General Education Core Curriculum Policy

It is the policy of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio to evaluate all incoming students for completion of the Texas Core Curriculum who are not otherwise exempt. Pursuant to changes established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the health science center established a Core specific to the academic needs and interests of the health science center community. The core for the health science center includes a 42 semester credit hour core curriculum for all undergraduate students which includes six core objectives and common component areas implemented in fall 2014. The core curriculum facilitates the transfer of lower-division course credit among public colleges, universities, and health-related institutions throughout the state of Texas. General Education requirements completed at private and out-of-state institutions may not be equivalent of, may not fulfill the requirements of, and may not excuse students from completing the Texas Core Curriculum. Through the Texas Core Curriculum, students will gain a foundation of knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world, develop principles of personal and social responsibility for living in a diverse world, and advance intellectual and practical skills that are essential for all learning. The Texas Core Curriculum is listed below and may also be found on the website of the Office of the University Registrar, which includes the assessment plan for evaluating these foundational component areas for incoming applicants. 

Foundational Component Areas:

010 Communication6
The goal of the communications component of the Texas Core Curriculum is to develop students’ mastering in writing. Students must complete one course that requires them to learn to communicate effectively through the development of descriptive, expository, narrative and self-expressive writing. Students must also complete a second writing-intensive course that may have as its focus student expression in communication or may be directed to the basic genres of research-based scientific and technical writing.
Texas Core Objective:
The student will be able to write effectively using appropriate organization, mechanics, and style. Students will be able to construct effective written arguments. Students will be able to gather, incorporate, and interpret source materials in their writing.
020 Mathematics3
The goal of the mathematical component of the Texas Core Curriculum is to develop logical reasoning and inferences and the application of mathematical concepts.
Texas Core Objective:
Students will be able to apply basic mathematical methods to modeling and solving real world problems. Students will be able to formulate and interpret basic mathematical information, numerically, graphically, and symbolically.
030 Life and Physical Sciences12
The goal of the life and physical science component of the Texas Core Curriculum is to develop an appreciation of the intricacies of the natural world and to be able to describe and explain some of the basic principles of how the natural world functions. Each student must complete 12 credit hours of science courses, of which must have laboratory components.
Texas Core Objective:
Students will be able to describe laws, theories or finding basics to the science discipline. Students will be able to apply scientific laws and principles of the discipline to arrive at problem solutions. Students will be able to explain how experiments or observations validate or test scientific concepts.
040 Language, Philosophy & Culture3
The goal of the language, philosophy & culture of the Texas Core Curriculum is to examine a variety of literary philosophical and /or historical works drawn from the humanities and presented in an established context as examples of expressions of individual and human values. Students must complete at least one course that is representative of literature, philosophy, cultural studies, modern language, or classic language.
Texas Core Objective:
Students will be able to examine and analyze a variety of works from the humanities, particularly those connected to literature and philosophy. Students will be able to analyze and critically evaluate such works in the context of culture, society, and values as well as be able to compare and contrast the works with each other. Students will be able to apply considered analysis and respond to works in the humanities as examples of human expression and aesthetic and philosophical principles.
050 Creative Arts3
The goal of the creative arts of the Texas Core Curriculum is to expose and illuminate at least one and possibly multiple forms of artistic expression, including but not exclusive to the traditional areas of the performing and visual arts. Students must complete at least one course that is representative of one or more of the visual or performing arts.
Texas Core Objective:
Students will be able to examine and respond critically to a variety of artistic forms in at least one and possibly multiple forms of expression drawn from either the visual or performing arts or some combination thereof. Students will be able to demonstrate an appreciation for artistic expression and an ability to analyze specific works of art within a cultural or social context.
060 American History6
The goal of American history component of the Texas Core Curriculum is to develop students’ comprehension of the scope of American and/or Texas historical development through an examination of social, institutional, political, and cultural evolution over specified periods of time in the history of the United States and/or the State of Texas. Students must complete two courses that address the history of the United States or one that addresses the history of the United States and one course that addresses the history of the State of Texas.
Texas Core Objective:
Students will be able to identify, explain, and give examples of significant developments in American and/or Texas history over a defined span of time. Students will be able to examine and analyze historical development through knowledge of institutional, social, cultural, and political evolution and change over a defined span of time.
070 Government/Political Science6
The objective of the government component is to increase students’ comprehension of the history and evolution of political institutions, and the interrelationship between institutions such as executive and legislative; the role that political institutions play in the lives of citizens, and to demonstrate the relationship between citizens and political institutions including activities such as voting and interest group activity that provides awareness for citizen influence. Students must complete two courses that include consideration of the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the states, with special emphasis on the Texas constitution.
Texas Core Objective:
Students will be able to apply important theoretical and scholarly approaches to understanding state and national institutional behavior, citizen involvement and interaction between citizens and institutions of government. Students will be able to analyze and appreciate historical trends in development of government institutions and their constitutional foundations. Students will be able to identify, describe, and analyze various mechanisms of citizen political involvement.
080 Social and Behavior Sciences3
The goal of the social and behavioral science component of the Texas Core Curriculum is to increase student’s knowledge of how social and behavioral scientist describe, explain, and critically analyze the behaviors and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, cultures, events and ideas. Students must complete at least one course that is representative of the following social and behavioral science: anthropology, economics, geography, psychology, sociology or women’s studies.
Texas Core Objective:
Students will be able to describe major theoretical and scholarly approaches in the social/behavior science discipline. Students will be able to apply modes of critical thinking used in the social/behavior science discipline.
Total Credit Hours42