Pathology (PATH)


PATH 4001. Hematology - University Hospital. 4 Credit Hours.

During this selective, through daily experience, consultations, and conferences, students will have the opportunity to learn to use CBCs, blood films, bone marrow studies, and other hematologic laboratory data in the diagnosis of basic hematologic, lymphoid, and coagulation disorders. This selective can be tailored according to the needs of individual students. The student interested in primary care can become involved in the performance of common laboratory tests done in the office. Daily contact with the pathologist will provide guidance in selection and proper utilization of laboratory testing for a specific patient's problem. For the student interested in pathology and laboratory medicine, the organization, management, maintenance of quality control, and consultative role of the Hematology Laboratory will be emphasized. During the selective period, a student may be assigned to spend one week in flow cytometry, molecular genetics, or cytogenetics.

PATH 4002. Blood Banking. 4 Credit Hours.

This elective is to acquaint the student with transfusion practices including the collection, manufacture, indications, dosage, expected benefits and risks of the different blood components, as well as the performance of therapeutic apheresis. The student will also be exposed to basic immuno-hematology and blood-banking techniques of acquiring, processing, testing, and transfusing blood components. Under the direction of the pathologist, a transfusion medicine fellow, a pathology resident, and a technical specialist in blood banking, the student will be required to perform basic techniques, participate in resolving the problems of patients having difficulties in transfusion, and evaluate the appropriateness of transfusion. The elective can be tailored to offer more experience in transfusion practices for patient care or in organization, management, quality control, and other factors important to the student who may consider laboratory medicine as a chosen field. Students are required to participate in consultations, education programs offered by the blood bank and expected to do a brief presentation at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory Medicine Report didactic conference. This elective is available to second year students after they have completed their preclinical coursework. Permission is required to register.

PATH 4003. Hematology/Blood Banking. 4 Credit Hours.

This combination selective between the Hematology Laboratory and the Blood Bank may be arranged if student so desires.

PATH 4012. Cytopathology. 4 Credit Hours.

During this elective, through daily experience, consultations, and conferences, students will be exposed to various cytopathology specimens obtained from various anatomic sites and observe rapid on-site reviews of pathologic material obtained by pathologist performed, radiologically guided or endoscopically guided aspiration procedures. Students are required to learn basic staining with preliminary evaluation for adequacy of aspirate. There will be exposure to basic interpretation of cytologic specimens (smears and cell blocks) with emphasis on selection of ancillary testing along with clinical correlation. The experience may be customized depending on the student's future interests (pathology as a future vocation versus students planning on other fields of medicine). This elective is available to second year students after they have completed their preclinical coursework. Permission is required to register.

PATH 4013. General Pathology Rotation (an overview of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology). 2 Credit Hours.

Pathologists play many roles in medicine. Roles range from interpreting surgical biopsies to supervising clinical laboratory testing. It has been estimated that 70% of all medical decisions are based on data generated by pathology departments. This elective is designed to introduce the student to the practice of pathology and the role of the pathologist in diagnosis and management, and will provide exposure to several subspecialty areas within the pathology department. This rotation is intended either for those interested in pathology as a career, and those interested in broadening their understanding of pathology in general, or in relation to their chosen field. This two or four week elective will expose the medical student to the fields of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology including surgical pathology, cytopathology, autopsy pathology, hematopathology, transfusion medicine, and microbiology. In anatomic pathology, students will have the opportunity to partake a range of experiences, including supervised observation or active participation of prosection of surgical specimens, microscopic evaluations, frozen section evaluations, participate and observe in immediate adequacy assessment of samples for image guided fine needle aspirations/ core needle biopsies and participate in autopsy procedures as available. In clinical pathology, the student will participate in the diagnosis of blood and bone marrow disorders, transfusion reaction evaluation and provision of blood, among other experiences. In general, students will attend: 1) an introductory guided tour of clinical and anatomic laboratories/departments with an overview of diagnostic testing and methods, 2) required lectures and teaching sessions 3) and at least 2 multidisciplinary case conferences (tumor boards). At the end of the rotation, students are expected to deliver a 10-20 minute presentation at the clinical pathology conference (laboratory medicine conference) and/or the anatomic pathology grand rounds conference. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.

PATH 4015. Forensic Pathology. 2 Credit Hours.

Daily responsibilities include the observation of forensic autopsies. Other responsibilities will include crime scene attendance, courtroom, and/or deposition exposure. The student will be assessed by attendance, type and frequency of activities performed, and subjective evaluations by the medical examiner staff. This forensic pathology rotation must be pre-approved by the course director for both time period and length of rotation; recommended during the fourth year of medical school following core rotation in general autopsy and surgical pathology, though those rotations are not required. This elective is available to second year students after they have completed their preclinical coursework. Permission is required to register.

PATH 4104. Naturopathic Medicine: Evidence-Based Critique. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This course strives to overcome the animosity between conventional and unconventional medicine by openly discussing and evaluating some of the naturopathic methods using the tools of evidence-based medicine. The objective of this course is to build basic knowledge about the mainstreams of naturopathic medicine such as fito-therapy, acupuncture and other reflexologies, Asian and European dietary systems, as well as stimulatory methods such as fasting and homeopathy. For each of these systems, diagnosis and treatment will be discussed from the evidence-based perspective.

PATH 4105. Evidence Based Medicine In Everyday Practice. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This course includes theory and methodological foundation, definitions and overview of evidence-based medicine, practical considerations, and reporting in evidence-based medicine.

PATH 4290. Clinically Applied Laboratory Medicine (CALM). 0.5 Credit Hours.

This course is an eleven-contact-hour mandatory course in laboratory medicine for MSIV students. Offered during the spring semester, the course is taught by members of the Pathology Department using patient case scenarios to illustrate laboratory medicine aspects of patient care management. An introductory one-hour lecture is presented to the entire class as a whole to provide course format information and small-group assignments. Groups of twenty-five to thirty students are formed based upon medical/surgical specialties; a student is assigned to a group according to chosen specialty. Patient cases are selected to emphasize important laboratory medicine points pertinent to a particular specialty.

PATH 5030. Oral Histopathology. 1 Credit Hour.

The course will review the histopathologic features of oral diseases. Cases signed-out on the Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Biopsy Service will be discussed in a conference format utilizing a multiheaded microscope. Correlation of the histologic findings with the clinical and radiographic presentation of oral disease processes will be emphasized. Students will have the opportunity to learn the basis of surgical pathologic diagnosis and related ancillary special studies.

PATH 5035. Oral Pathology. 2 Credit Hours.

Clinicopathologic correlations, differential diagnosis, and therapeutic rationale are emphasized. The integration of history, physical findings, and clinical laboratory data with pertinent radiographic findings, clinical presentations, and anatomic pathology will be emphasized.

PATH 6026. Graduate Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology - Clinicopathologic Conference 1. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is presented in the first semester and consists of 16 one-hour sessions of instruction conducted as case conferences utilizing radiographic, histopathologic, and clinical projected glass slides and Kodachromes. Students present assigned literature reviews and cases emphasizing radiographic and histopathologic changes; discussions follow. Students include those from Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics, Endodontics, and Dental Diagnostic Sciences.

PATH 6027. Graduate Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Clinicopathologic Conference 2. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is a continuation of PATH 6026 Grad Oral/Maxillofacial Path 1. It is presented in the second semester and consists of 17 one-hour sessions of instruction conducted as case conferences utilizing radiographic, histopathologic, and clinical projected glass slides and Kodachromes. Students present assigned literature reviews and cases emphasizing radiographic and histopathologic changes; discussions follow. Students include those from Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics, Endodontics, and Dental Diagnostic Sciences. Prerequisite: PATH 6026.

PATH 7000. Off Campus. 4 Credit Hours.

All off campus rotations must be approved by the designated faculty member prior to the beginning of the rotation (at least one week before the course begins). Credit will not be given for any rotation that has not been approved in advance. Required paperwork includes: "Course Approval" form, a written letter or email for acceptance form the physician preceptor with the start and end dates of the course/rotation, and a course description of your learning objectives and responsibilities during the rotation. Forms must include a complete address and telephone number for the off campus location or residence address for the student while at the off campus site. Forms will not be approved after the rotation has already begun. Contact the department for assistance with enrolling in this course.

PATH 7023. Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology: Clinicopathologic Conference. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is a series of 14 clinicopathologic conferences presented in an interactive case-based/clinical problem-solving format. Students will be expected to apply their fund of basic science knowledge learned in the prerequisite didactic pathology courses to simulated dental practice situations. Cases will be discussed systematically utilizing the S.O.A.P. format (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan). Students are required to complete and turn in a worksheet and self assessment for each case. Students are expected to read articles from current scientific literature posted on the course site and take the online challenge examinations. Lectures on the critical topics of head and neck cancer and skin cancer will be given by the course director.