on care of patients and families with acute and chronic health problems in collaboration with interprofessional teams using evidence-based and patient-centered strategies. Prerequisites: NURS 6453, NURS 6454, NURS 6254, NURS 6457, NURS 6153. Corequisites: NURS 6154.
NURS 6615. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) Primary Care Diagnosis and Management 1: Clinical Application. 6 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on primary care experiences promoting health, preventing disease and diagnosing and managing acute and chronic illness from birth through adolescence and developing collaborative partnerships among patients, families, and interprofessional teams.
Prerequisites: NURS 6423 and NURS 6428.
NURS 6616. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) Primary Care Diagnosis & Management 2: Clinical Application. 6 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on refining the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner role in primary healthcare practice in diverse populations. Emphasis is placed on care of persons with complex health problems from birth through adolescence. In addition, the nurse practitioner's role as a collaborative member of the interprofessional team will be evaluated.
Prerequisites: NURS 6423, NURS 6428 and NURS 6616.
NURS 6620. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis & Management of Aging Families: Clinical Application. 6 Credit Hours.
The focus of this course is integration of the Family Nurse Practitioner's core knowledge in health promotion, diagnosis and management in the care of the mature and aging patient and families in the primary healthcare setting. Emphasis is placed on the care of mature and aging patients and families with acute and chronic complex health problems. In addition, the family nurse practitioner as a collaborative member of the interprofessional team will be emphasized.
Prerequisites: NURS 6451 and NURS 6452.
NURS 6621. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Diagnosis & Management of Young Families: Clinical Application. 6 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on the primary care experience in health promotion, disease prevention, and diagnosis and management of acute and chronic illness in patients across the reproductive continuum and the health and illness from birth to adolescents. Additionally, this course emphasizes collaborative partnership development among patients, families and interprofessional teams.
Prerequisites: NURS 6451 and NURS 6452.
NURS 6623. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Diagnosis & Management 1: Clinical Application. 6 Credit Hours.
Primary care experience in health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and management of psychiatric illness. Additionally, this course emphasizes collaborative partnership development among patients, families, and interprofessional teams.
Prerequisites: NURS 6412 and NURS 6416.
NURS 6624. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Diagnosis & Management 2: Clinical Application. 6 Credit Hours.
The focus of this course is refinement of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner role in health promotion, diagnosis and management in psychiatric practice in diverse populations across the life span. Emphasis is placed on care of persons with complex health problems. In addition, the nurse practitioner's role as a collaborative member of the interprofessional team will be evaluated.
Prerequisites: NURS 6412, NURS 6416 and NURS 6623.
NURS 6655. Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Diagnosis and Management 1: Clinical Application. 6 Credit Hours.
This course develops clinical competency and emphasizes the integration of theory, assessment and advanced therapeutics for young adults, adults and older adults in a high acuity setting. Students will perform comprehensive clinical assessments including appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic testing. Management of acute and chronic health problems will be under the direction of clinical preceptors. Clinical placements will include a variety of acute/critical are areas including but limited to: emergency department, medical/surgical intensive care units, intermediate care and specialty services such as transplant and oncology. Gerontology experiences will be provided in long term, rehabilitation facilities and the acute care setting. In addition, this course emphasizes collaborative partnerships development between patients, their families, and inter-professional teams. Prerequisites: NURS 6456.
NURS 6822. Clinical Nurse Leader Role 2: Clinical Application For The Advanced Nursing Generalist. 8 Credit Hours.
This capstone clinical experience is designed for students to develop expertise in clinical leadership in their respective interest areas. The health care setting will vary based on a student's chosen program focus. Planning implementation of selected microsystems changes that will enhance the culture of learning, culture of safety, and improved patient outcomes based on evidence-based practice is the focus of this clinical course. At the successful conclusion of the course a student will be eligible to sit for the CNLTM credentialing examination provided by the American Association of Colleges in Nursing. Clock hours: 450 clinical clock hours, 30 clock hours clinical conference.
Prerequisites: NURS 6230 and NURS 6233.
Corequisites: NURS 6120.
NURS 7099. Dissertation. 1-9 Credit Hours.
Prerequisites: Admission to candidacy for Doctor of Philosophy degree; registration for two terms is required of PhD candidates.
NURS 7105. Role Of The Clinical Nurse Scientist. 1 Credit Hour.
This course will focus on the professional and ethical roles and responsibilities of the Clinical Nurse Scientist in advancing the discipline of nursing through the generation of clinical knowledge, discovery, and theory development. Potential settings for practice that are traditional, such as academic health centers as well as emerging venues, will be explored. Discussions about issues that may affect the Clinical Nurse Scientist in developing lifelong career/scholarship trajectories will occur.
NURS 7111. Advanced Nursing Seminar. 1 Credit Hour.
This seminar course provides the student with knowledge to facilitate integration and synthesis of the essential specialty competencies necessary to plan and design their DNP Practice Inquiry Project. This seminar may include a variety of activities, identification of the opportunity for improvement, literature synthesis and evidence for their theory based organizational intervention at multiple system levels. The activities will be specific to the student's identified area of specialty. Students will share issues related to the plan and design of the DNP Practice Inquiry Project in seminar.
Prerequisite: NURS 7304.
Corequisite: NURS 7511.
NURS 7115. Directed Research Project (Qualifying Exam). 1 Credit Hour.
This course allows PhD students to demonstrate program expectations with regard to: a) acquiring adequate substantive knowledge base in field of study and b) acquiring essential knowledge for conducting scholarly, scientific research. Student must complete of course work.
NURS 7210. Nurse Anesthesia Principles I. 2 Credit Hours.
This course introduces the student to the scope and complexities of anesthesia practice. The course investigates the basic concepts in anesthesia care delivery including pre-anesthetic and post-anesthetic evaluation, premedication, formulation of anesthesia management plans, anesthetic techniques and procedures, equipment requirements, monitoring, and record keeping. Prerequisites: NURS 6413, NURS 6432, NURS 6431, CSAT 5022, NURS 6210, NURS 6110.
NURS 7211. DNP Project Plan and Implementation. 2 Credit Hours.
In this course, students develop the DNP project implementation plan and present their formal proposal to their DNP project committee. Students demonstrate the role of a nurse leader and innovator in complex organizational systems as it relates to knowledge translation, implementation, and evaluation. Students engage faculty and practice leaders throughout the implementation and continuous quality improvement process. Students complete 90 DNP project hours. Prerequisites: NURS 7328.
NURS 7212. DNP Project Evaluation. 2 Credit Hours.
In this course, students continue in their practicum experience to facilitate integration and synthesis of the essential competencies necessary to analyze project outcomes and evaluate the process. Students engage faculty and practice leaders throughout the continuous quality improvement process. Students complete 90 DNP project hours. Prerequisites: NURS 7211.
NURS 7213. DNP Project Dissemination. 2 Credit Hours.
In this course, students disseminate the DNP project outcomes, recommendations and lessons learned through scholarly writing and presentations. Additionally, students address practice implications with system leaders and communities of interest. Students reflect on ways to sustain nursing core values, self-care, and wellbeing practices throughout their professional career. Prerequisites: NURS 7212.
NURS 7214. DNP Project: Problem Identification & Evidence Synthesis Practicum. 2 Credit Hours.
In this course, students develop their project proposal. They will partner with an organization to identify an opportunity for improvement. They will investigate the determinants of the practice gap, and then synthesize the evidence that addresses the practice gap. They will select an appropriate theoretical model(s) to guide the assessment and implementation of the project and identify the project goal. During this course, students work with the mentoring team (faculty chair and the project site preceptor) and complete 90 DNP project hours. Prerequisites: NURS 7303 and NURS 7320.
NURS 7215. DNP Project Design Practicum. 2 Credit Hours.
In this course, students develop the DNP project implementation plan and present their formal proposal to their DNP project committee. Students demonstrate the role of a nurse leader and innovator in complex organizational systems as it relates to knowledge translation, implementation, and evaluation. Students collaborate with the mentoring team (faculty chair and the project site preceptor) and complete 90 DNP project hours. Prerequisites: NURS 7304.
NURS 7222. Leadership In Complex Healthcare Systems. 2 Credit Hours.
The focus of this course is on leadership skills preparing nurses for intra/interprofessional leadership in complex healthcare systems including collaborative and consultative models, conflict and board management, and advanced communication and team-building skills with emphasis on innovation and change. Clock hours: 2 clock hours class (30 hours class) Prerequisite: NURS 5339 Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7226. Ethics Of Nursing Science. 2 Credit Hours.
The focus of this course is on the ethical imperative/implications in the role of the clinical nurse scientist. Current ethical theories are critiqued and the ethical implications of the major research paradigms are evaluated. Ethical issues arising from selected theoretical/research approaches are examined.
NURS 7227. Introduction to Anesthesia Equipment, Technology & Clinical Practice. 2 Credit Hours.
The course will introduce students to the preparation of the anesthetizing environment, physiologic monitoring, utilization of anesthesia equipment, fluid and electrolyte monitoring, communication and documentation. This course integrates chemistry and physics to provide the student with a foundation to understand anesthesia equipment, such as the various delivery systems, ventilators, and the anesthesia machine. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.
NURS 7230. Nurse Anesthesia Principles III. 2 Credit Hours.
This course will reinforce and build on principles learned in Nurse Anesthesia Principles I and II. Concepts unique to pediatric and obstetrical anesthesia will be the focus of the course. Learners will incorporate physiological and pathophysiological concepts unique to this population with anesthesia principles previously explored in Nurse Anesthesia Principles I and II. New psychomotor skills needed for pediatric and obstetrical anesthesia will be introduced and correlated to specific cases throughout the course. A lab setting will be utilized by learners to take anesthesia concepts and techniques taught during the course and correlate them to specific anesthetic management of cases. Prerequisites: NURS 7326 and NURS 7410.
NURS 7231. Professional Aspects of Nurse Anesthesia Practice. 2 Credit Hours.
This course provides an in-depth investigation of the historical and professional role of the certified registered nurse anesthetist. Students will explore concepts related to the CRNAs Scope of Practice, standards of care, adherence to an ethical code of conduct, legal and regulatory aspects of the profession, and variations of practices between states. The optimization and challenges of wellness and work/life balance of the nurse anesthetist will be addressed. The student must be in graduate standing to register for this course.
NURS 7301. Methods For Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Translational Science 1. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on analyzing evidence-based practice paradigms, quality improvement, and patient safety; appraising primary research and systematic review; and examining approaches to measuring care processes, organizational factors, nursing performance, and patient outcomes. Clock hours: 3 clock hours class (45 hours class) Prerequisites: NURS 5306 and NURS 5307 Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7302. Leadership in Healthcare. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course, students focus on theoretical underpinnings of effective leadership, organizational development, complex adaptive systems, quality, safety, and interprofessional collaboration within healthcare systems through change management, communication, team building, conflict management, decision-making and collaborative skills. They will examine national initiatives focused on quality management and patient safety. Students will examine strategies for leadership skill development, including personal resilience, well-being, and professional maturity. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7303. Knowledge Translation: Searching, Appraising and Synthesizing Evidence. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course, students build a foundation for clinical scholarship in advanced nursing practice. Students will analyze various models of evidence-based practice (EBP) and knowledge translation. They will critically appraise and synthesize primary research, systematic reviews, and best practice guidelines to address a clinical issue related to a knowledge-practice gap. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7304. Knowledge Translation: Designing and Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course, students learn how to translate knowledge into practice using research and other forms of evidence to enhance quality and safety in healthcare. They will apply knowledge translation models, implementation designs, evaluation models, and analytical approaches to improve practice, patient, population, and system-level outcomes. Additionally, students will select context-specific implementation and change strategies that facilitate and sustain evidence-based interventions in complex healthcare delivery systems, aiming for safe, timely, effective, efficient, and patient-centered care. Students will address ethical issues related to knowledge translation and implementation. Prerequisites: NURS 7303 Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7305. DNP Seminar. 3 Credit Hours.
This seminar focuses on the DNP project development. This seminar includes activities related to developing the DNP project proposal: identifying the opportunity for improvement, review of the literature for significance and background, selecting the appropriate theoretical model(s) that will guide the assessment and implementation of the project, and identifying the project goal. The student synthesizes the literature to guide the evidence-based project proposal. During this seminar, students will work with the mentoring team (faculty chair and the project site preceptor). Prerequisites: NURS 6315; NURS 6320; NURS 6380; NURS 7302, NURS 7303, NURS 7304, NURS 7320, NURS 7322, NURS 7324.
NURS 7306. DNP Project. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides students with clinical specialty immersion experience to plan, design, implement, and evaluate the DNP Project. Students will demonstrate the role of the DNP as leader and innovator in complex organizational systems as it relates to knowledge translation, implementation, and evaluation. Milestones for project completion are determined for each semester. Prerequisites: NURS 6320, NURS 6315, NURS 6380, NURS 7302, NURS 7303, NURS 7304, NURS 7305, NURS 7320, NURS 7324, NURS 7322. Corequisites: NURS 6235, NURS 6254, NURS 6219, NURS 6224.
NURS 7307. DNP Dissemination. 3 Credit Hours.
The student will disseminate DNP project outcomes, recommendations, and lessons learned through scholarly writing and presentations. Additionally, students will address practice implications with system leaders and communities of interest. Prerequisites: NURS 6320, NURS 7302, NURS 7303, NURS 6315, NURS 6380, NURS 7324, NURS 7322, NURS 7304, NURS 7305, NURS 7306, NURS 7320, 7309, and 7308.
NURS 7308. DNP Project 2. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides students with clinical specialty immersion experience to plan, design, implement, and evaluate the DNP Project. Students will demonstrate the role of the DNP as leader and innovator in complex organizational systems as it relates to knowledge translation, implementation, and evaluation. Milestones for project completion are determined for each semester. Prerequisites: NURS 6320, NURS 7302, NURS 7303, NURS 7320, NURS 6315, NURS 6380, NURS 7324, NURS 7322, NURS 7304, NURS 7305, and NURS 7309.
NURS 7309. DNP Project 1. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides students with clinical specialty immersion experience to plan, design, implement, and evaluate the DNP Project. Students will demonstrate the role of the DNP as leader and innovator in complex organizational systems as it relates to knowledge translation, implementation, and evaluation. Milestones for project completion are determined for each semester.
Prerequisites: NURS 6320, NURS 7302, NURS 7303, NURS 7320, NURS 6315, NURS 6380, NURS 7324 , NURS 7322, NURS 7304, and NURS 7305.
NURS 7310. Theory Development, Analysis and Evaluation. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides opportunity to study a system for the development of nursing science through middle-range theory development. Learning activities include engaging in strategies for concept, statement clarification, and theory clarification. Students and faculty dialog about theory application, theory construction, evaluation, and clinical testing of theory. The relationship between research and clinical practice to theory generation and testing is explored. The student and faculty will have the opportunity to gain practice in strategies for middle-range theory building. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.
NURS 7311. Theories and Research in Leadership, Quality, Safety, and Evidence Base. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on leadership, chaos, system, improved and transitional science theories and patient safety, healthcare quality and evidence-based research and models to frame improvement, implementation, and translational research studies. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7312. DNP Project: Seminar. 3 Credit Hours.
This course requires the student to engage faculty and community leaders in the implementation and reporting of the process and outcomes of their theory and evidence based organizational intervention at multiple system levels. The student explores specific issues related to the specific practice topic that leads to an evidence-based improvement project. The role of the DNP as leader and innovator in complex organizational systems will be discussed as it relates to the proposal and implementation. Faculty, practice leaders and experts will assist with development of a plan that is relevant and feasible. Successful completion of PH 1690 as an alternate to NURS 7321.
Prerequisites: NURS 7320, NURS 7303, and NURS 7304.
Corequisites: NURS 7313.
NURS 7313. DNP Practice Inquiry: Clinical Application. 3 Credit Hours.
This course requires the student to engage faculty and community leaders in the implementation and reporting of the process and outcomes of their theory and evidence based organizational intervention at multiple system levels. The role of the DNP as leader and innovator in complex organizational systems will be discussed as it relates to implementation and evaluation. Faculty, practice leaders and experts will assist with the implementation and evaluation of a practice inquiry project. Successful completion of PH 1690 as an alternate to NURS 7321. Prerequisites: NURS 7320, NURS 7303, NURS 7304. Corequisite: NURS 7312.
NURS 7314. Nursing and Health Systems Administration. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is designed to prepare the professional chief nurse executive to provide strategic direction for all aspects of nursing care and care delivery operations for multiple clinical departments, hospitals and service lines across the continuum in regional and/or national healthcare systems to provide value. Successful completion of PH 1690 as an alternate to NURS 7321. Prerequisites: NURS 7320, NURS 7303, NURS 7304.
NURS 7315. Quantitative Research Designs and Methods. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is designed to help students develop an understanding of quantitative research methods. Key concepts and issues relevant to formulating a research question, study design, sampling and measurement will be covered. The course will cover sources of bias in quantitative design. Students will develop a research question related to their area of interest, determine the appropriate research design, and develop a quantitative proposal. Student must have Graduate Standing. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7316. Statistical Analysis For Nursing Science. 3 Credit Hours.
This is an introductory course in statistics and computing. This course will allow the student to summarize numerical data, gain a working vocabulary of important statistical methods, develop some functional computing skills, and improve confidence in dealing with numbers. By the end of the course, you will be knowledgeable about:
* understand how statistics can inform research
* recognize limitations of statistical information
* develop the skills needed to critique a typical quantitative journal article;
* be able to perform and interpret basic statistical tests. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
NURS 7317. Multivariate Statistics. 3 Credit Hours.
Within this course, students will study multivariate techniques in health care research and apply aspects of complex research designs, including model testing, decision theory, and advanced statistical techniques. Prerequisites: NURS 7316, NURS 7315 Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7318. Instrumentation/Measurement. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on specific techniques to measure outcomes in clinical and health services research. The course is appropriate for doctoral students, clinical and translational researchers and trainees, and advanced masters-level students with interest in health care outcomes assessment. The course is designed to provide students with in-depth familiarity of techniques and measurement instruments that are most useful to quantify and evaluate outcomes in domains such as: health status, quality of life, patient satisfaction, pain, depression and other mental health conditions, function and disability, adherence with treatment, costs and cost-effectiveness, other economic and social outcomes, and specialized outcome measures for pediatric, geriatric, and other distinctive populations. Prerequisites: NURS 7316, NURS 7315, NURS 7317 Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7319. Seminars in Nurse Anesthesia I. 3 Credit Hours.
This is the first in a series of two (2) clinical correlation courses. The course is designed to be a comprehensive review of the body of knowledge necessary to enter Nurse Anesthesia practice. Selected topics and case studies will be applied in an advanced study of scientific principles, principles of therapeutics, and principles of anesthesia practice to further develop critical thinking skills, and to foster continued integration of theoretical knowledge into clinical practice. A series of seminars and presentations interspersed with comprehensive, computerized examinations will be administered to allow students to evaluate their knowledge level and their test taking skills. Nurse Anesthesia student preparation for both the DNP Comprehensive Examination and the NBCRNA National Certification Examination will be enhanced. Prerequisites: NURS 7340 and NURS 7530.
NURS 7320. Statistical Process Control and Quality Improvement Methods. 3 Credit Hours.
Students will use data analytical and visualization methods for knowledge translation and implementation to evaluate processes that impact system, practice, and patient-level outcomes. They will develop skills to analyze patient, practice, and outcome data using descriptive statistics and quality improvement analytics and visualization tools. Students will explore appropriate models, methods, measures, data sources, and analyses to evaluate healthcare quality and patient outcomes. Students will interpret, visualize and present data to advance practice and patient outcomes. Prerequisites: NURS 6380 and NURS 7302. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7321. Statistical Analysis for Quality Improvement and Health Delivery Systems. 3 Credit Hours.
This course examines the concepts and techniques to develop, improve, and evaluate patient care and health care delivery systems from multiple perspectives including efficiency, effectiveness, and comparability. Students are provided with essential knowledge for evaluation of research to guide evidence-based practice at the highest level. This course provides an overview of the logic and appropriate use of statistical techniques most commonly reported in the research literature of the health professions. Students build on knowledge they have gained from basic statistics courses to develop advanced skills in interpreting and understanding common univariate and multivariate statistical approaches presented in published health care reports. Using a project-oriented approach, students are provided with statistical tools necessary to conduct state-of-the-art practice improvement projects and support leadership decisions. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7322. Healthcare Policy Analysis and Advocacy. 3 Credit Hours.
This course prepares the nurse leader to advance the agenda of the rapidly changing care environment by examination of health policy research and analysis. Students will focus on policy process and develop and implement policy agendas. They will participate in collective decision-making, identifying roles and key stakeholders. The course will address how to identify gaps in policy knowledge and provide opportunity for nurse leaders to engage in processes that influence policy decisions at the institutional, local, state, regional, national and/ or international levels. The course will prepare the nurse leader to analyze the policy process and engage in politically competent care. There are no prerequisites for Post-MSN to PhD students. However, DNP students do have a prerequisite.
Prerequisites: NURS 7302.
NURS 7323. Design And Analysis For Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Translational Science 2. 3 Credit Hours.
This course extends Evidence-Based Practice Translational Science 1 to refine the student's ability to integrate research and knowledge into practice and evaluate impact on healthcare quality and safety and patient outcomes. Students will have the opportunity to use advanced program evaluation research approaches and analytic methods to design and evaluate innovations in systems of care in terms of care processes and patient outcomes. The course emphasizes appropriate and analytic approaches in translational science and explores ethical issues in translational science. Clock hours: 3 clock hours class (45 hours class) Prerequisites: NURS 7301 Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7324. Healthcare Economics And Policy. 3 Credit Hours.
This course prepares the student to lead improvements in health care and shape health policy through an understanding of macroeconomic principles in the health care market. Students will be given the opportunity to apply theoretical and empirical economic analysis to business and public policy issues in health care. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis. Prerequisites: NURS 6320.
NURS 7325. Philosophy of Nursing Science. 3 Credit Hours.
The focus of this course is to relate philosophy of science, philosophy of nursing science, and one's personal philosophy to the development of nursing knowledge. The role of scientists in nursing and in society will be explored. Emphasis is on the process of analysis and the ability to present the pros and cons of philosophical issues. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.
NURS 7326. Nurse Anesthesia Principles II. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will expand on the concepts learned in Nurse Anesthesia Principles I. Various anesthesia techniques and the physiological effects of those techniques on complex co-morbidities will be the emphasis of the course. Special consideration of the geriatric population and the physiological effects of the various anesthesia techniques will also be explored. The psychomotor skills introduced in Nurse Anesthesia Principles I will be refined and enhanced. New psychomotor skills needed for higher level anesthesia techniques will be introduced and correlated to specific cases throughout the course. A lab setting will be utilized by learners to take concepts and anesthesia techniques taught during the course and correlate them to specific anesthetic management of cases. Prerequisites: NURS 7227 and NURS 7210.
NURS 7327. Seminars in Nurse Anesthesia II. 3 Credit Hours.
This is the second in a series of two (2) clinical correlation courses. The course is designed to be a comprehensive review of the body of knowledge necessary to enter Nurse Anesthesia practice. Selected topics and case studies will be applied in an advanced study of scientific principles, principles of therapeutics, and principles of anesthesia practice in order to further develop critical thinking skills, and to foster continued integration of theoretical knowledge into clinical practice. A series of seminars and presentations interspersed with comprehensive, computerized examinations will be administered to allow students to evaluate their knowledge level and their test taking skills. Nurse Anesthesia student preparation for both the DNP Comprehensive Examination and the NBCRNA National Certification Examination will be enhanced. Prerequisites: NURS 7319 and NURS 7540.
NURS 7328. DNP Project Problem Identification and Evidence Synthesis. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course, students develop their project proposal. They will partner with an organization to identify an opportunity for improvement. They will investigate the determinants of the practice gap, and then synthesize the evidence that addresses the practice gap. They will select an appropriate theoretical model(s) to guide the assessment and implementation of the project and identify the project goal. During this course, students work with the mentoring team (faculty chair and the project site preceptor) and complete 90 DNP project hours. Prerequisites: NURS 7303 and NURS 7320.
NURS 7329. DNP Project Evaluation and Dissemination. 3 Credit Hours.
In this course, students evaluate and disseminate the DNP project outcomes, recommendations and lessons learned through scholarly writing and presentations. Additionally, students address practice implications with system leaders and communities of interest. Students reflect on ways to sustain nursing core values, self-care, and wellbeing practices throughout their professional career. Prerequisites: NURS 7470.
NURS 7340. Nurse Anesthesia Principles IV. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will reinforce and expand on the concepts learned in Nurse Anesthesia Principles I II and II. Various anesthesia techniques and the physiological effects of those techniques on concepts unique to cardiothoracic anesthesia will be the focus of the course. Learners will incorporate physiological and pathophysiological concepts unique to this population with anesthesia principles previous explored in Nurse Anesthesia Principles I, II, and III. New psychomotor skills needed for cardiothoracic anesthesia will be introduced and correlated to specific cases throughout the course. A lab setting will be utilized by learners to take anesthesia concepts and techniques taught during the course and correlate them to specific anesthetic management of cases. Prerequisites: NURS 7230 and NURS 7520.
NURS 7373. Nursing: Quantitative Research Methods 2. 3 Credit Hours.
This course presents modern and classical psychometrics for nursing science from the perspective of item response theory. Most of the course will cover classical test theory from the perspective of modern test theory. An introduction to binary item response theory will also be presented. The course will emphasize applications within the context of modern psychometric principles.
Prerequisites: NURS 7325, NURS 7226, NURS 7374, NURS 7310, NURS 7380, NURS 7375
Corequisites: NURS 7381
Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7374. Quantitative Research Designs and Methods. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is an introduction to research designs for causal inference. Experimental, quasi-experimental, and observational designs will be presented and evaluated for internal, external, construct, and statistical validity. Issues regarding sampling, measurement, randomization, treatment, and control will be addressed. The rationale for drawing causal inferences will be thoroughly explored. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.
NURS 7375. Regression Models For Nursing Science. 3 Credit Hours.
This course presents regression analysis at an intermediate level. Course will focus on regression for continuous variables: specification, estimation, testing, and diagnostics. Logistic regression for binomial and multinomial variables, log-linear regression for count variables, and proportional hazards regression for duration variables will be explored. An introduction to multilevel regression will occur.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7377. Mixed Methods For Clinical Nurse Scientists. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will cover the use of mixed methods, quantitative and qualitative, to address complex research questions in nursing and health care. Problems of trying to merge methods and practical strategies for accomplishing this successfully, as well as paradigmatic issues, will be discussed. Prior products developed in quantitative and qualitative methods classes to devise a mixed method proposal that integrates readings on mixed methods with the student's own research interests will be used. Prerequisites: NURS 7374 and NURS 7380 Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7380. Qualitative Research Designs and Methods. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is an introduction to qualitative research designs and methods. Students will analyze, compare and contrast a variety of qualitative approaches, which may include phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, case study, qualitative description and action research. Data collection methods including interviewing, participant observation and photo elicitation will be addressed as well as sampling, ethical concerns, data analysis and rigor. Corequisite: NURS 7325. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7381. Synthesis and Application of Clinical Research. 3 Credit Hours.
This course integrates the dynamic elements of clinical practice, theory, and research to prepare doctoral students to function effectively in the synthesis and application of clinical research. This course provides guided direction in the processes used for dissertation development and grant application proposals. Students will be actively involved in the critique and analysis of published literature and other students' dissertation proposals, grant applications, and manuscripts. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7382. Structural Equation Models For Nursing Science. 3 Credit Hours.
This course presents structural equation modeling (SEM) for nursing science. The course will begin with a review of regression from an SEM perspective. The first major topic of the course will be path analysis, including model specification, methods of estimation, recursive and non-recursive models, direct, indirect, and total effects, methods of estimation, single and multi-group analyses, moderators and mediators, and the assessment of causality. The second major topic will be psychometrics from an SEM perspective, including congeneric test theory, reliability and stability, convergent and discriminant validity, and confirmatory factor analysis. The third major topic will combine the first two into structural equations, including model specification and identification, methods of estimation, second-order factor analysis, and the assessment of causal structure. Prior completion of Intermediate statistics is required to register for this course. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7383. Qualitative Methods 2: Application In Nursing Science. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to conceptualize a research problem from a qualitative perspective, to study one specific method (grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenology, hermeneutics), and to practice qualitative approaches to data collection and analysis in that method. Students will have opportunities to write a mini-proposal guided by a qualitative research question and leading to a specific qualitative research approach to the problem. There will be opportunities for participating in Mock reviews of qualitative research proposals (either as investigator or reviewer). Students will have the opportunity to learn the IRB approval process with qualitative proposals and will have opportunities to develop pilot research strategies building to a dissertation proposal. Strategies will include interviewing, focus group, or participant observation following the selected method. Through this process students are required to practice and learn strategies and processes for conceptualizing and implementing a qualitative study guided by a specific qualitative methodology.
Prerequisites: NURS 7325, NURS 7226, NURS 7374, and NURS 7380 Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.
NURS 7410. Clinical Anesthesia Residency I. 4 Credit Hours.
This course will introduce the nurse anesthesia student to the clinical experience. The course is designed to integrate didactic course work and basic level anesthesia technology and equipment, medications, monitoring, procedures, and the perioperative environment. The student will be assigned to affiliated clinical sites and anesthesia related specialty areas. Experience will begin with simple cases and techniques and build to more complex cases throughout the course. Clinical experiences will be guided by Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and/or Anesthesiologist. Ongoing assessments will be conducted to evaluate the students ability to apply basic didactic coursework into the clinical setting. Prerequisites: NURS 7210 and NURS 7227.
NURS 7415. Health Systems Policy, Economics, and Financial Planning. 4 Credit Hours.
In this course, students analyze health policy and economic principles that impact systems of care for individuals, communities, and organizations. Students explore strategies to improve health outcomes through policy changes and financial planning that promotes health and wellness of society and efficient healthcare delivery systems. Prerequisites: NURS 7302.
NURS 7470. DNP Project Implementation Practicum. 4 Credit Hours.
In this course, students continue in their practicum experience to facilitate integration and synthesis of the essential competencies necessary to implement the project design and plan. Students engage faculty and practice leaders throughout the implementation and continuous quality improvement process. The student demonstrates the role as leader and innovator in complex organizational systems. Prerequisites: NURS 7215.
NURS 7511. Advanced Nursing: Clinical Application. 5 Credit Hours.
This course provides the student with clinical specialty immersion experiences to facilitate integration and synthesis of the essential competencies necessary for implementation of the DNP Practice Inquiry Project. Students will engage faculty and practice leaders in the plan and design of the project. The practice immersion experience may include a variety of activities related to the identification of the opportunity for improvement, analyzing the organizational context and strategies for design with appropriate clinicians in the clinical practice immersion. The setting and activities will be specific to the student's identified area of specialty.
Corequisites: NURS 7111.
NURS 7520. Clinical Anesthesia Residency II. 5 Credit Hours.
This course will incorporate evidence-based knowledge and skills in the management of increasingly complex clinical experiences designed to provide the nurse anesthesia student with clinical application of the foundational principles in anesthesia. Experiences will continue the integration of advanced anesthesia principles into practice. The student will continue to develop competencies with monitoring, use of equipment, and administration of medications with an emphasis on patient safety and vigilance. Clinical experiences will be guided by the CRNA and/or anesthesiologist. Prerequisites: NURS 7326 and NURS 7410.
NURS 7530. Clinical Anesthesia Residency III. 5 Credit Hours.
This course will continue to incorporate evidence-based knowledge and skills in the management of increasingly complex clinical experiences designed to provide the nurse anesthesia student with clinical application of the foundational principles in anesthesia. Experiences will build on knowledge and skills gained in the first three principles courses. This course will emphasize continued management of general and specialty anesthetic techniques for patients with complex co-morbidities and broaden experience for particular surgical procedures including: intracranial, vascular, neuro-skeletal, diagnostic/therapeutic procedures, organ procurement, and laser procedures. Principles and ethical concepts for organ procurement will also be discussed. Clinical experiences will be guided by the CRNA and/or anesthesiologist. Prerequisites: NURS 7230, NURS 7520.
NURS 7540. Clinical Anesthesia Residency IV. 5 Credit Hours.
This course will incorporate evidence-based knowledge and skills in the management of more advanced anesthesia specialty cases including cardiothoracic, neurosurgical, and organ transplant procedures. Experiences will build on the knowledge and skills gained in the first three clinical residency courses. Emphasis will be on the delivery of personalized care across the disease spectrum integrating evidence-based research practices, critical thinking, patient safety and vigilance, inter-professional communication, and culturally competent care. Clinical experiences will be guided by the CRNA and/or anesthesiologist. Prerequisites: NURS 7340 and NURS 7530.
NURS 7550. Clinical Anesthesia Residency V. 5 Credit Hours.
This course will incorporate evidence-based knowledge and skills in the management of advanced anesthesia specialty cases involving the pediatric and obstetrical patient population. Emphasis will be on the delivery of personalized care to the pediatric and obstetrical patient population integrating evidence-based research practices, critical thinking, patient safety and vigilance, inter-professional communication, and culturally competent care. Clinical experiences will be guided by the CRNA and/or anesthesiologist. Prerequisites: NURS 7340 and NURS 7540.