Prosthodontics (PROS)


PROS 5015. Concepts Of Occlusion. 1 Credit Hour.

Various concepts of occlusion with special emphasis on the clinical application of gnathology are the focus of this course. The laboratory phase includes the development of a functional occlusion through the cusp-fosa additive wax method and an occlusal equilibration technique.

PROS 5021. Advanced Prosthodontics 1. 1 Credit Hour.

This fall course for first-year advanced prosthodontics students is designed to provide the postdoctoral student with the didactic basis for advanced clinical prosthodontics care.

PROS 5022. Advanced Prosthodontics 1. 1 Credit Hour.

This spring course for first-year advanced prosthodontics students is designed to provide the postdoctoral student with the didactic basis for advanced clinical prosthodontics care.

PROS 5032. Clinical Prosthodontics 1. 4 Credit Hours.

This fall course for first-year advanced prosthodontics students is designed to provide extensive clinical experience in the broad spectrum of prosthodontics as a first course in a progressively more complex clinical prosthodontics curriculum. Each student will have the opportunity to maintain a comprehensive prosthodontics practice involving fixed, removable, and implant treatment procedures.

PROS 5033. Clinical Prosthodontics I. 3 Credit Hours.

This spring course for first-year advanced prosthodontics students is designed to provide extensive clinical experience in the broad spectrum of prosthodontics as a second course in a progressively complex clinical prosthodontics curriculum. Each student will have the opportunity to maintain a comprehensive prosthodontics practice involving fixed, removable, and implant treatment procedures.

PROS 5044. OMS/Prosthodontics Seminar 1. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This fall course for first-year prosthodontics students is a seminar devoted to the discussion and coordination of treatment of patients under joint management by Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Graduate Prosthodontics.

PROS 5045. OMS/Prosthodontics Seminar 1. 0.5 Credit Hours.

The spring course for first-year prosthodontics students is a seminar devoted to the discussion and coordination of treatment of patients under joint management by Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Graduate Prosthodontics.

PROS 5049. Overview of Maxillofacial Pros. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This course introduces the graduate student to the discipline of maxillofacial prosthetics. Emphasis is placed on treating patients requiring prosthetic devices for the head and neck area due to surgery or trauma.

PROS 5050. Dental Implantology. 1 Credit Hour.

This course offers graduate level students an introduction to the basics of the osseointegrated implant surgical and prosthetic technique. Lectures on advanced concepts of osseointegration therapy related to several implant systems are included.

PROS 5053. Advanced Implant Prosthodontics. 1.5 Credit Hour.

The objective of this course is to offer each student an opportunity to obtain background information, knowledge, and skills associated with dental implant treatment modalities.

PROS 5054. Advanced Dental Materials. 3.5 Credit Hours.

Students have an opportunity to become acquainted with sophisticated research equipment through hands-on exposures. Measurements of mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of commonly used dental materials give the student the opportunity to envision and formulate research projects in dental materials.

PROS 5067. Supervised Teaching 1. 1.5 Credit Hour.

This course provides first-year prosthodontic residents the opportunity to teach complete denture laboratory skills to predoctoral students under the supervision of experienced prosthodontic educators.

PROS 5068. Supervised Teaching 1. 2 Credit Hours.

This spring course provides first-year prosthodontic residents the opportunity to teach complete denture laboratory skills to predoctoral students under the supervision of experienced prosthodontic educators.

PROS 5072. Literature Review Seminar 1. 1 Credit Hour.

This fall course for first-year prosthodontics students is the first of six courses given in a three-year continuum of classical literature review seminars. The broad field of prosthodontics literature is systematically reviewed with the objective of providing the postdoctoral student with a background of prosthodontic knowledge and history.

PROS 5073. Literature Review Seminar 1. 1 Credit Hour.

This spring course for first-year prosthodontic students is the second of six courses given in a three-year continuum of classical literature review seminars. The broad field of prosthodontics literature is systematically reviewed with the objective of providing the postdoctoral student with a background of prosthodontic knowledge and history.

PROS 5095. Research. 1 Credit Hour.

This summer course for advanced prosthodontics students is the first of three in the first year designed to offer opportunity to review the literature and to design and complete a laboratory or clinical research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Research should result in a paper by certificate students suitable for publication in a peer-rated journal. Students in the masters programs will be expected to collect and analyze data for a thesis that must be defended as the culmination of research efforts.

PROS 5096. Research. 1 Credit Hour.

This summer course for advanced prosthodontics students is the second of three in the first year designed to offer an opportunity to review the literature and to design and complete a laboratory or clinical research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Research should result in a paper by certificate students suitable for publication in a peer-rated journal. Students in the master's degree programs will be expected to collect and analyze data for a thesis that must be defended as the culmination of research efforts.

PROS 5097. Research 1. 1-9 Credit Hours.

This course offers the student an opportunity to review the literature and to design and complete a laboratory or clinical research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Research should result in a paper by certificate students suitable for publication in a peer-rated journal. Students in the master's programs will be expected to collect and analyze data for a thesis which must be defended as the culmination of research efforts.

PROS 6000. Introduction to Advanced Prosthodontics for Interns. 1 Credit Hour.

PROS 6022. Advanced Prosthodontics 2. 1 Credit Hour.

This fall continuation course for second-year advanced prosthodontic students is designed to provide the postdoctoral student with the didactic basis for advanced clinical prosthodontic care.

PROS 6023. Advanced Prosthodontics 2. 1 Credit Hour.

This spring continuation course for second-year advanced prosthodontics students is designed to provide the postdoctoral student with the didactic basis for advanced clinical prosthodontic care.

PROS 6031. Clinical Prosthodontics 2. 4.5 Credit Hours.

This fall course for second-year advanced prosthodontic students is designed to provide extensive clinical experience in the broad spectrum of prosthodontics as a third clinical course in a progressively complex clinical prosthodontic curriculum. Each student will have opportunity to maintain a comprehensive prosthodontic practice involving fixed, removable, and implant treatment procedures (including surgical placement of implants).

PROS 6032. Clinical Prosthodontics 2. 4.5 Credit Hours.

This spring course for advanced prosthodontic students is designed to provide extensive clinical experience in the broad spectrum of prosthodontics as a course in a progressively more complex clinical prosthodontic curriculum. Each student will have the opportunity to maintain a comprehensive prosthodontic practice involving fixed, removable, and implant treatment procedures (including surgical placement of implants).

PROS 6033. Clinical Prosthodontics 3. 8 Credit Hours.

This fall course for advanced prosthodontic students is designed to provide extensive clinical experience in the broad spectrum of prosthodontics in a progressively more complex clinical prosthodontics curriculum. Each student will have the opportunity to maintain a comprehensive prostho­dontic practice involving fixed, removable, implant and maxillofacial prosthodontic patients.

PROS 6034. Clinical Prosthodontics 3. 6.5 Credit Hours.

This spring course for advanced prosthodontics students is designed to provide extensive clinical experience in the broad spectrum of prosthodontics in a progressively more complex clinical prosthodontics curriculum. Each student will have the opportunity to maintain a comprehensive prosthodontics practice of fixed, removable, implant, and maxillofacial prosthodontics patients.

PROS 6036. Maxillofacial Prosthodontics. 1 Credit Hour.

This clinical course provides the opportunity to experience treating patients on the Maxillofacial Prosthetics Service. Patients with congenital and acquired defects are treated under the supervision of the maxillofacial prosthodontics faculty.

PROS 6037. Clinical Prosthodontics. 1.5-4 Credit Hours.

This clinical course for Perio-Pros residents in their 3rd and 5th years is designed to provide complex clinical treatment experiences that integrate skills from both specialties. Each student will have the opportunity to maintain a comprehensive integrated Perio-Pros practice.

PROS 6043. Geriatric Dentistry. 0.5 Credit Hours.

The objective of this course is to provide the clinical and didactic background necessary to address the limitations geriatric patients pose for prosthodontic specialty level diagnosis, planning and treatment.

PROS 6046. OMS/Prosthodontics Seminar 2. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This fall semester course for second-year advanced prosthodontic students is the third in a continuum of seminar courses devoted to the discussion and coordination of treatments of patients under joint management of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics programs.

PROS 6047. OMS/Prosthodontics Seminar 2. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This spring semester course for second-year advanced prosthodontics students is the fourth in a continuum of seminar courses devoted to the discussion and coordination of treatments of patients under joint management of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics programs.

PROS 6048. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics Seminar 3. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This fall semester course for third year advanced prosthodontics students is a continuation of seminar courses devoted to the discussion and coordination of treatments of patients under joint management of the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics programs.

PROS 6049. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics Seminar 3. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This spring semester course for third year advanced prosthodontics students is a continuation of seminar courses devoted to the discussion and coordination of treatments of patients under joint management of the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics programs.

PROS 6069. Supervised Teaching 2. 2 Credit Hours.

This fall course is the first of two second-year advanced prosthodontics courses that provide students with the opportunity to teach fixed prosthodontic laboratory skills to predoctoral students under the supervision of experienced prosthodontic educators.

PROS 6070. Supervised Teaching 2. 2 Credit Hours.

This spring course is the second of two second-year advanced prosthodontics courses that provide students with the opportunity to teach fixed prosthodontic laboratory skills to predoctoral students under the supervision of experienced prosthodontic educators.

PROS 6071. Supervised Teaching 3. 2 Credit Hours.

This course is the first of two third-year advanced prosthodontics courses that provide students with the opportunity to teach prosthodontic clinical skills to predoctoral students under the supervision of experienced prosthodontic educators.

PROS 6072. Supervised Teaching 3. 2 Credit Hours.

This course is the second of two third-year advanced prosthodontics courses that provide students with the opportunity to teach prosthodontic skills to predoctoral students under the supervision of experienced prosthodontic educators.

PROS 6073. Literature Review Seminar 2. 1 Credit Hour.

This fall course for second-year advanced prosthodontics students is the third of six courses given in a three-year continuum of classical literature review seminars.

PROS 6074. Literature Review Seminar 2. 1 Credit Hour.

This spring course for second-year advanced prosthodontics students is the fourth of six courses given in a three-year continuum of classical literature review seminars.

PROS 6075. Literature Review Seminar 3. 1 Credit Hour.

This fall course for third year advanced prosthodontics students is the fifth of six courses given in a three-year continuum of classical literature review seminars.

PROS 6076. Literature Review Seminar 3. 1 Credit Hour.

This fall course for third year advanced prosthodontics students is the sixth of six courses given in a three-year continuum of classical literature review seminars.

PROS 6092. Research 2. 2 Credit Hours.

This summer course for advanced prosthodontics students is the first of three research courses in the second year. It is designed to offer an opportunity to review the literature and to design and complete a laboratory or clinical research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Research should result in a paper suitable for publication in a peer-rated journal. Students in the master's programs will be expected to collect and analyze data for a thesis which must be defended as the culmination of research efforts.

PROS 6093. Research 2. 2 Credit Hours.

This summer course for advanced prosthodontics students is the first of three research courses in the 2nd year. It is designed to offer an opportunity to review the literature and to design and complete a laboratory or clinical research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Research should result in a paper suitable for publication in a peer-rated journal. Students in the masters programs will be expected to collect and analyze data for a thesis which must be defended as the culmination of research efforts.

PROS 6096. Research 3. 2 Credit Hours.

This fall course for advanced prosthodontic students is the second of three research courses in the 3rd year. It is designed to offer an opportunity to review the literature and to design and complete a laboratory or clinical research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Research should result in a paper by certificate students suitable for publication in a peer-rated journal. Students in the masters programs will be expected to collect and analyze data for a thesis which must be defended as the culmination of research efforts.

PROS 6097. Research 3. 2 Credit Hours.

This course for third-year students in advanced prosthodontics is offered in the fall only for M.S. Prosthodontic degree students and in both the fall and spring for certificate students who matriculated in 2011. It is designed to offer an opportunity to review the literature and design and complete a laboratory or clinical research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Certificate program research should result in a paper suitable for publication in a peer-rated journal or a scholarly presentation at an approved specialty venue.

PROS 6098. Thesis. 1-9 Credit Hours.

Completion of an acceptable thesis is required for the Master of Science in Prosthodontics degree. Registration in this course for at least one semester is required of all degree candidates. Admission to candidacy for the Master of Science degree is required in order to enroll in this course.

PROS 6121. Advanced Prosthodontics 3. 1 Credit Hour.

This fall continuum course provides an open forum for a wide variety of faculty and guest consultants on topics of special interest to the specialty of prosthodontics.

PROS 6122. Advanced Prosthodontics 3. 1 Credit Hour.

This spring continuum course provides an open forum for a wide variety of faculty and guest consultants on topics of special interest to the specialty of prosthodontics.

PROS 7018. Fixed Prosthodontics. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is designed to be adjunct to and to complement the preclinical course so that the student correlates previous instruction in the clinical care of patients in need of crowns and/or fixed partial dentures.

PROS 7019. Fixed Prosthodontics Clinic. 4.5 Credit Hours.

This clinical course consists of diagnosis and treatment planning, instruction in making complete and partial veneer crown preparations and modifications, management of supportive tissues, provision of adequate pain control for restorative procedures, fabrication and insertion of provisional as well as cast restorations, and instruction to patients in the care and maintenance of restorations.

PROS 7091. Removable Partial Denture Prosthodontics Lecture. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This didactic course is designed to acquaint the student with a variety of approaches that may be used in treating the partially edentulous mouth. Lectures cover critical steps in treatment of the partially edentulous patient, stabilization of periodontically weakened teeth, intracoronal and other attachments used in partial denture construction, swinglock partial dentures, removable partial overdentures, and cancer therapy as it relates to prosthodontic treatment.

PROS 7092. Removable Partial Dentures Clinic. 1.5 Credit Hour.

A clinical experience designed to place continued emphasis on diagnosis, treatment planning, design principles, mouth preparation, and dental laboratory coordination. The student is given the opportunity to correlate biological and mechanical information in clinical care of patients requiring removable partial dentures. The student is required to complete treatment for one partial denture patient during the junior year.

PROS 7095. Complete Dentures Lecture. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This course offers a series of lectures designed to present more sophisticated concepts in the prosthodontic treatment of edentulous and partially edentulous patients not included in previous courses. Lecture topics include preparation of the tissues for dentures, complete denture esthetics, occlusal systems for complete dentures, single complete dentures, immediate dentures, overdentures, maintenance care for the complete denture patient, and relining of dentures.

PROS 7099. Complete Dentures Clinic. 2.5 Credit Hours.

This clinical course consists of diagnosis and treatment planning, management of supportive tissues, fabrication and placement of complete dentures, and instruction to patients in the care and maintenance of complete dentures. The clinical experiences encourage students to correlate biological and biomechanical information into the prosthodontic treatment of edentulous and partially edentulous patients.

PROS 8001. Dental Implantology. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to be an ever-evolving lecture series designed to provide senior dental students with more information regarding advanced topics in implant dentistry. The premise of this course is to provide evidenced-based materials regarding the latest information and current topic of interest in the field of implant dentistry. Lecture topics may include but are not limited to advanced treatment planning, immediate provisionalization (Non-loaded) of dental implants, the controversy of connecting an implant to a natural tooth, implant esthetics, advanced prosthodontic techniques, and implant and the maxillofacial patient.

PROS 9021. Adv Prosthodontics 2. 5 Credit Hours.

This continuation course for second-year advanced prosthodontic students is designed to provide the postdoctoral student with the didactic basis for advanced clinical prosthodontic care.

PROS 9022. Advanced Prosthodontics 2. 5 Credit Hours.

This continuation course for second-year advanced prosthodontic students is designed to provide the postdoctoral student with the didactic basis for advanced clinical prosthodontic care.

PROS 9023. Advanced Prosthodontics 2. 5 Credit Hours.

This continuation course for second-year advanced prosthodontics students is designed to provide the postdoctoral student with the didactic basis for advanced clinical prosthodontic care.

PROS 9024. Adv Prosthodontics 3. 5 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to provide the postdoctoral student with the opportunity to gain the prerequisite background and clinical experience in prosthodontic procedures. Fixed, removable, and overdenture concepts and treatment procedures will be emphasized.

PROS 9029. Clinical Prosthodontics 2. 4.5 Credit Hours.

This fall course for second-year advanced prosthodontic students is designed to provide extensive clinical experience in the broad spectrum of prosthodontics as a fifth clinical course in a progressively complex clinical prosthodontic curriculum. Each student will have opportunity to maintain a comprehensive prosthodontic practice involving fixed, removable, and implant treatment procedures.

PROS 9030. Clinical Prosthodontics 2. 2 Credit Hours.

This summer course for second-year advanced prosthodontics students is designed to provide extensive clinical experience in the broad spectrum of prosthodontics as a fourth clinical course in a progressively complex clinical prosthodontic curriculum. Each student will have the opportunity to maintain a comprehensive prosthodontic practice involving fixed, removable, and implant treatment procedures.

PROS 9031. Clinical Prosthodontics 1. 6 Credit Hours.

This course provides instruction in the laboratory procedures and clinical aspects of complete dentures, removable partial dentures, fixed, and implant prosthodontics. Residents are required to understand laboratory techniques and dental materials and to perform all phases of laboratory support related to clinical prosthodontics.

PROS 9032. Clinical Pros 1. 2 Credit Hours.

This spring course for advanced prosthodontic students is designed to provide extensive clinical experience in the broad spectrum of prosthodontics as a sixth clinical course in a progressively complex clinical prosthodontic curriculum. Each student will have the opportunity to maintain a comprehensive prosthodontic practice involving fixed, removable, and implant treatment procedures.

PROS 9040. Hosp Maxillofacial Rotation. 1.5 Credit Hour.

Rotation in the Maxillofacial Prosthetics Department gives residents clinical exposure to geriatric and maxillofacial patients. 3rd year residents provide treatment for a patient requiring an obturator prosthesis. Residents with special interest in maxillofacial prosthetics may have the opportunity to treat additional maxillofacial patients that require other various prostheses.

PROS 9073. Literature Seminar 1. 3 Credit Hours.

This course for second-year advanced prosthodontics students is one of a series of courses given in a three-year continuum of classical literature review seminars.

PROS 9074. Literature Seminar 2. 3 Credit Hours.

This course for second-year advanced prosthodontics students is one of a series of courses given in a three-year continuum of classical literature review seminars.

PROS 9075. Literature Seminar 2. 3 Credit Hours.

This course for second-year advanced prosthodontics students is one of a series of courses given in a three-year continuum of classical literature review seminars.

PROS 9076. Literature Seminar 3. 3 Credit Hours.

The broad field of prosthodontics literature is systematically reviewed with the objective of providing the postdoctoral student with a background of prosthodontics knowledge and history.

PROS 9077. Literature Seminar 3. 3 Credit Hours.

The broad field of prosthodontics literature is systematically reviewed with the objective of providing the postdoctoral student with a background of prosthodontics knowledge and history.

PROS 9097. Research. 1-9 Credit Hours.

The student develops a research protocol and background literature search for a clinical, laboratory, or animal model research project.