Doctor of Nursing Practice (Post-MSN to DNP)

Admissions Requirements

Degree: DNP

Specialization, Program of Study: Nursing Practice Doctorate including tracks in Advanced Practice Leadership, Executive Administrative Management, and Public Health Nurse Leader

Program Length: 2 – 3 Years

General Admissions Requirements:

To be considered for admission to the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program the following factors are required:

  • Online application submitted via NursingCAS. View a video overview on completing NursingCAS application.
  • NursingCAS application fee
  • Master's in Nursing from a nationally accredited school of nursing (NLNAC, CCNE)
  • It is recommended that students applying to the Executive Administrative Management track have a master’s degree in administrative management or a master’s degree in nursing with equivalent experience in a healthcare leadership position and seek preparation as an executive level nurse leader.
  • Applicants to the Post-Masters Advanced Practice Leadership track must hold national certification as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse or eligibility to sit for certification.
  • Submit official transcript(s) from each post-secondary institution attended, even if no degree awarded, to NursingCAS. International transcripts must be evaluated by an accredited foreign credential service. *More information regarding international applicant requirements is available.
  • Grade Point Average of “B” (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher in previous graduate studies.
  • Official copy of Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score, if international applicant. TOEFL and IELTS scores can be no more than two (2) years old. A minimum TOEFL score of 550 is required on the paper examination; minimum 250 on the computer-based examination; or, minimum 68 on the internet based examination. A minimum IELTS score of 6.5 for graduate admission is required. TOEFL or IELTS scores are not required for students who have successfully completed ENGL 1301 and 1302 (or equivalent courses) from an accredited college or university in the United States and United States Territories or for students who have earned a degree from an accredited college or university in the United States and United States Territories. TOEFL school code: 3383
  • Licensure as a Registered Nurse in Texas or compact state with multistate privileges
  • Current BLS for Healthcare Providers Certification through the American Heart Association.
  • Current required immunizations
  • Proof of current health insurance coverage
  • Clear criminal background check
  • Three Professional References (Submit via NursingCAS Application)
  • Current resume or curriculum vita
  • School of Nursing application fee
  • Interview and admission essay

Admissions Deadline: See School of Nursing Admissions website

Start Term: Fall

Office of Admissions
School of Nursing
UT Health Science Center at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Drive, MSC 7945
San Antonio, Texas 78229-3900
Phone: 210-567-0341
Toll Free: 877-235-0341
FAX: 210-567-6189

Degree Requirements and Graduation

Clinical/Practicum Hours

The Doctor of Nursing Practice requires that all students have 1,000 clinical/practicum hours post bachelors. Clinical/practicum hour requirements for nurses in the Post-master's DNP program for the Advanced Practice Leadership track, Public Health Nurse Leader track, and the Executive Administrative Management track are 480 hours. More hours may be required to complete the total 1,000 hour requirement depending on review of hours completed at the master's level.

DNP Project

A hallmark of the practice doctorate is the DNP project, which demonstrates the student's in-depth knowledge of their area of specialty practice and the synthesis of their coursework and practice application The project is guided and evaluated by a faculty advisor and project committee. The project results in a scholarly paper and presentation.

The focus of all DNP projects is on knowledge translation at multiple system levels. During the first semester, students work with faculty to begin exploring concepts related to their area of interest while evaluating sources of evidence related to the problem/need. The project will be further defined throughout the program and the proposal written during the DNP Advanced Nursing Seminar course. Based upon an assessment and evaluation of the evidence, the plan and design will be developed for a DNP project initiative.


The DNP program has three post master’s tracks in Advanced Practice Leadership, Executive Administrative Management  and Public Health Nurse Leader.  The DNP program is designed to prepare nursing leaders for the highest level of professional nursing practice beyond the initial preparation in the discipline.  The curriculum is based on the Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice developed by the American Association Colleges of Nursing (AACN, 2006). 

Advanced Practice Leadership

The Advanced Practice Leadership1 (41 credit hours) track is for nurses who are nationally certified nurse practitioners and hold Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) licensure with the Board of Nursing.  The DNP can be earned in five semesters as a full-time student and in seven semesters as a part-time student.

Leadership Courses  
NURS 7311Theories and Research in Leadership, Quality, Safety, and Evidence Base3
NURS 7322Healthcare Policy Analysis and Advocacy3
NURS 7222Leadership In Complex Healthcare Systems2
NURS 7324Healthcare Economics And Policy3
Evidence Based Courses  
NURS 6315Informatics & Health Care Technologies3
NURS 6380Fundamentals of Epidemiology3
NURS 7320Statistical Methods and Data Analysis to Evaluate Healthcare Delivery Systems3
NURS 7303Science of Knowledge Translation and Implementation I3
NURS 7304Science of Knowledge Translation and Implementation II3
DNP Major Courses  
NURS 7111Advanced Nursing Seminar1
NURS 7511Advanced Nursing: Clinical Application3005
NURS 7312DNP Project: Seminar3
NURS 7313DNP Practice Inquiry: Clinical Application1803
Cognate  3
 Total Credit Hours: 0.0480.

Executive Administrative Management

The Executive Administrative Management1 (41 credit hours) track is for students with a master’s degree in nursing in administrative management or an equivalent degree in nursing who seek preparation as an executive level nurse leader. The DNP can be earned in 6 semesters as a full time student and 8 semesters as a part time student.

Leadership Courses  
NURS 7311Theories and Research in Leadership, Quality, Safety, and Evidence Base3
NURS 7322Healthcare Policy Analysis and Advocacy3
NURS 7222Leadership In Complex Healthcare Systems2
NURS 7324Healthcare Economics And Policy3
Evidence Based Courses  
NURS 6315Informatics & Health Care Technologies3
NURS 6380Fundamentals of Epidemiology3
NURS 7320Statistical Methods and Data Analysis to Evaluate Healthcare Delivery Systems3
NURS 7303Science of Knowledge Translation and Implementation I3
NURS 7304Science of Knowledge Translation and Implementation II3
Executive Administrative Management Courses  
NURS 7314Nursing and Health Systems Administration3
DNP Major Courses  
NURS 7111Advanced Nursing Seminar1
NURS 7511Advanced Nursing: Clinical Application3005
NURS 7312DNP Project: Seminar3
NURS 7313DNP Practice Inquiry: Clinical Application1803
 Total Credit Hours: 0.0480.

Public Health Nurse Leader

The Public Health Nurse Leader1 (48 credit hours) track is for students with a master’s degree in nursing who desire leadership preparation in population-based public health nursing. Nurses in this track receive a Public Health Certificate from The University of Texas Houston School of Public Health concurrent with the SON DNP degree. The DNP can be earned in seven semesters as a full time student and nine semesters as a part time student.

Leadership Courses  
NURS 7311Theories and Research in Leadership, Quality, Safety, and Evidence Base3
NURS 7322Healthcare Policy Analysis and Advocacy3
NURS 7222Leadership In Complex Healthcare Systems2
NURS 7324Healthcare Economics And Policy3
Evidence Based Courses  
NURS 6315Informatics & Health Care Technologies3
NURS 7303Science of Knowledge Translation and Implementation I3
NURS 7304Science of Knowledge Translation and Implementation II3
PHM 2612Epidemiology I   
Public Health Courses  
PHM 1690Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health   
PHM 3715Management and Policy Concepts in Public Health  3
PHM 1110Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health  3
PHWM 2110Public Health Ecology & the Human Environment   
DNP Major Courses  
NURS 7111Advanced Nursing Seminar1
NURS 7511Advanced Nursing: Clinical Application3005
NURS 7312DNP Project: Seminar3
NURS 7313DNP Practice Inquiry: Clinical Application1803
 Total Credit Hours: 0.0480.

Please view individual course descriptions for information on required prerequisites or co-requisites. Also, the Doctor of Nursing Practice requires that all students must have 1,000 clinical/practicum hours post bachelors to DNP. Clinical/practicum hour requirements for nurses in the UTHSCSA Post-Master´s DNP program are 480 hours for all tracks. More hours may be required to complete the total 1,000 hour requirement depending on review of hours completed at the Masters level.

Courses in these tracks are not listed in sequence. 

NURS 6315. Informatics & Health Care Technologies. 3 Credit Hours.

This course equips students with advanced clinical leadership skills to appraise and optimize information systems and patient care technology. Students will learn to generate knowledge through information and communication technology (ICT) and design system improvement strategies based on quality metrics and performance indicators, ensuring safe and effective care for diverse populations across various settings. The course emphasizes the usability of ICT for accurate and efficient documentation of care, optimal stakeholder engagement, continuous monitoring of outcomes, and seamless communication among healthcare providers, patients, and system levels. Key focus areas include the application of ethical, legal, professional, IT, regulatory, engagement, and usability standards, as well as national and workplace policies. National strategic roadmaps for digital health ecosystems and their influence on shaping the national digital health landscape will also be explored and evaluated. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.

NURS 6380. Epidemiology & Statistical Methods in Population Health. 3 Credit Hours.

In this course, students learn and apply statistical and epidemiological methods to health-related data. They assess quantitative data, interpret public health statistics, and use these insights to inform clinical practice and enhance population health outcomes. Students explore key topics including surveillance principles, statistical inference, study design, data collection techniques, and the practical application of statistical methods to address real-world health issues. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.

NURS 7111. Advanced Nursing Seminar. 1 Credit Hour.

This seminar course provides the student with knowledge to facilitate integration and synthesis of the essential specialty competencies necessary to plan and design their DNP Practice Inquiry Project. This seminar may include a variety of activities, identification of the opportunity for improvement, literature synthesis and evidence for their theory based organizational intervention at multiple system levels. The activities will be specific to the student's identified area of specialty. Students will share issues related to the plan and design of the DNP Practice Inquiry Project in seminar. Prerequisite: NURS 7304. Corequisite: NURS 7511.

NURS 7222. Leadership In Complex Healthcare Systems. 2 Credit Hours.

The focus of this course is on leadership skills preparing nurses for intra/interprofessional leadership in complex healthcare systems including collaborative and consultative models, conflict and board management, and advanced communication and team-building skills with emphasis on innovation and change. Clock hours: 2 clock hours class (30 hours class) Prerequisite: NURS 5339 Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.

NURS 7303. Knowledge Translation: Searching, Appraising and Synthesizing Evidence. 3 Credit Hours.

In this course, students build a foundation for clinical scholarship in advanced nursing practice. Students will analyze various models of evidence-based practice (EBP) and knowledge translation. They will critically appraise and synthesize primary research, systematic reviews, and best practice guidelines to address a clinical issue related to a knowledge-practice gap. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.

NURS 7304. Knowledge Translation: Designing and Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions. 3 Credit Hours.

In this course, students learn how to translate knowledge into practice using research and other forms of evidence to enhance quality and safety in healthcare. They will apply knowledge translation models, implementation designs, evaluation models, and analytical approaches to improve practice, patient, population, and system-level outcomes. Additionally, students will select context-specific implementation and change strategies that facilitate and sustain evidence-based interventions in complex healthcare delivery systems, aiming for safe, timely, effective, efficient, and patient-centered care. Students will address ethical issues related to knowledge translation and implementation. Prerequisites: NURS 7303 Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.

NURS 7311. Theories and Research in Leadership, Quality, Safety, and Evidence Base. 3 Credit Hours.

This course focuses on leadership, chaos, system, improved and transitional science theories and patient safety, healthcare quality and evidence-based research and models to frame improvement, implementation, and translational research studies. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.

NURS 7312. DNP Project: Seminar. 3 Credit Hours.

This course requires the student to engage faculty and community leaders in the implementation and reporting of the process and outcomes of their theory and evidence based organizational intervention at multiple system levels. The student explores specific issues related to the specific practice topic that leads to an evidence-based improvement project. The role of the DNP as leader and innovator in complex organizational systems will be discussed as it relates to the proposal and implementation. Faculty, practice leaders and experts will assist with development of a plan that is relevant and feasible. Successful completion of PH 1690 as an alternate to NURS 7321. Prerequisites: NURS 7320, NURS 7303, and NURS 7304. Corequisites: NURS 7313.

NURS 7313. DNP Practice Inquiry: Clinical Application. 3 Credit Hours.

This course requires the student to engage faculty and community leaders in the implementation and reporting of the process and outcomes of their theory and evidence based organizational intervention at multiple system levels. The role of the DNP as leader and innovator in complex organizational systems will be discussed as it relates to implementation and evaluation. Faculty, practice leaders and experts will assist with the implementation and evaluation of a practice inquiry project. Successful completion of PH 1690 as an alternate to NURS 7321. Prerequisites: NURS 7320, NURS 7303, NURS 7304. Corequisite: NURS 7312.

NURS 7314. Nursing and Health Systems Administration. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to prepare the professional chief nurse executive to provide strategic direction for all aspects of nursing care and care delivery operations for multiple clinical departments, hospitals and service lines across the continuum in regional and/or national healthcare systems to provide value. Successful completion of PH 1690 as an alternate to NURS 7321. Prerequisites: NURS 7320, NURS 7303, NURS 7304.

NURS 7320. Statistical Process Control and Quality Improvement Methods. 3 Credit Hours.

Students will use data analytical and visualization methods for knowledge translation and implementation to evaluate processes that impact system, practice, and patient-level outcomes. They will develop skills to analyze patient, practice, and outcome data using descriptive statistics and quality improvement analytics and visualization tools. Students will explore appropriate models, methods, measures, data sources, and analyses to evaluate healthcare quality and patient outcomes. Students will interpret, visualize and present data to advance practice and patient outcomes. Prerequisites: NURS 6380 and NURS 7302. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis.

NURS 7322. Healthcare Policy Analysis and Advocacy. 3 Credit Hours.

This course prepares the nurse leader to advance the agenda of the rapidly changing care environment by examination of health policy research and analysis. Students will focus on policy process and develop and implement policy agendas. They will participate in collective decision-making, identifying roles and key stakeholders. The course will address how to identify gaps in policy knowledge and provide opportunity for nurse leaders to engage in processes that influence policy decisions at the institutional, local, state, regional, national and/ or international levels. The course will prepare the nurse leader to analyze the policy process and engage in politically competent care. There are no prerequisites for Post-MSN to PhD students. However, DNP students do have a prerequisite. Prerequisites: NURS 7302.

NURS 7324. Healthcare Economics And Policy. 3 Credit Hours.

This course prepares the student to lead improvements in health care and shape health policy through an understanding of macroeconomic principles in the health care market. Students will be given the opportunity to apply theoretical and empirical economic analysis to business and public policy issues in health care. Open for Cross Enrollment on Space Available Basis. Prerequisites: NURS 6320.

NURS 7511. Advanced Nursing: Clinical Application. 5 Credit Hours.

This course provides the student with clinical specialty immersion experiences to facilitate integration and synthesis of the essential competencies necessary for implementation of the DNP Practice Inquiry Project. Students will engage faculty and practice leaders in the plan and design of the project. The practice immersion experience may include a variety of activities related to the identification of the opportunity for improvement, analyzing the organizational context and strategies for design with appropriate clinicians in the clinical practice immersion. The setting and activities will be specific to the student's identified area of specialty. Corequisites: NURS 7111.