Periodontics Certificate

Admissions Requirements

Information and Documentation Required for Application

  •  Our residency program will participate in Phase I of the Match. Applicants must register with the Match program. The Match and ADEA PASS share a registration portal for applicants, so applicants who want to register for the Match must go to the ADEA PASS website to complete the Match registration process. Applicants will be charged the Match registration fee at that time.  For more information, go to Match website.
  • All application materials are required before the deadline, including those submitted to ADEA PASS. Late application materials will not be accepted. NOTE: the first step in using PASS is for the applicant to register and pay your PASS registration fee. Nothing will happen at PASS until you have paid and are registered.
  • Interviews for our program will be held during August and September. Applicants and programs will submit rank order lists to the Match in late October to early November. Final results of the Match are released to applicants and programs in late November. See the Match web site for further details.
  • Application through ADEA PASS (ADEA PASS application materials are accepted in mid-May)
  • Official Transcripts uploaded to ADEA PASS (all colleges, dental school). If you have attended a non-U.S. college/university, it is required that all international transcripts be evaluated by either ECE or WES foreign credentialing services. We do not allow international applicants to use any credential evaluation services other than ECE (Education Credential Evaluators) or WES (World Education Services).
  • Three Professional Evaluation Forms (Letters of Recommendation) uploaded to ADEA PASS
  • Institution Evaluation Form (formerly called the Dean’s Letter) submitted by the Dean’s Office to ADEA PASS. This form will include GPA, class rank and National Board Examination scores.
  • GRE and/or ADAT scores uploaded to ADEA PASS. All applicants who graduated from a dental school not accredited by Commission on Dental Accreditation are required to take either the GRE or the Advanced Dental Admission Test (ADAT); applicants may take both exams if they desire but must take at least one. GRE scores taken more than 5 years before the application date will not be accepted.
    • While not mandatory for applicants from CODA-accredited dental schools, ADAT or GRE exam are still recommended, especially for applicants from schools that do not rank or provide grades. 
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL iBT) scores uploaded to ADEA PASS, for international applicants. We do not accept the IELTS test. A minimum TOEFL iBT test score of 92 is required for application consideration. TOEFL test scores taken more than 3 years before application date will not be accepted.
  • A curriculum vitae and a photograph of the applicant should be submitted directly to the residency program office at the address below.
  • Applicants who are permanent residents of the U.S. must provide a certified copy of both the front and back sides of their federal Green Card. All international students must provide their full legal name as it appears on immigration documents. Send copies directly to the program office, Attn: Shirley Kraft
  • Send a scanned copy of the following to the program office at
    • NBDE scores
    • GRE scores (if applicable)
    • TOEFL scores (if applicable)
    • ADAT scores (if applicable)
  • Application Fee of $75.00.  At this time we only accept checks or cashier’s checks. The check must be in U.S. dollars and must be issued by an American bank. Please make the check out to “Department of Periodontics” and send the check to the following address:

Angela A. Palaiologou-Gallis, DDS, MS
Graduate Program Director
Dept. of Periodontics - MSC 7894
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78229-3900

Phone: 210-567-3589
Fax: 210-567-3761
Email: or

Degree Requirements

A certificate in periodontics will be awarded upon the student’s successful completion of the prescribed periodontics curriculum with a minimum 3.0 GPA, recommendation of the program director to the Assistant Dean for Students and certification by the Dean to the President.

The Master of Science in Dental Science degree will be awarded upon the student’s successful completion of the designated courses in the sample plan of study below with a minimum 3.0 GPA, successful defense of M.S. thesis, award of a certificate in Periodontics, recommendation of the Committee on Graduate Studies and certification of the Faculty Council of the Graduate School to the President.

The M.S. in Dental Science degree will be awarded to students who successfully complete the certificate and the required courses in the Graduate School.

Sample Plan of Study

First Year
FallCredit Hours
GEND 5027Pain Control & Sedation3.5
PERI 5010Clinical Periodontics 12
PERI 5074Current Lit Seminar1
PERI 5031Periodontics Lecture Series 12
PERI 5073Literature Seminars 11
INTD 5013Perio/Pros/Endo/Orth Interdisciplinary Course 1 11
PATH 5035Oral Pathology 12
PERI 5052Surgical Anatomy 11
PROS 5050Dental Implantology 11
MSDS 5020Dental Biomed Core 1 14
MSDS 5090Grad Research Methodology 12
MSDS 5121Biostatistics 11
PATH 5030Oral Histopathology1
PERI 5074Current Lit Seminar1
PERI 5012Clinical Periodontics 11
PERI 5025Case Presentation Seminar0.5
PERI 5037Bone & Connective Tissue Biology0.5
PERI 5075Mock Boards0.5
PERI 6001Periodontic Practice Management0.5
INTD 5013Perio/Pros/Endo/Orth Interdisciplinary Course 1 11
PERI 5035Peri Lecture Series 11
PERI 5073Literature Seminars 11
MSDS 5021Dental Biomed Core 2 11
 Total Credit Hours: 30.5
Second Year
FallCredit Hours
ANES 6081Anesthesia Rotation1.5
PERI 6011Clinical Periodontics 23
PERI 6030Periodontic Lecture Series2
PERI 6073Literature Seminars1
INTD 6019Pharmacotherapeutics1
INTD 6014Perio/Pros/Endo/Orth Interdisciplinary Course 21
PATH 6026Graduate Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology - Clinicopathologic Conference 11
PERI 6020Emergency Care Seminar0.5
PERI 6025Case Presentation Seminar0.5
PERI 6070Supervised Teaching0.5
PERI 6050Periodontal Medicine1
PERI 6074Current Lit Seminar1
INTD 6014Perio/Pros/Endo/Orth Interdisciplinary Course 21
PATH 6027Graduate Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Clinicopathologic Conference 21
PERI 6001Periodontic Practice Management0.5
PERI 6020Emergency Care Seminar0.5
PERI 6009Clinical Periodontics 22
PERI 6025Case Presentation Seminar0.5
PERI 6033Peri Lecture Series1
PERI 6071Supervised Teaching0.5
PERI 6073Literature Seminars1
PERI 6074Current Lit Seminar1
PERI 6075Mock Boards0.5
 Total Credit Hours: 23.5
Third Year
FallCredit Hours
PERI 6012Clinical Periodontics 34.5
PERI 6031Periodontic Lecture Series2
PERI 6073Literature Seminars1
INTD 6115Perio/Pros/Endo/Ortho Interdisciplinary Course 31
PERI 6020Emergency Care Seminar0.5
PERI 6025Case Presentation Seminar0.5
PERI 6050Periodontal Medicine1
PERI 6072Supervised Teaching0.5
PERI 6074Current Lit Seminar1
INTD 6115Perio/Pros/Endo/Ortho Interdisciplinary Course 31
PERI 6025Case Presentation Seminar0.5
PERI 6016Clinical Periodontics 32
PERI 6036Peri Lecture Series1
PERI 6072Supervised Teaching0.5
PERI 6073Literature Seminars1
PERI 6074Current Lit Seminar1
PERI 6075Mock Boards0.5
 Total Credit Hours: 19.5

This course is shared with the certificate and the M.S. Dental Science. 

Objectives/Program Outcomes

The primary goal of the Periodontics Program is to produce outstanding clinical periodontists who engage in a broad scope of periodontal procedures and who are capable of engaging in research, teaching and leadership activities. We hope to produce the most well trained clinical periodontists coming out of residency programs in the U.S., so that they can offer the highest quality of care to their patients, provide for their families, and give back to the community and the profession.

Program Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate foundational didactic knowledge and insight in the biomedical sciences. 
  2. Demonstrate a high level of clinical skill in a comprehensive variety of periodontal and dental implant treatment modalities, as set out in CODA Standards for Accreditation of Advanced Education in Periodontics Programs.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of the scientific evidence in periodontology and surgical implant dentistry, including interpretation, analysis, and critical evaluation.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of and clinical skills in multidisciplinary patient care (prosthodontic, orthodontics, TMD, endodontics).
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of and clinical skills in methods of adjunctive anxiety and pain control including conscious sedation using intravenous, oral and inhalation routes. Emphasis will be placed on IV sedation.
  6. Program graduates will be able to obtain specialty board certification.
  7. Demonstrate professional/ethical behavior in all aspects of residency training and patient care.
  8. Develop an understanding of the scientific method, hypothesis testing and use of evidence based methodologies. Demonstrate active engagement in research leading to Master of Science degree by the conclusion of residency.

ANES 6081. Anesthesia Rotation. 1.5 Credit Hour.

Students rotate through the operating room and peri-operative patient areas of the hospital to evaluate patients undergoing general anesthesia and deep conscious sedation. The primary purposes of this clinical rotation are to allow the student to become comfortable with airway management and patient monitoring.

GEND 5027. Pain Control & Sedation. 3.5 Credit Hours.

The course is an in-depth, comprehensive assessment of pain control in dentistry. Beginning with neuroanatomy and pain, the course builds a valid foundation in basic science before advancing to a panoramic discussion of techniques in anxiety management and pain control. Behavioral management and conscious sedation techniques review are the major emphasis and are accompanied by demonstrations.

INTD 5013. Perio/Pros/Endo/Orth Interdisciplinary Course 1. 1 Credit Hour.

A seminar that brings together the residents and graduate staff from the periodontic, prosthodontic,endodontic and orthodontic postdoctoral programs to share clinically relevant multidisciplinary information. Patient diagnostic evaluations and treatment plans are evaluated in an interactive environment. Selected topics involving new advancements are presented and discussed.

INTD 6014. Perio/Pros/Endo/Orth Interdisciplinary Course 2. 1 Credit Hour.

This seminar brings together the residents and graduate staff from the periodontic, prosthodontic, endodontic and orthodontic postdoctoral programs to share clinically relevant multidisciplinary information. Patient diagnostic evaluations and treatment plans are evaluated in an interactive environment. Selected topics involving new advancements are presented and discussed.

INTD 6019. Pharmacotherapeutics. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is designed to review general principles of pharmacology; current and accepted pharmacotherapy for the medical management of pain, infection, and selected systemic diseases; and associated adverse drug events. It is based on the top 200 drugs dispensed by U.S. community pharmacies for the prevention, diagnosis, and/or treatment of disease with special reference to dentistry.

INTD 6115. Perio/Pros/Endo/Ortho Interdisciplinary Course 3. 1 Credit Hour.

This is a seminar that brings together the residents and graduate staff from the periodontic, prosthodontic, endodontic and orthodontics postdoctoral programs to share clinically relevant multidisciplinary information. Patient diagnostic evaluations and treatment plans are evaluated in an interactive environment. Selected topics involving new advancements are presented and discussed.

MSDS 5020. Dental Biomed Core 1. 4 Credit Hours.

The Biomedical Core Course will provide a multidisciplinary approach to basic science instruction as it relates to the clinical practice of dentistry. Both basic science and clinical science faculty will participate to provide a sound base of material required by each program. Individual programs will supplement the Biomedical Core Course in the basic science areas particular to that discipline. This combination of core instruction with individual supplementation should provide the advanced education student the appropriate background in biomedical science.

MSDS 5021. Dental Biomed Core 2. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is a continuation of MSDS 5020 Dental Biomedical Core Course 1.

MSDS 5090. Grad Research Methodology. 2 Credit Hours.

This course is an introduction to methods and techniques used in dental research. Topics will include basic assumptions and concepts of scientific research, selecting research topics, specifying objectives and hypotheses, literature reviews, and experimental design.

MSDS 5121. Biostatistics. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is designed to prepare the advanced education dentist with the knowledge of common statistical methods in order to critically evaluate the literature and to perform necessary analyses in support of their own research projects, particularly those directed at the completion of the Certificate from the Dental School and/or the Master of Science degree from the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

PATH 5030. Oral Histopathology. 1 Credit Hour.

The course will review the histopathologic features of oral diseases. Cases signed-out on the Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Biopsy Service will be discussed in a conference format utilizing a multiheaded microscope. Correlation of the histologic findings with the clinical and radiographic presentation of oral disease processes will be emphasized. Students will have the opportunity to learn the basis of surgical pathologic diagnosis and related ancillary special studies.

PATH 5035. Oral Pathology. 2 Credit Hours.

Clinicopathologic correlations, differential diagnosis, and therapeutic rationale are emphasized. The integration of history, physical findings, and clinical laboratory data with pertinent radiographic findings, clinical presentations, and anatomic pathology will be emphasized.

PATH 6026. Graduate Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology - Clinicopathologic Conference 1. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is presented in the first semester and consists of 16 one-hour sessions of instruction conducted as case conferences utilizing radiographic, histopathologic, and clinical projected glass slides and Kodachromes. Students present assigned literature reviews and cases emphasizing radiographic and histopathologic changes; discussions follow. Students include those from Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics, Endodontics, and Dental Diagnostic Sciences.

PATH 6027. Graduate Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Clinicopathologic Conference 2. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is a continuation of PATH 6026 Grad Oral/Maxillofacial Path 1. It is presented in the second semester and consists of 17 one-hour sessions of instruction conducted as case conferences utilizing radiographic, histopathologic, and clinical projected glass slides and Kodachromes. Students present assigned literature reviews and cases emphasizing radiographic and histopathologic changes; discussions follow. Students include those from Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics, Endodontics, and Dental Diagnostic Sciences. Prerequisite: PATH 6026.

PERI 5010. Clinical Periodontics 1. 2 Credit Hours.

Students have the opportunity to gain clinical experience as they treat patients in the postdoctoral clinic. Cases gradually increase in complexity and severity and include treatment of the medically compromised patient, implant cases, and interdisciplinary cases.

PERI 5012. Clinical Periodontics 1. 1 Credit Hour.

Students have the opportunity to gain clinical experience as they treat patients in the postdoctoral clinic. Cases gradually increase in complexity and severity and include treatment of the medically compromised patient, implant cases, and interdisciplinary cases.

PERI 5025. Case Presentation Seminar. 0.5 Credit Hours.

The course consists of presentation of clinical cases. Students have the opportunity to prepare to defend their approaches to therapy and gain experience in oral presentation of cases.

PERI 5031. Periodontics Lecture Series. 2 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to instruct the student in all aspects of periodontology. It is meant to be an adjunct to the PERI 6073 Literature Seminar. Topics dealing with basic science, pathobiology, and clinical and surgical aspects of periodontal disease will be discussed.

PERI 5035. Peri Lecture Series. 1.5 Credit Hour.

This course is designed to instruct the student in all aspects of periodontology. It is meant to be an adjunct to the PERI 6073 Literature Seminar. Topics dealing with basic science, pathobiology, and clinical and surgical aspects of periodontal disease will be discussed. Cross-listed/Concurrent: PERI 6030/6031.

PERI 5037. Bone & Connective Tissue Biology. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This course seeks to apply current principles of bone and periodontal ligament cell biology to our understanding of the development, maintenance, and repair of periodontal tissues and to the clinical management of pathology at the tooth supporting structures. Emphasis is placed on the basic cell and structural biology which provides the underlying rationale for current and experimental approaches to periodontal disease and therapies.

PERI 5052. Surgical Anatomy. 1 Credit Hour.

This course emphasizes the learning of the head and neck anatomy that is related directly to surgical procedures performed by periodontists and endodontists and the practice of prosthodontic dentistry. Anatomic structures related to implant placement receive special emphasis. Surgical complications related to anatomy are described. A prosection on human cadavers is presented with a strong emphasis on surgical anatomy.

PERI 5073. Literature Seminars. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is designed to familiarize the student with the historical and contemporary literature related to periodontics. The first-year course is concerned mainly with basic science literature while second- and third-year courses concentrate on the clinical literature. Students have the opportunity to evaluate the data in the literature, critique experimental design, abstract articles, critically evaluate research findings, and learn to use library resources.

PERI 5074. Current Lit Seminar. 1-5 Credit Hours.

Current periodontal literature published during the academic year is discussed in a seminar format.

PERI 5075. Mock Boards. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This course is a simulation of the exams given by the American Board of Periodontology. Students present their cases orally, with slides, to faculty examiners and take an oral examination.

PERI 6001. Periodontic Practice Management. 0.5 Credit Hours.

The objective of this course is to prepare the student for the business aspects of clinical practice. The student will be exposed to the banking finances, practical aspects of office management, matters relating to dental insurance, and the different types of practice.

PERI 6009. Clinical Periodontics 2. 2 Credit Hours.

Students have the opportunity to gain clinical experience as they treat patients in the postdoctoral clinic. Cases gradually increase in complexity and severity and include treatment of the medically compromised patient, implant cases and interdisciplinary cases.

PERI 6011. Clinical Periodontics 2. 3 Credit Hours.

Students have the opportunity to gain clinical experience as they treat patients in the postdoctoral clinic. Cases gradually increase in complexity and severity and include treatment of the medically compromised patient, implant cases, and interdisciplinary cases.

PERI 6012. Clinical Periodontics 3. 4.5 Credit Hours.

Students have the opportunity to gain clinical experience as they treat patients in the postdoctoral clinic. Cases gradually increase in complexity and severity and include treatment of the medically compromised patient, implant cases, and interdisciplinary cases.

PERI 6016. Clinical Periodontics 3. 2 Credit Hours.

Students have the opportunity to gain clinical experience as they treat patients in the postdoctoral clinic. Cases gradually increase in complexity and severity and include treatment of the medically compromised patient, implant cases, and interdisciplinary cases.

PERI 6020. Emergency Care Seminar. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This is a pragmatic course to familiarize the student with the medical emergencies that the clinician may incur while practicing dentistry. Major texts on the medically compromised patient are used as a guideline. The course is given in seminar format.

PERI 6025. Case Presentation Seminar. 0.5 Credit Hours.

The course consists of presentation of clinical cases. Students have the opportunity to prepare to defend their approaches to therapy and gain experience in oral presentation of cases.

PERI 6030. Periodontic Lecture Series. 2 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to instruct the student in all aspects of periodontology. It is meant to be an adjunct to the PERI 6073 Literature Seminar. Topics dealing with basic science, pathobiology, and clinical and surgical aspects of periodontal disease will be discussed.

PERI 6031. Periodontic Lecture Series. 2 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to instruct the student in all aspects of periodontology. It is meant to be an adjunct to the PERI 6073 Literature Seminar. Topics dealing with basic science, pathobiology, and clinical and surgical aspects of periodontal disease will be discussed.

PERI 6033. Peri Lecture Series. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is designed to instruct the student in all aspects of periodontology. It is meant to be an adjunct to the PERI 6073 Literature Seminar. Topics dealing with basic science, pathobiology, and clinical and surgical aspects of periodontal disease will be discussed. Concurrent: PERI 5031 and PERI 6031.

PERI 6036. Peri Lecture Series. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is designed to instruct the student in all aspects of periodontology. It is meant to be an adjunct to the PERI 6073 Literature Seminar. Topics dealing with basic science, pathobiology, and clinical and surgical aspects of periodontal disease will be discussed. Concurrent: PERI 5031 and PERI 6031.

PERI 6050. Periodontal Medicine. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is designed to establish the principles essential for problem-oriented evaluation of the dental patient. The intent is to discuss the diagnosis of selected common orally related primary and secondary mucocutaneous conditions and oral cancer and their management.

PERI 6070. Supervised Teaching. 0.5 Credit Hours.

Graduate students are assigned to the various clinics and classes for the opportunity to acquire experience in teaching pre-doctoral students and faculty members in a variety of situations. Supervision and evaluation of teaching performance are provided by the graduate faculty.

PERI 6071. Supervised Teaching. 0.5 Credit Hours.

Graduate students are assigned to the various clinics and classes for the opportunity to acquire experience in teaching pre-doctoral students and faculty members in a variety of situations. Supervision and evaluation of teaching performance are provided by the graduate faculty.

PERI 6072. Supervised Teaching. 0.5 Credit Hours.

Graduate students are assigned to the various clinics, laboratories, and classes for the opportunity to acquire experience in teaching undergraduate students in a variety of situations. Supervision and evaluation of teaching performance are provided by the graduate faculty.

PERI 6073. Literature Seminars. 1 Credit Hour.

This course is designed to familiarize the student with the historical and contemporary literature related to periodontics. The first-year course is concerned mainly with basic science literature while second- and third-year courses concentrate on the clinical literature. Students have the opportunity to evaluate the data in the literature, critique experimental design, abstract articles, critically evaluate research findings, and learn to use library resources.

PERI 6074. Current Lit Seminar. 0.5-5 Credit Hours.

Current periodontal literature published during the academic year is discussed in a seminar format.

PERI 6075. Mock Boards. 0.5 Credit Hours.

This course is a simulation of the exams given by the American Board of Periodontology. Students present their cases orally, with slides, to faculty examiners and take an oral examination.

PROS 5050. Dental Implantology. 1 Credit Hour.

This course offers graduate level students an introduction to the basics of the osseointegrated implant surgical and prosthetic technique. Lectures on advanced concepts of osseointegration therapy related to several implant systems are included.