Course Cross Enrollment Policy


It is the decision of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio to allow students to enroll in courses in other UT Health San Antonio schools/programs outside their home school/program, so long as: 1) students receive permission from both their home school/program and the school/program in which they plan to enroll by completing an official Cross-Enrollment Form, and  2) the course in which the student plans to enroll has start and stop dates that are consistent with the student’s home program of study start and stop dates. 


It is the responsibility of the schools/departments to advise students on which courses in other schools/programs will count toward their degree program. Further, individual curriculum committees within each school/program are charged with deciding which courses/programs will allow cross-enrollment. They also will be charged with informing the Office of the University Registrar which courses should be open for cross-enrollment and specifying for each course if there are any students who are to be given priority enrollment (for example, students in their final year of study).

Transcripts: If students sign up for a course outside of their home school/program, the course will be listed on their home career transcript. For example, if a nursing student takes a course in the School of Health Professions (SHP) while the student is an active student in the School of Nursing (SON), the SHP course will show on the same transcript as the student’s nursing courses.

Tuition and fees: 

  • Under state statute, students in the D.D.S. and M.D. programs can only be charged a flat, base tuition rate and will not be charged separately for cross-enrolled courses. Semester credit hour-based excludes D.D.S. and M.D. students.
  • Students will be charged tuition and fees (including such fees as the Medical Service fee and Fitness fee) based on their home/billing school/program rate regardless of what school/program has ownership of the course in question.
  • Course fees will be charged based on the course in question.
  • Students will be charged program fees (such as the education support fee in the School of Health Professions) for their home/billing school/program (if applicable) and may be charged the program fee of the schools/programs of courses in which they are cross-enrolled (if applicable), unless the impacted schools/programs agree to waive that fee.  If a school decides to waive program fees for cross-enrolled students, they are responsible for informing the Office of the Bursar in writing of their intent to waive these fees. Students should refer to the Cost of Attendance table on the Financial Aid Office's website for information about program fee waivers by school/program.
  • Financial aid can only be used for courses counting toward degree program completion. A curriculum committee approving a course for cross-enrollment and/or the signature of an administrator designated by the dean of the student’s home school/program on the Cross-Enrollment Form will serve as proof that the course is considered part of the student’s degree program for purposes of financial aid. It is the responsibility of the schools/departments to verify and certify that a course taken outside a student’s home career will count toward their degree.

Course Rosters: Cross-enrollment courses will be cross-listed in Canvas; however, faculty will have two separate grade rosters when issuing grades.

Courses Requiring Approval: Students must receive permission to enroll in a course offered outside their home school/program, if said course has not been pre-approved as an open-enrollment course.  Students can enroll, without receiving approval, in courses that are published in the catalog as pre-approved, open-enrollment courses in their home program’s plan of study.

Curriculum committees in the schools/program identify courses which will be open for cross-enrollment, designate them as approved, open-enrollment courses in the appropriate plans of study and publish them in the catalog. Students who desire to take a course that is not a pre-approved, open-enrollment course in their plan of study must request approval from both their home program and the receiving program following the process listed below.


Cross-enrollment refers to taking one or more courses in a health science center school/program that is not the same as the student’s home school/program.

Designated administrator/adviser is the person(s) designated by the school/program (sending or receiving) to approve the enrollment of students in a course that is outside their home school/program.


  1. Students complete the Cross-Enrollment Form and request approval from the designated administrator/adviser in their home school/program and the designated administrator/adviser in the receiving school/program.
  2. Student submits the completed Cross-Enrollment Form to the Office of the University Registrar.
  3. Staff in the Office of the University Registrar are notified if the start and stop dates of the cross-enrollment course in question fall outside the start and stop dates of the student’s home program/school. When dates of the course are not consistent with the student’s home program, the Office of the University Registrar, in consultation with the appropriately designated administrator(s) in the student’s home program/school, will make a determination on a case-by-case basis as to whether the student will be allowed to enroll in the course in question. Students who register outside of their home program/school will be required to follow the grading scheme approved by their home program/school. 
  4. Office of the University Registrar registers student for the course.