Selective (SELC)


SELC 7007. General Practice Emergency Care. 0 Credit Hours.

The Dental Emergency Care Course (DECC) is designed to provide practical clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of emergency dental care problems. The course includes, on a limited basis, more comprehensive treatment of patients of record where it is determined that an acute problem might develop if comprehensive treatment or retreatment is delayed. DECC is conducted during the summer months from the end of Junior Clinic in May until the beginning of Senior Clinic in July. Student selection occurs during the months of December and January before the start of the selective. Students who desire to participate in this selective need to successfully complete junior year of dental school.

SELC 7009. Orthodontic Summer Clinic. 0 Credit Hours.

This course gives the student an opportunity to work with orthodontic graduate students treating comprehensive cases. Students will have the opportunity to actively participate in all aspects of patient care and resident training.

SELC 7010. Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program (COSTEP). 0 Credit Hours.

Health professional students, including dental students, are commissioned as reserve officers in the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and called to active duty for further professional clinical training during summer months (U.S. citizenship required). Assignments of dental students are made according to the training and skills of the applicants and the needs of the PHS agencies. The agency that predominantly selects dental students for clinical assignments is the Indian Health Service. The deadline for application is December 31 each year. Application packets are available from the Public Health Service ( and the Dental Dean's Office. Duration of assignment is 31-120 days. Attendance is mandatory and failure to complete or withdraw from the course will result in a W entry on the student's transcript. 160 clinic hrs/2-5 students (varies)/31-120 days/Rising DS 4.

SELC 7011. Summer Clinical/Community Externship. 0 Credit Hours.

Rising sophomore students are selected to provide dental care to patients enrolled in community clinics that are affiliated with the Dental School under the supervision of the community clinic dental directors. The clinics are located primarily in communities along the U.S./Mexico border of Texas. Rising sophomore and junior students will be selected to assist senior dental students, and to develop and implement patient education and community outreach services for the clinic. Duration of assignment will be 2 weeks. Attendance is mandatory and failure to complete or withdraw from the course will result in a W entry on the student's transcript. Students must complete evaluation forms at the end of the rotation.

SELC 7027. Research Protocol Development. 0 Credit Hours.

In this elective course, the student, with guidance of the mentor, is required to review the literature and develop a research protocol. Credit for the elective course will be awarded by the mentor contingent on the approval of the protocol by the mentor and the Associate Dean for Research. To apply for this elective, the student must be in good academic standing as determined by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. If placed on academic probation, students may become ineligible to complete the elective course. Enrollment in this elective may be extended through the following semester, provided that the Associate Deans for Research and Academic Affairs approve the extension and the mentor reports satisfactory progress. A student may withdraw from this elective course at any time without recording of withdrawal on the transcript. By arrangement/year round.

SELC 7028. Research Completion of Individually Design. 0 Credit Hours.

In this elective course the student, with guidance of the mentor, will complete individually designed research following the approved protocol. The student must continue to be in good academic standing to apply for and to complete this elective course. Enrollment in this elective can be extended from semester to semester when the mentor reports satisfactory progress. Student participation in the AADR student research fellowships or NIDCR summer Research Training Programs fulfills the requirements of the elective. Withdrawal from this elective course will result in entry on the transcript as W as determined by the mentor. Credit for the course is contingent on verification by the mentor that the research has been completed satisfactorily up to abstract submission and acceptance at a national/international scientific meeting. By arrangement/year round.

SELC 7029. Manuscript Preparation And Presentation. 2 Credit Hours.

In this elective course, the student, with guidance of the mentor, is required to help prepare an abstract and extended abstract, not to exceed six pages, suitable for incorporation into a peer-reviewed publication. The student must also present their research at a national/international scientific meeting and the annual Dental School Science Symposium. A copy of a published abstract, the extended abstract, and paperwork showing completion of all required coursework must be submitted to the Dental School research committee by the end of March the senior year for review. A student must be in good academic standing to participate in this elective course. The mentor will award a grade for the elective course. Withdrawal from the elective course will result in entry on the manuscript as W as determined by the mentor. By arrangement/year round.

SELC 7032. Pediatric Dentistry Clinical Externship Program. 0 Credit Hours.

The Pediatric Dentistry summer selective course is a two week long clinical course, in which rising seniors are offered the opportunity to provide comprehensive Pediatric Dental Care at the UTHSCSA Pediatric Dental Clinic, and the Ricardo Salinas Clinic. This selective course will provide students with broad clinical experiences, ranging from the simple preventive procedures to the more complex operative and surgical procedures encountered in Pediatric Dentistry.

SELC 7088. Community Service Elective. 0.5-9 Credit Hours.

This selective offers an opportunity for students to receive credit for a minimum of 32 hours of documented community service. Service hours can be filled by participating in school-wide or community agency service projects or helping the Department of Comprehensive Dentistry with health fairs. Students will be able to choose the activities they participate in from a list of approved activities. The service activities will take place during hours outside the curriculum (usually weekend; some evenings/pending availability of the student). This selective is open to all students by permission.

SELC 7094. Teaching Fundamentals. 1 Credit Hour.

During SELC 7094, dental students and dental hygiene students interview faculty members to assess the advantages and issues of an academic career, analyze teaching strategies, assess the learning environment in their educational program and gain hands-on experience in course planning. During the course, student teams design a new course for their academic program and present it to classmates. The course is the first of three selective courses in the Teaching Honors Program. Dental students and dental hygiene students who complete all three courses (SELC 7094, SELC 7095 and SELC 7096) are recognized with "Distinction in Dental Education". Withdrawal with notification is permitted at any time without recording on the transcript. Enrollment is limited to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year dental students, Dental Hygiene B.S. Completion students and Dental Hygiene Masters degree students.

SELC 7095. Second Year Classroom Teaching Seminar. 1 Credit Hour.

The course goal is to provide dental students with opportunities to function as a classroom teacher by planning and delivering instruction followed by: (1) self-assessment, (2) feedback from students, and (3) feedback from the THP Director. The selective is limited to THP students pursuing the Distinction in Dental Education. Prerequisites: SELC 7094.

SELC 7096. Special Educational Projects. 1 Credit Hour.

The goal of SELC 7096 are to provide dental students with an opportunity to conduct a research or educational development projects related to dental or dental hygiene education and complete an assessment of the project. Withdrawal with notification is permitted at any time without recording on the transcript. Enrollment limited to: DS1-DS4 students, Dental Hygiene B.S. Completion students and Dental Hygiene Master's Degree students.

SELC 7097. Preclinic Orthodontic Techniques. 0.5 Credit Hours.

DS 2 students will have the opportunity to learn the necessary skills to fabricate appliances for conducting limited treatment, orthodontic problems. This is a pass/fail selective. Withdrawal is permitted before the 2nd session of the selective without transcript recording, but subsequent withdrawal or failure will be recorded on the transcript. Students must complete this course to be eligible for Invisalign certification.

SELC 7099. Dental Spanish Selective. 0 Credit Hours.

This selective is designed for those students who are interested in acquiring basic conversational skills in the Spanish language as it pertains to dentistry. The course is not a Spanish language class and will focus mainly on teaching dental students how to interact with their Spanish-speaking patients in the dental office setting. This selective will be planned and conducted by dental students. The Hispanic Student Dental Association will assume responsibility for implementing this course annually.

SELC 7106. Endodontics Pain Research. 0 Credit Hours.

This selective will provide advanced training in basic or clinical research on orofacial pain mechanisms. This course is ideal for those students interested in pursuing the research honors program or a PhD program. By arrangement/juniors & seniors/24 students/Contact course juniors and seniors director for estimated time commitment.

SELC 7107. Periodontal Flap Design Elective. 0 Credit Hours.

Each participant is required to attend lecture and seminar presentations, and participate in laboratory sessions devoted to learning the fundamental aspects of periodontal flap surgery. The learning activities will include (1) seminars on flap design, surgical anatomy, and avoidance of complications; (2) video presentations of periodontal surgical techniques; (3) bench-top exercises in flap design and creation; and (4) bench-top exercises in periodontal suturing. Recorded as CR (successful completion) on the transcript. Withdrawal at any time, with prior notice to the course director, is permitted without transcript recording.

SELC 7108. Basic Periodontal Surgery Elective. 0 Credit Hours.

Each dental student will have the opportunity to participate in the surgical treatment planning, surgical procedure (both as an assistant and surgeon), and postoperative follow-up care of one periodontal surgical procedure (e.g., flap for access and crown lengthening). Second- and third-year periodontal postdoctoral students will mentor each case. For this selective, all surgeries and POT visits take place on Wednesday mornings only. The first meeting of the selective will be an orientation to discuss the logistical plan, time commitments, student expectations, fee structure, etc. Approximately three hours of lecture will also be included. The remaining sessions will be in the Periodontics Postgraduate Clinic. To accommodate the scheduling of the surgery and to include the postoperative operative appointments, which are performed at 1, 2, and 6 weeks after surgery, students must be available throughout the elective time period noted above (keep in mind your rotation and other selective schedules).

SELC 7109. Graduate Orthodontic Clinic Rotation. 0 Credit Hours.

The objective of this 16 hour selective is to provide interested undergraduate students with the opportunity to assist orthodontic graduate students performing comprehensive orthodontic treatment. Students must have completed SELC 7097 Preclinical Orthodontic Techniques to participate, since they will be asked to perform clinic procedures other than assisting. Two students are pre-selected for the Thursday afternoon clinic; there will be 2 students in the Spring and 2 students in the Fall. 2 hours per week on Thursdays for a total of 16 hours - primarily for DS III students Restricted to the Fall and Spring semesters.

SELC 7114. Interprofessional Community Engaged Learning 1 (IPCEL 1). 0 Credit Hours.

This innovative interprofessional community-engaged learning (CEL) course is designed for medical, dental, and select nursing students. It aims to promote social accountability among health professional students by integrating meaningful service learning with the core competencies of interprofessional education. Key learning components include ethics of CEL, leadership, logic model training, intercultural communication, and interprofessional team building and communication. This course allows students from various health science professions to learn about each other and understand their roles on a healthcare team. Students will examine social determinants of health and address social justice issues while applying these principles in a structured service-learning practicum.

SELC 7115. Leadership in Interprofessional Community Engaged Learning 2 (IPCEL 2). 0 Credit Hours.

This dynamic interprofessional community-engaged learning (CEL) course is designed specifically for medical, dental, and senior nursing students. By integrating immersive experiences and didactic training, the course fosters essential skills in leadership, clinic management, collaboration with interpreters, patient referrals, and preventive outreach strategies. The primary goal is to enhance social accountability among health professionals through impactful service learning within a collaborative interprofessional environment. Participant students will critically evaluate their healthcare team's approach to patient care, building on the foundational principles taught in SELC 7114, which is recommended as a prerequisite. Furthermore, a summer Selective subset of SELC 7115 emphasizes collaborations and partnerships with local organizations to address and improve the health of vulnerable communities in San Antonio.

SELC 7117. Third Year Clinical Teaching Experience. 0 Credit Hours.

This selective is limited to THP students pursuing the Distinction in Dental Education. The course goal is provide dental students with opportunities to function as a teacher in the clinical setting by planning and conducting "Preparing for Patient Care" workshops for 2nd year students followed by: (1) self-assessment, (2) feedback from the students who attended the workshops, and (3) feedback from the THP Director and/or faculty members who observed the students' workshops. Prerequisites: Prior completion of these THP courses: SELC 7122, SELC SELC 7094, and SELC 7095.

SELC 7118. Fourth Year Teaching Rotations. 0 Credit Hours.

This selective is limited to THP students pursuing the Distinction in Dental Education. The course goal is to provide dental students with opportunities to function as a preclinical lab instructor in the "Dental Hand Skills Development Module" for 1st year students, and to function as an "Instructor for a Day" in the GPGs. In the later rotation, THP seniors will take the place of a GPG core faculty member and provide instruction for 3rd year students for a full clinic session. Prerequisites: SELC 7122, SELC 7094, SELC 7095, SELC 7069.

SELC 7119. Advanced Studies on Human Disease Processes. 0 Credit Hours.

This course offers a series of comprehensive, in-depth lecture/case presentations of human disease processes to prepare second or third year dental students to take the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Comprehensive Basic Science Exam (CBSE). This exam is required for the application and subsequent entry of our graduating students into an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery specialty program. The course consists of lecture/case presentations that are extensions of subjects presented in the DS 2 General Pathology course (PATH 6019) given in the fall semester of the second year of dental school. The course is focused on reinforcing topics presented in PATH 6019 as well as introducing new disease processes and concepts that were not covered. The course will be offered when at least three (3) second or third year dental students enroll. Because the nature of this course by design is highly interactive, it will be limited to a maximum enrollment of eight (8) students who are in excellent academic standing; and preference will be given to those dental students who are anticipating entrance into an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery specially program. The first portion of the course will begin the first week in September of the fall semester after completion of the basic science portion of PATH 6019 and continue through the organ systems portions of the General Pathology course in early December. The second portion of the course will begin in spring semester in concert with the Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology course (PATH 6021).

SELC 7120. Preventive Dentistry Outreach. 0 Credit Hours.

Paired groups of DS I students are required to participate in a two-week rotation during the summer session between the freshman and sophomore years. The students will be based at either Mercy Ministries of Laredo or UT Brownsville School of Public Health. Students must participate in outreach to include dental education on dental disease prevention and oral health promotion and will work alongside clinic outreach staff (e.g., Promotoras and Social Workers) and dental care providers (dentist, dental hygienists, and dental assistants). Activities will include clinical preventive patient education, dental surveys, dental assisting, and preventive dentistry clinical procedures. Students are required to develop a health promotion and disease prevention project (e.g., patient handout, educational flip chart, presentation, etc.). This tool will be implemented and continue to be used in future outreach by the program. Students will also have the opportunity to rotate to the office of a private practitioner as a part of this program. This is a work-study selective; students will be employed by UTHSCSA and receive selective credit. Ability to communicate in Spanish is essential. 2-week rotation.

SELC 7122. Academic Dental Career Mentorship. 0 Credit Hours.

First year students will meet with faculty members to learn about academic careers: why did the faculty member choose to work in a dental school, what are the benefits of an academic career and what are the limitations of an academic career. Additionally, students learn about the roles and responsibilities of dental school faculty members in teaching, research , administration and service. Participating students prepare summaries of what they have learned about academic careers, submit these to the course director for review and then participated in a wrap-up seminar where teams of students share and discuss their experience and identify "take-home messages", insights and surprises about academic careers in dentistry. Dental students can take this course as a stand-alone selective without committing to the THP.

SELC 7123. Primary Dental Care/Outreach Laredo-IPE. 0 Credit Hours.

Rising fourth year dental students participate in a primary care/preventive dentistry elective training program. Together medical, nursing and "promotoras" from Mercy Ministries, collaborate with our faculty and dental students, providing an interdisciplinary approach to our training program. Dental care is provided in a community health clinic with conventional dental equipment and also using portable dental equipment. Dental students participate in a two week rotation and practice in accordance with their level of training and ability. Patients are adults and represent local community and "colonia" residents as well as referrals from a "battered women's shelter". All are from lower socio-economic border areas of Webb County in Laredo, Texas. Dental care is provided under the direct supervision of Dental School faculty. Students that participate become familiar with the oral health needs of various segments of the population and gain invaluable clinical experience and patient management skills.

SELC 7124. PreClinical and Clinical Teaching Practicum. 0 Credit Hours.

This selective is for 3rd and 4th year students pursuing the Distinction in Dental Education (School of Dentistry Teaching Honors Program; THP) who plan and conduct teaching for student peers in preclinical and clinical topics and skills. The course goals are to enhance THP students' capacity to: (1) design and implement hands-on workshops to help their student colleagues acquire fundamental technical and procedural skills that will assist their learning in preclinical laboratory courses, and (2) function effectively as a clinical instructor on a GPG during the "Clinical Instructor Activity" (CIA) during the 4th year of the THP using effective coaching, demonstration and feedback skills. Prerequisites: Completion of Years 1 and 2 in the THP.

SELC 7126. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Selective. 0 Credit Hours.

Students will screen new prospective patients. If acceptable for treatment by a dental student, the students, working in teams, will conduct a comprehensive examination and develop a treatment plan. The goal is to have the patient ready for patient care when the academic year begins. Student must be in dental school for one year before taking this course.

SELC 7127. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning. 0 Credit Hours.

This is a clinical experience for DS 2 students. Patients will be assigned for an initial screening; if the patient is acceptable as a pre-doctoral case, the student will conduct a comprehensive examination and develop an appropriate treatment plan. The goal of this course is to have the patient ready for care by the start of the students 3rd year. All DS 2 students will be enrolled for this course and it will run for 4 weeks. Attendance at 90% of the sessions is required.

SELC 7128. Summer Patient Treatment. 0 Credit Hours.

This is a clinical experience for DS3 students. The goal of this course is to continue patient care of those patients seen in the DS3 year, with the procedures contributing to the DS4 year. All DS3 students will be enrolled for this course and it will run for 4 weeks. Attendance at 90% of the sessions is required.

SELC 7129. Oral Medicine. 0 Credit Hours.

Diagnosing and managing pathology affecting the oral and maxillofacial region requires not only solid didactic knowledge but also clinical expertise. This selective is designed to provide clinical exposure to the whole spectrum of Oral Medicine including oral mucosal and salivary gland pathology, oral complications of systemic diseases; temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain; and the dental management of medically complex patients. During this selective, the third year dental student will have the opportunity to see patients in the Oral Medicine clinic four half days a week and Orofacial Pain patients one-half day a week. Clinical experience will be complemented with a half-day rotation to the UT Health Pathology lab. Interested students should provide course director with letter of intent (max of 600 words). Prerequisite: DIAG 7055.

SELC 7130. Introduction To Graduate Prosthodontics. 2 Credit Hours.

The objective of this selective is to familiarize rising DS 3 and/or DS 4 students with a post-doctoral Prosthodontic residency. Students will be introduced to complex and challenging situations in clinical Prosthodontics through interaction with residents and by participation in all phases of clinical treatment and laboratory procedures for a complete denture patient treatment. The selective will occur over a 2 week period and will be scheduled to accommodate patient availability. Due to the interactive nature of clinical treatment, enrollment will be limited to two dental students. Withdrawal, with notice to the course director, will be permitted without recording of the withdrawal on the student's transcript.

SELC 7131. Advanced Placement in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 1. 0 Credit Hours.

This selective will provide more breadth and in-depth knowledge of oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS) to 3rd and 4th year dental students who are interested in the surgical specialties. The didactic venues for this course include morbidity and mortality conferences, seminars and literature review sessions that are part of the OMS residency curriculum, and case presentations involving orthodontics and prosthetics. No more than two students will usually be selected for this course; selections will be at the course director's discretion based on faculty interview and an application which includes a letter of interest. There are no prerequisites for this selective. Student evaluation will be based on a completed portfolio and their seminar/conference attendance. No remediation will be offered and students can withdraw any time without prejudice.

SELC 7132. Advanced Placement in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2. 0 Credit Hours.

This selective is for 4th year students interested in furthering both their didactic and clinical experiences in OMS. The goal of this course is to further strengthen the students capacity to critically appraise new OMS information, increase their surgical skills, and expose them to the unique environments that exist in the operating room and/or hospital emergency department. Requirements: Completion of APOMS I and successful completion of the OMS summer selective or an equivalent experience. No more than two students will usually be selected; selection is at the course director's discretion based on a student's clinical proficiency, faculty interview, application and letter of intent to specialize OMS. Students will be evaluated based on their clinical proficiency, portfolio and seminar/conference attendance. No remediation will be offered and students can withdraw at any time. Prerequisite: SELC 7131.

SELC 7133. Dental Gross Anatomy Teaching Selective. 0 Credit Hours.

The Dental Gross Anatomy Teaching Elective allows qualified dental students to serve as teaching assistants for the CSBL 5016 Dental Gross Anatomy course which is offered during the fall semester. This elective is designed to: 1) provide an environment and an experience for dental students to develop, strengthen and practice effective teaching skills in human gross anatomy to near-peer students in CSBL 5016; 2) provide an experience for dental students to improve and augment anatomical knowledge and understanding through study of the dissected human body and their applications to dentistry; 3) provide an opportunity to develop and strengthen skills in communication, interpersonal relations, conflict management and teamwork.

SELC 7135. Clinical Assisting. 0 Credit Hours.

This selective allows first year students to assist third- and fourth-year students as they deliver patient care during summer clinic. Students will be assigned to assist by faulty based on recommended experiences. The goal of this selective is for rising second year students to become more familiar and comfortable in the clinical setting. Each student will have to opportunity to select one week that is most convenient for them and they will be expected to assist for five clinical sessions, a total of 20 contact hours. DS1 students will assist DS3 and DS4's in clinic.

SELC 7190. Japanese Exchange Program With Mekai & Asahi University Hospital. 0 Credit Hours.

SELC 8023. Wonderful World Of Periodontics. 0 Credit Hours.

Periodontal therapy includes a variety of sophisticated surgical modalities with many different objectives. Having a basic understanding of these surgical procedures and their outcomes can give a general dentist a basis for improving communications with patients related to periodontal treatment needs. This course will showcase advanced periodontal surgical procedures and their outcomes through case presentations made by Periodontics postdoctoral students.

SELC 8032. Senior South Texas Rotation. 0 Credit Hours.

Senior dental students will be required to provide basic dental care and preventive services to patients in a community-based clinic in South Texas. The participating community clinic and time schedules will be available in the Dental Dean's Office/Office of External Affairs. A minimum of 2 weeks will be scheduled by arrangement. Attendance is required. Withdrawal permitted with appropriate transcript entry. Seniors may participate for a maximum of 4 weeks based on availability. Housing will be provided. Participants will be scheduled based on the list of students who register for the course. Students must complete evaluation forms at the end of the rotation.

SELC 8035. Mission Dental Care Program. 0 Credit Hours.

Short-term Mission Trips Fall & Spring / SA-CMDA Dental students at all levels of education and experience participate in a primary care/preventive dentistry elective training program in which primary dental care is provided in a non-conventional setting, using portable dental equipment. Students participate in accordance with their level of training and ability, by providing needed dental care to patients of all ages from lower socio-economic background in San Antonio, and border areas of South Texas and other select dentist shortage areas. This helps our students become familiar with the oral health needs of various segments of the special needs population. Dental care is provided under the direct supervision of Dental School faculty, including adjunct faculty from the private sector. The mission trips are coordinated and organized by the San Antonio Christian Medical-Dental Association. The healthcare delivery environment also involves medical teams. Physicians, medical students, nurses, and pharmacy students, also provide care, offering interdisciplinary / inter-professional training opportunities. Foreign Summer Mission Trip / SA-CMDA Dental students at all levels of education and experience participate in a primary care/preventive dentistry elective training program in which primary dental care is provided in a conventional and non-conventional setting, often using portable dental equipment. Students participate in accordance with their level of training and ability, by providing needed dental care to patients of all ages in areas outside of the United States. This helps our students become familiar with the oral health needs of various segments of the special needs population. Dental care is provided under the direct supervision of Dental School faculty, including adjunct faculty from the private sector. The mission trips are coordinated and organized by the San Antonio Christian Medical-Dental Association. The healthcare delivery environment also involves medical teams. Physicians, medical students, nurses, and pharmacy students, also provide care, offering interdisciplinary / inter-professional training opportunities.

SELC 8060. Advanced Graduate Clinic Rotation. 1.5 Credit Hour.

The objective of this 40 hour selective is to provide interested undergraduate students with the opportunity to assist orthodontic graduate students performing comprehensive orthodontic treatment. Students must have completed SELC 7097 Preclinical Orthodontic Techniques to participate, since they will be asked to perform clinic procedures other than assisting. Two students are pre-selected for the Thursday afternoon clinic; there will be 2 students in the Spring and 2 students in the Fall. 4 hours per week on Thursdays for a total of 40 hours - primarily for DS III students restricted to the Fall and Spring semesters.

SELC 8087. RESPECT - Interprofessional. 0 Credit Hours.

Future health professionals who will be working together in clinical settings would benefit from clinical education and training opportunities that promote the appreciation of the skills of other team members providing health care to patients. The course is an interdisciplinary clinical training opportunity for dental, dental hygiene, medical and nursing students to work together in teams to evaluate the level of health and wellness of an underserved population by utilizing the student run free medical and dental\dental hygiene clinics at the SAMM Transitional Living and Learning Center (TLLC) a homeless transitional center. Course limited to four senior or fourth-year dental students. Permission required by course director.

SELC 8088. Pre-Prosthetic Surgery Selective. 0 Credit Hours.

The course is for select DS2, DS3, DS4 students. There is a need for many patients to have surgery to improve their outcome for wearing of removable dental prosthesis. Ideally, the patients would go to a dental residency program to have this surgical care. Oftentimes, they need a more affordable option. Providing these services at an undergraduate level allows patients to proceed with the recommended care at a cost they can afford. Students benefit by learning principles of wound healing and patient management considerations; many of these patients have complex medical, functional, pharmacological, or cognitive issues. Students are also expected to prepare in advance of the procedures for medical emergencies that might occur based on the patients' health history. Suturing and documentation skills will be enhanced beyond what is already taught in their dental curriculum. While Geriatrics often work with many students with pre-prosthetic surgery case planning and the actual treatment, selective credit on students' transcripts is proposed when a student completes eight surgical experiences. Enrollment in the course will be at the approval of the course director. It will be a Credit course if eight pre-prosthetic surgical cases are completed. If enrolled, and eight cases are not completed, there will be no credit, no reflected penalty, on transcript for this selective. Students can drop at any time. Students can express interest at any level from DS2-DS4 with no time limit for accomplishing the eight cases. The selective is year round and spaces are limited.

SELC 8094. Enteral Conscious Sedation And Emergency Procedures. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This is the TSBDE approved two-day course in oral sedation. This course is necessary in order to apply for and be granted a permit in Enteral Sedation by the State Board of Dental Examiners.

SELC 8099. Exciting Orthodontic Literature Review. 0 Credit Hours.

Selectees will have the opportunity to review classic articles in clinical and research areas of Orthodontics. This course is designed to provide a springboard for those students entering graduate programs. Withdrawal will be permitted at any time without recording of the withdrawal on the transcript. Two absences will be permitted. Participants will be selected from the list of students who register for the course.

SELC 8117. CAD-CAM (Cerec 3D) Dentistry. 0.5 Credit Hours.

The course consists of four half-day sessions and is designed for students who will intensify their clinical skills of CAD-CAM dentistry. Students will be given the information needed to keep up-to-date with the latest techniques and software. A maximum of 8 students are encouraged per course session.

SELC 8130. Clinical Occlusion. 0 Credit Hours.

The goal of this course is to relate the concepts and principles of occlusion learned during previous years to the treatment of the normal patient as well as the patient with damaged dentitions. The purpose of this course in Occlusion is two-fold. First, the course is a continuation of basic occlusion concepts and their relationship to general dentistry. Second, the course will introduce disorders of the natural dentitions. The role occlusion in diagnosis and treatment of these disorders will be explained. Techniques include occlusal splint appliance and pre-restorative occlusal adjustment will be presented. This course will be delivered in two parts. The first part is related to lectures and the one to laboratory procedures.

SELC 8131. Research in Dental Education (RIDE). 0 Credit Hours.

This selective is for students pursuing the Distinction in Dental Education who desire to acquire skills in educational research beyond the core expectations of the THP. The course goal is to enhance the capacity of participants to design research studies that explore educational issues, to obtain funding to support research and to disseminate findings via publication. RIDE has 3 components: designing educational research, grant writing, and writing for publication. Students work in teams to plan and implement an educational research project. During seminars on grant writing, teams develop and present a grant application project and receive a critique. During seminars writing for publication, participants complete writing exercises, critique a manuscript and write an abstract, which is presented to the class for peer feedback.

SELC 8132. Academic Dental Careers Fellowship Program (ADCFP). 0 Credit Hours.

The ADCFP is a 12 month fellowship to prepare students to enter academic dentistry. Students begin ADCFP at the ADEA meeting in the spring of their 3rd year and conclude at ADEA in their 4th year. Students complete ADCFP in collaboration with 2 faculty mentors. ADCFP students and mentors complete workshops on teaching strategies, curriculum innovation and education issues at the ADEA meetings and webinar on leadership, research and career planning. Students do supervised classroom, lab and clinical teaching and interview 10 faculty with different job foci to learn roles, functions and career development issues. Students conduct a research project and meet regularly with their faculty mentors to discuss their progress, culminating in a poster presentation at the ADEA meeting summarizing their fellowship experiences.

SELC 8160. Molar Endodontics Selective. 1 Credit Hour.

The molar endodontics elective allows students to initiate an appreciation for the knowledge and skills needed for successful endodontic treatment of uncomplicated molar teeth. The course is partially self-directed involving self-study of textbook materials in Vital Source Bookshelf and other reading and video assignments in Canvas. Pre-clinical projects on extracted molar teeth are required prior to clinical participation. Students who successfully complete the course, including satisfactory completion of two patient molar treatments under Endodontic faculty supervision, will be allowed to treat selected pre-approved molar cases in the General Practice Clinic. Each GP Group nominates up to 3 participants. Contact your GP Group Leader for their nomination to the Course Director. Instructor approval is required. Available after completion of ENDO 7043. Withdrawal is permitted at any time without recording on the transcript. Prerequisites: ENDO 6041, 6142 and 7043.

SELC 8175. Geriatric Dentistry. 1 Credit Hour.

Rising Senior dental students will have the opportunity to provide primary dental care and prevention services to a dynamic and diverse population of medically and functionally challenged older adults. The format of the summer selective is similar to that of the DS3 Geriatrics rotation, but with more patients, more treatment, and more discussions within each treatment session. Each summer selective session is two weeks and the treatment schedule is determined by the course director. Once enrolled and started, students are not allowed to miss sessions as patients will be scheduled.

SELC 8176. CBCT Interpretation Selective. 0 Credit Hours.

Students will have the opportunity to work with oral and maxillofacial radiology residents under the supervision of the covering faculty. Students will have the opportunity to learn about Cone Beam CT technology and the different machines in the Grad OMR Clinic. Students will be able to observe and participate in the discussion in report writing service that the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (OMFR) program provides on a national level.

SELC 8181. General Dentistry Implant Selective. 0 Credit Hours.

This course provides a select group of DS-IV students who are planning to become general dentists the opportunity to place and restore implants. The course will consist of a pre-clinic rotation during the summer break, followed by didactic and clinical sections during the course of the academic year. Patients will present with uncomplicated implant placement.

SELC 8185. Fast CATS: Academic Detailing. 1 Credit Hour.

Participants will attend a two-day "Evidence-Based Practice: Academic Detailing" workshop, prepare two Critically Appraised Topics with a faculty member, receive training in academic detailing skills, and visit five private-practice dental offices during the summer break. The office visits may be made in the student's hometown or anywhere in the U.S. The purpose of the visits is to present and receive feedback on new concepts.

SELC 8201. Things I didn't Learn in Class. 0 Credit Hours.

This course will include the 5 keys to Communication with workshop, diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment consultation, Perio diagnosis, treatment and maintenance, occlusion 101, the art of retraction, what is Ferrule?, cracks, Provisionals and giving Injections profit=fee-cost OR fee=cost+profit, and The Seamless Team.

SELC 8202. Critically Appraised Topics. 0 Credit Hours.

Students will write and publish a CAT (Critically Appraised Topic), a structured one-page summary and critique of the best available evidence on a focused question. The CAT format requires the writer to ask a clear, concise and focused question, conduct an efficient and effective search for the highest quality research evidence available, critically appraise the located evidence, carefully consider the applicability/generalizability of the evidence, and write the structured one-page summary.

SELC 8203. Dentistry in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. 0 Credit Hours.

Introduction to dentists role in screening for and treating obstructive sleep apnea. This course will be offered to rising DS4 students.

SELC 8204. Review of Dental Materials for Clinical Practice. 0 Credit Hours.

This summer elective will review the different dental materials students will encounter in the clinic. The prerequisite for this course is DFRD 5001. As such, fundamental science in physical and material properties, polymers, metals and ceramics will not be covered. Instead, specific clinical dental material and their properties will be reviewed. This course will be offered to Rising DS3 and DS4 students.

SELC 8221. Heroes for the Homeless, Haven for Hope, SACDC. 0 Credit Hours.

Fall & Spring - Mobile Dental Van Third and Fourth year dental students will participate in a primary care/preventive dentistry elective training program in which primary dental care is provided in a non-conventional setting at San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic (SACDC) at the Haven for Hope, located at 1 Haven for Hope Way and also using Mobile Dental van. Students participate in accordance with their level of training and ability, by providing needed dental care to the homeless, Medicaid Prenatal Women and patients of all ages from shelters and the community patients living below poverty level. Students will gain clinical experience and cultural competency skills while caring for the underserved. Dental care is provided under the direct supervision of Dental School faculty, and adjunct faculty from the private sector. Summer This Selective will be taking place at the San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic (SACDC) at the Haven for Hope, located at 1 Haven for Hope Way. Students will gain clinical experience and cultural competency skills while caring for the underserved communities that include: the homeless, the Medicaid Prenatal Women, and the below poverty level community living near the clinic. The services that we primarily deliver include exams, SCRP, operative, and oral surgery procedures. The SACDC is an excellent educational hands-on community service-learning experience in working with the underserved. Prerequisites: Rising DS4.

SELC 8528. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 0 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to provide additional clinical experiences in support of the competency statements for the school specifically as they relate to the management of more difficult Oral Surgery patients. During the rotation, students will be encouraged to attend hospital rounds and scheduled resident and student seminars. The majority of clinic time will be treating more difficult clinic cases. Management of patients with multiple system disease and more difficult surgeries will be emphasized. Every attempt will be made to assign students cases where the high-speed surgical drill is required. The rotation is a minimum of 2 weeks in length. The time scheduled in the OMS clinic will be determined by departmental needs and availability of space. Any students interested in observing in the Emergency Clinic in the hospital please contact Dr. Spackman. Students are required to attend all clinic sessions for which they have signed up.

SELC 8530. Teaching Excellence And Academic Skills (TExAS). 0 Credit Hours.

Participants will acquire skills for success in academic dentistry with focus on factors that influence memory and learning, teaching strategies for classroom and clinic, course planning, assessment best practices, helping struggling students, educational scholarship and career planning. TExAS also will include a theme devoted to a four-year longitudinal assessment map for a competency, present a lecture, be observed teaching in classroom, lab or clinic , counsel struggling students in teaching simulations, assess the school's learning environment, design an educational activity to promote cultural competency, critique an educational research study, design an educational research study, develop a career plan and receive career coaching, and complete an OSTE (Objective Structured Teaching Evaluation).